Does America really care about Terror Interogations?

I normally do not post to political message boards, but since the boards I usually are active on don't like political discussions I will post here. I keep seeing stories on the news about Terror Interrogation probes. The premise seems to be that under the Bush administration, laws were broken in regards to the method they used in interrogating terror suspects.

Regardless of whether laws were broken or not (some probably were), I am wondering if the average American is really passionate about this topic. After all, since September 11th Terrorists have not been high in the popularity charts.

I am afraid that the Democratic party might be misscalculating this... There are so many topics we could be focusing on, like ciminal acts by Corporate America (Halliburton) that people are more Passionate about.


If they are not a US citizen then all I am worried about are the results. There is a simple fact in life, some people only truly understand you, when you get down to their level. Frankly a wild animal is more responsive to give and take communication than most humans are.
This is not a Bush/Obama issue. Obama doesn't want to go there, he inherited Rendition and EIT and it doesn't look like he's dismantling them, he's keeping them. Do you really want the executive to keep stepping farther and farther out of its purview?

Holder is doing what he thinks is correct. Obama has nothing to do with it and wishes Holder hadn't started down this path. But Obama can't do anything about it. The Justice Dept. is not beholden to the WH.
This is not a Bush/Obama issue. Obama doesn't want to go there, he inherited Rendition and EIT and it doesn't look like he's dismantling them, he's keeping them. Do you really want the executive to keep stepping farther and farther out of its purview?

Holder is doing what he thinks is correct. Obama has nothing to do with it and wishes Holder hadn't started down this path. But Obama can't do anything about it. The Justice Dept. is not beholden to the WH.

I also do believe part of why Holder is stepping in is to head Congress off at the pass from holding its own "investigation" and screwing it up royally. I personally believe it's too little, too late and at this specific time maybe worse than not at all. But anything Holder does will be 1,000% better than anything Congress decides to parade in front of the cameras.

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