Does anyone here take the news seriously?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Not only is the MSM so biased that it has become a source of comic relief, alternative outlets like FNC and talk radio have become boringly repetitive purveyors of pablum just to fill up airspace.

I can hardly stand to read, watch or listen to any of them. How do you feel about them?
Not only is the MSM so biased that it has become a source of comic relief, alternative outlets like FNC and talk radio have become boringly repetitive purveyors of pablum just to fill up airspace.

I can hardly stand to read, watch or listen to any of them. How do you feel about them?

I'm right there with you, brother. Even the local news is full of lies and exaggerations. The way they reported on the arson that took place across the street from my house was outrageous. You can't believe anything they tell you.
Not only is the MSM so biased that it has become a source of comic relief, alternative outlets like FNC and talk radio have become boringly repetitive purveyors of pablum just to fill up airspace.

I can hardly stand to read, watch or listen to any of them. How do you feel about them?
I think they should all die of the Clap.
Not only is the MSM so biased that it has become a source of comic relief, alternative outlets like FNC and talk radio have become boringly repetitive purveyors of pablum just to fill up airspace.

I can hardly stand to read, watch or listen to any of them. How do you feel about them?

I agree. On the Left its pedantic obsession with the moment to moment existence of our President and tears over the latest anthill he's kicked over, and on the Right its come down to the dross of character assassination in the absence of second by second meaningful counter-content. The punditry is all about the messenger, ratings, subscribers, and ad revenues. No filter can screen out that level of day to day BS.
Media has become the mouth pieces for both of the major parties in the US. You look at CNN now and they are saying almost the opposite of what Faux says. I mean there was never a doubt about Faux being the GOPs mouthpiece but CNN used to at least try to appear objective. When I watch the news I want my biases challenged and validated.
Not only is the MSM so biased that it has become a source of comic relief, alternative outlets like FNC and talk radio have become boringly repetitive purveyors of pablum just to fill up airspace.

I can hardly stand to read, watch or listen to any of them. How do you feel about them?
Lol, the real news sure. Faux, infowars, that kinda crap? No way.
I guess you all can get your news from Russia Today.

Real news is not for Trumper snowflakes.
I think most folks want to blame the news for what they don't understand ,or can't accept

The Orange Idiot takes his news very seriously.

‘WASHINGTON — On the first couple’s recent trip overseas, Melania Trump’s television aboard Air Force One was tuned to CNN. President Trump was not pleased.

He raged at his staff for violating a rule that the White House entourage should begin each trip tuned to Fox — his preferred network over what he considers the “fake news” CNN — and caused “a bit of a stir” aboard Air Force One, according to an email obtained by The New York Times. The email, an internal exchange between officials in the White House Military Office and the White House Communications Agency last Thursday, also called for the ordering of two additional televisions to support Beam, a TiVo-like streaming device, to make sure the president and first lady could both watch TV in their separate hotel rooms when they travel.
The channel-flipping flap was the latest example of how Mr. Trump, at a pivotal moment in his presidency, is increasingly living in a world of selected information and bending the truth to his own narrative. As his aides work to keep him insulated from the outside world, Mr. Trump is doubling down in his efforts to tell supporters to trust him over the words of critics and news reports.’
When we lived in suburban Chicago I liked to read the coverage of the same stories, mostly local, reported by the Sun Times and Tribune newspapers. Often the differences, discrepancies, and whatnot were remarkable. How much was on purpose or just lousy journalism is anyone’s guess.
I think most folks want to blame the news for what they don't understand ,or can't accept

I blame the news for inflaming Americans, on both sides. Much of the MSM is all about inflaming these days, not informing. It is about making money after all.

I don't waste my time with it, most days. I do occasionally watch the DNC news networks and get a good laugh at the absurdity they report.
Not only is the MSM so biased that it has become a source of comic relief, alternative outlets like FNC and talk radio have become boringly repetitive purveyors of pablum just to fill up airspace.

I can hardly stand to read, watch or listen to any of them. How do you feel about them?
We should ALL review as many “legitimate” (relatively speaking) sources as we have time for, and compare stories for consistency & evidence, and then THINK FOR OURSELVES using our rational brains, NOT emotions based on biased upbringing.
I think most folks want to blame the news for what they don't understand ,or can't accept


I presume that you feel these journalists are smarter and more honest than you are. I don't.
We should ALL review as many “legitimate” (relatively speaking) sources as we have time for, and compare stories for consistency & evidence

I have practiced that approach for a long time, but the current state of "the news" is so debased that it is of little informational value. Virtually every story misrepresents or omits facts that are necessary to an informed opinion. As a result, I have to rely more on personal historical knowledge and rational extrapolation to assess current events and policies.
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Media has become the mouth pieces for both of the major parties in the US. You look at CNN now and they are saying almost the opposite of what Faux says. I mean there was never a doubt about Faux being the GOPs mouthpiece but CNN used to at least try to appear objective. When I watch the news I want my biases challenged and validated.

"....but CNN used to at least try to appear objective...." You're thinking of the Cartoon Network
Not only is the MSM so biased that it has become a source of comic relief, alternative outlets like FNC and talk radio have become boringly repetitive purveyors of pablum just to fill up airspace.

I can hardly stand to read, watch or listen to any of them. How do you feel about them?
All TV cable news is about Party favoritism and entertainment. Even before Donald Trump was elected, that was the case but it is far more heated now.
I think most folks want to blame the news for what they don't understand ,or can't accept


I presume that you feel these journalists are smarter and more honest than you are. I don't.
I'm a bluecollar redneck woodie, just about everytones 'smarter' than i am

I just spend a lotta time out in farmland, used to the smell of fertilizer(s)

I think most folks want to blame the news for what they don't understand ,or can't accept

I blame the news for inflaming Americans, on both sides. Much of the MSM is all about inflaming these days, not informing. It is about making money after all.

I don't waste my time with it, most days. I do occasionally watch the DNC news networks and get a good laugh at the absurdity they report.

back atcha Gip

i laugh too, don't let it get to me

the 411 is always out there anyways


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