Does anyone find it ironic that on the 4th of July.....

...we're celebrating "Independence Day" all while living in a radical tyrannical left-wing police state? I do.
We are indeed independent, every person at liberty to voice his opinions has he sees fit, including the right to express ridiculous lies as does the OP.

We aren't even free to buy the light bulbs we prefer. Only a fool believes we are still a free country.
sure you are. go to a store and pick out what you want.

I want a 250 watt incandescent bulb. Where do I get that?
...we're celebrating "Independence Day" all while living in a radical tyrannical left-wing police state? I do.
We are indeed independent, every person at liberty to voice his opinions has he sees fit, including the right to express ridiculous lies as does the OP.

We aren't even free to buy the light bulbs we prefer. Only a fool believes we are still a free country.
sure you are. go to a store and pick out what you want.

I want a 250 watt incandescent bulb. Where do I get that?
Walmart, Lowes
...we're celebrating "Independence Day" all while living in a radical tyrannical left-wing police state? I do.
We are indeed independent, every person at liberty to voice his opinions has he sees fit, including the right to express ridiculous lies as does the OP.

We aren't even free to buy the light bulbs we prefer. Only a fool believes we are still a free country.
sure you are. go to a store and pick out what you want.

I want a 250 watt incandescent bulb. Where do I get that?
Walmart, Lowes

Nope. You can't buy them anymore.
Anyone who believes we are as free or more so than ever before is either of a very low IQ or simply cannot grasp what these three words mean; Freedom, Liberty, Rights.
We used to be able to order just about everything from a national catalog - even handguns, rifles and shotguns. We used to be able to talk smack about politicians in their presence. We used to be able to get a book at the library that taught you how to get that stump out of your field. We used to be able to ride a motorcycle without a helmet or drive a car without seatbelts. Kids used to be able to sell cookies and lemonade from a sidewalk stand. We used to be able to get on a plane without being strip searched. We used to be able to drive anywhere in the USA without being stopped by the border patrol. We used to be able to go to a movie theater and not have to worry about getting killed. (we used to be able to carry a gun anyplace in the state or surrounding states without breaking a single law.)
Anyone who believes we are as free or more so than ever before is either of a very low IQ or simply cannot grasp what these three words mean; Freedom, Liberty, Rights.
We used to be able to order just about everything from a national catalog - even handguns, rifles and shotguns. We used to be able to talk smack about politicians in their presence. We used to be able to get a book at the library that taught you how to get that stump out of your field. We used to be able to ride a motorcycle without a helmet or drive a car without seatbelts. Kids used to be able to sell cookies and lemonade from a sidewalk stand. We used to be able to get on a plane without being strip searched. We used to be able to drive anywhere in the USA without being stopped by the border patrol. We used to be able to go to a movie theater and not have to worry about getting killed. (we used to be able to carry a gun anyplace in the state or surrounding states without breaking a single law.)

The Boiling Frog Syndrome

We are indeed independent, every person at liberty to voice his opinions has he sees fit, including the right to express ridiculous lies as does the OP.

We aren't even free to buy the light bulbs we prefer. Only a fool believes we are still a free country.
sure you are. go to a store and pick out what you want.

I want a 250 watt incandescent bulb. Where do I get that?
Walmart, Lowes

Nope. You can't buy them anymore.
Just bought a box of 24 - 75W bulbs at a Walmart. But they're getting hard to find.
political virtue, I wrote, which you chopped.

Stop the libertarian whining. Libertarianism is anti-virtue.
Makes no difference. The virtue of people reflects their political decisions. So there, the result is the same.
Let me get this straight, the condemnation of lying, of abandonment of principle for profit, of attacking fellow citizens' beliefs and of buying votes is libertarian whining? You must have some good shit to burn clouding your ability to make sound judgement.
Libertarianism is not political virtue. Don't even try that nonsense.
Apparently lying is a virtue to you, therefore you are a liar. You just proved that you condone lying, having no principle and prefer living on handouts from your owners in lieu of parroting nonsense according to their commands.
defcon, I am not going to discuss the moral character of the flip side of communism, your false belief in libertarianism. Attack me all you want; I don't care, son. I think of libertarians and would treat them politically as I would a Lenin, a Trotsky, a Stalin, a Khrushchev: oppose them with all of ability and heart and soul.
Cite any Federal law, any state measure, or any local ordinance that subjects its citizens to punitive measures through force of law for speaking in a manner any government opposes.

On this very forum citizens engage in the most heinous hate speech, express the most vile animosity toward the president, and display symbols of racism and secession with complete impunity.

Nowhere else in the world is there such a Nation as ours, a people more free, their liberty more secure.

I can cite you the agencies....
If you are talking about LEO, GG, let me inform you that terroristic speech is not protected political speech.
What a lame and truly inaccurate post and bunch of rhetoric.
Continue on with your drooling and salivating over your masters....multi-national corporations.
Well, to be flatly honest, we lost most of our independence when certain events transpired on the morning of January 20, 1989

Oh, you are so correct, but it even goes back further than that, like December 24th, 1913.

Goes back further than that....Lincoln had no problem running a police state.
AL's security services were not sophisticated enough to make the USA a police state. But his use of the military to ensure his will certainly made it an authoritarian government. Go to prison or get sent to the South in exile.
There was far more tyranny in the small towns and larger cities of America then in the past than now.

The danger is letting a bigger government getting away from us now. That will depend on the political virtue of the citizens.

It's already gotten away from us, the question is it possible to pull it back in. When so many applaud the lawlessness of the dear leader I sincerely doubt it.
...we're celebrating "Independence Day" all while living in a radical tyrannical left-wing police state? I do.

Drama queen

I once dated a Drama Queen and her shower Curtains even had the words Drama Queen on them, and she was nothing like the OP'er and feel it would be insulting her to group the OP'er with her...

I believe those that see tyranny need to walk outside and get some fresh air because the basement they are in is causing them to see things that are not real...

Right, pulling hundreds of families out of their homes at gun point and conducting warrantless searches couldn't possibly considered tyranny.

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