Documented Arab Invasion of "Palestine":

I see that the facts disturb you. LOL

I see that the top half of the page disturbs you' that's why you avoided posting the link and that's why the Moooslem site you copied it from carried only half. So you're still a fraud and a false propagandist :



Table l a (contd.).
Individual and company investments :

Arab owned Jewish owned Other (incl. Arab).

Government investments : Total assets :

Arab owned Jewish owned

Other (incl. Government, military, etc.).

£ P . millions

0.8 4.2 —


39.3 61.7


. P £


5.0 3.6


Keep lying.
The interesting thing about these brain washed Zionazis, is that they will, by hook or by crook, try to deflect in order to not accept the facts. The document is known by all historians, they know where the information is, and the bozos here keep trying to claim that it doesn't exist.
The interesting thing about these brain washed Zionazis, is that they will, by hook or by crook, try to deflect in order to not accept the facts. The document is known by all historians, they know where the information is, and the bozos here keep trying to claim that it doesn't exist.
Nope, you and your cohorts cut the document in half intentionally, to avoid showing Jewish investments and proving their roots by once again rebuilding the land, while Arabs were sitting on their squatting invading butts. Anybody who scrolls to page 566 can see what you guys did.
I guess you don't get it. Spartans were great warrior nation, who despite overwhelming odds against them in numbers, were able to defend their nation from considerable invading armies. Israelis are the same.

Until they were crushed by Thebans at Leuctra and Mantinea. With their policies of inbreeding and slaughtering their own children, their population declined until their Helot slaves outnumbered them and the Spartan state was "erased from the map of history". Lets hope that Zionist JSIL goes the same way.
The interesting thing about these brain washed Zionazis, is that they will, by hook or by crook, try to deflect in order to not accept the facts. The document is known by all historians, they know where the information is, and the bozos here keep trying to claim that it doesn't exist.

This is just another "Wrong again Rude-ee" trolling thread, nothing to see or do here.
Until they were crushed by Thebans at Leuctra and Mantinea. With their policies of inbreeding and slaughtering their own children, their population declined until their Helot slaves outnumbered them and the Spartan state was "erased from the map of history". Lets hope that Zionist JSIL goes the same way.
What deranged imam's sermon was that?
The interesting thing about these brain washed Zionazis, is that they will, by hook or by crook, try to deflect in order to not accept the facts. The document is known by all historians, they know where the information is, and the bozos here keep trying to claim that it doesn't exist.
Nope, you and your cohorts cut the document in half intentionally, to avoid showing Jewish investments and proving their roots by once again rebuilding the land, while Arabs were sitting on their squatting invading butts. Anybody who scrolls to page 566 can see what you guys did.

What do investments have to do with land ownership? The Rothschilds sent a lot of money to Palestine, to buy land among other things, so what? Why would one insert a table regarding investments in a discussion regarding land ownership? You people are out of your minds.

If one buys an acre of land it is recorded as an investment for the period of time being evaluated. If one already owns an acre from before the start of the period of evaluation, it is not an investment.

Nothing strange about that you loons.
What do investments have to do with land ownership? The Rothschilds sent a lot of money to Palestine, to buy land among other things, so what? Why would one insert a table regarding investments in a discussion regarding land ownership? You people are out of your minds. If one buys an acre of land it is recorded as an investment for the period of time being evaluated. If one already owns an acre from before the start of the period of evaluation, it is not an investment. Nothing strange about that you loons.
Ah! Tall tales about major arab immigrant settlers&squatters who got to be "saudi sheiks" to own(!) 90%(!) of the mandate palestine yet again!
The interesting thing about these brain washed Zionazis, is that they will, by hook or by crook, try to deflect in order to not accept the facts. The document is known by all historians, they know where the information is, and the bozos here keep trying to claim that it doesn't exist.

Tabl e l a (contd.).
£P. millions £P. millions
Individual and company investments :
Arab owned 0.8
Jewish owned 4.2
Other (incl. Arab). — 5.0
Government investments : 3.6 3.6
Total assets :
Arab owned 39.3
Jewish owned 61.7
Other (incl. Government,
military, etc.). 13.7 114.7
The interesting thing about these brain washed Zionazis, is that they will, by hook or by crook, try to deflect in order to not accept the facts. The document is known by all historians, they know where the information is, and the bozos here keep trying to claim that it doesn't exist.
Nope, you and your cohorts cut the document in half intentionally, to avoid showing Jewish investments and proving their roots by once again rebuilding the land, while Arabs were sitting on their squatting invading butts. Anybody who scrolls to page 566 can see what you guys did.

What do investments have to do with land ownership? The Rothschilds sent a lot of money to Palestine, to buy land among other things, so what? Why would one insert a table regarding investments in a discussion regarding land ownership? You people are out of your minds.

If one buys an acre of land it is recorded as an investment for the period of time being evaluated. If one already owns an acre from before the start of the period of evaluation, it is not an investment.

Nothing strange about that you loons.

Yawn. Then why chop that part of the page? It was the Jewish commitment to rebuilding the land that attracted the hoards of Arab legal and illegal migrants, as noted and documented by the British officials.

Churchill said it best:

It is manifestly right that the scattered Jews should have a national centre, and a national home to be re-united, and where else but in Palestine, with which for three thousand years they have been intimately and profoundly associated?

Winston Churchill Visiting Palestine in 1921
We think it will be good for the world, good for the Jews, good for the British Empire, but also good for the Arabs who dwell in Palestine...they shall share in the benefits and progress of Zionism.

I am told the Arabs would have done it for themselves. Who is going to believe that? Left to themselves, the Arabs of Palestine would not in a thousand years have taken effective steps toward the irrigation and electrification of Palestine. They would have been quite content to dwell--a handful of philosophic people-- in the sun-scorched plains, letting the waters of the Jordan contine to flow unbridled and unharnessed into the Dead Sea.'
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Well since it is on page 566 (volume 2), you would not have found it. Sheesh, what a dope you are. You have to download volume 2 as well you moron.

Well pardon me all to hell, Monti. While we have been asking for a direct link, we totally forgot how much "smarter you are". But find it I did. Interesting info in Table 1a though . . . . .

You know, I thought it was customary when trying to prove a point here on this board that you source could be found easily . . . . but I guess since you are so much "smarter" you do not have to . . .
I see that the top half of the page disturbs you' that's why you avoided posting the link and that's why the Moooslem site you copied it from carried only half. So you're still a fraud and a false propagandist..

Showing Jewish owned company and investments five times higher than Arabs. No wonder you kept trying to hide it. It means Jews had stronger roots and more investment in building the land than the invading Arab squatters. Moreover the fact that the Jews were rebuilding the land and making it more prosperous is exactly why the illegal Arab invaders kept coming in greater numbers. Which fits exactly into why the British officials were reporting a massive illegalArab invasion.

Thanks for proving us right! Checkmate. Ha ha ha.

I'm going to try to post it better . . . .
So here is Table 1a, from Monti's document that he draws like a gun in an old west gunfight:

They show with clarity how much more money the Israelis had invested in Israel than the Arabs at that time.

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