Doctors Quitting - Wonderful

can you blame them?

Nope! They didn't go to school for 11 to 15 years to be dictated to by the government, for their patients healthcare.....

Yeah, who thought these doctors were in it for the health care of people? How dare Obama try to give them the opportunity to help more people!! That damn socialist!!

Insure they will appreciate the opportunity to do more for less, with a corresponding increase in liability. Makes perfect sense. Has vidi invited you to take a ride on his uuuuuuuuuuunicorn?
can you blame them?

Nope! They didn't go to school for 11 to 15 years to be dictated to by the government, for their patients healthcare.....

Yeah, who thought these doctors were in it for the health care of people? How dare Obama try to give them the opportunity to help more people!! That damn socialist!!

Im sure they will appreciate the opportunity to do more for less, with a corresponding increase in liability. Makes perfect sense. Has vidi invited you to take a ride on his uuuuuuuuuuunicorn?
It is sure money,, he will no longer have to wait for the government to decide to pay him and under ACA, he and other Dr.s will have to wait for approval of their money from ACA.

Being a private practitioner of medicine holds a lot of liability these days. He no longer has to carry a huge amount of malpractice insurance

Geez some of you can't think no further than the end of your own noses

Can you please cite the provision in the ACA that the government is the one that pays them and that the government is the one that decides to pay him? Thanks in advance!

Have you ever read the bill shit for Brains, one of the ways they cover all the uninsured now, is by Asking the States to Expand access to MC. You do know who pays for MC right?

Wow I mean you guys run around like Experts on the ACA, and do not even understand the basics of it.
Well , I asked a fucking question. Secondly shit for brains not everyone who is uninsured will qualify for MC, and yeah the states will pay for MC. That certainly IS NOT "the government" paying for everyone's health care, now is it?
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I have said it time and time again, and I will again now. I am no supporter of Single Payer, but God Damn it that would be an Improvement on this Nonsensical Patch Work bill that will fail to cover everyone, Fail to lower costs, and NOT FAIL to massive increase Federal and State Spending.

And I see single payer as the only way to truly protect the rights of every America citizen. So I am against the ACA as it is currently.

The problem is, I see all these people posting things that are absolutely untrue and am forced to defend the facts when I dont want to defend the law itself.

Which rights are those??
Bullshit story ? You think the whole survey was fabricated ? Doctors do not want to wade through government bureacracy, Obamacare is only going to increase that. Just wait and see.


The Health Insurance industry is a HUGE bureacracy. The ACA by limiting the amount insurance companies can keep for themselves, the profit motive is now for them to decrease the bureacracy.

My wife works for one of the major ones in MN and theyve been working to streamline thier plans and how to get doctors through the system quicker for the last six months anticipating the implimentation of the ACA.

Wow. The ACA is going to lead to decreased bureaucracy. Uuuuuuuuuunicorns.......

Within the Health Insurance companies themselves its already begun. Like Ive said,my wife works for a major health insurer here in MN and her company is working furiously to decrease its own bureacracy in order to decrease costs so they can remain profitable within their accepted margins.

Now, it will NOT decrease government bureacracy. But government bureacracy will not effect health care costs themselves.
I have said it time and time again, and I will again now. I am no supporter of Single Payer, but God Damn it that would be an Improvement on this Nonsensical Patch Work bill that will fail to cover everyone, Fail to lower costs, and NOT FAIL to massive increase Federal and State Spending.

And I see single payer as the only way to truly protect the rights of every America citizen. So I am against the ACA as it is currently.

The problem is, I see all these people posting things that are absolutely untrue and am forced to defend the facts when I dont want to defend the law itself.

Which rights are those??

The inalienable ones. like Life
I have said it time and time again, and I will again now. I am no supporter of Single Payer, but God Damn it that would be an Improvement on this Nonsensical Patch Work bill that will fail to cover everyone, Fail to lower costs, and NOT FAIL to massive increase Federal and State Spending.

And I see single payer as the only way to truly protect the rights of every America citizen. So I am against the ACA as it is currently.

The problem is, I see all these people posting things that are absolutely untrue and am forced to defend the facts when I dont want to defend the law itself.

I agree! ACA is better than nothing, but it really got watered down prior to passage.

SINGLE-PAYER is the only logical way to go! However, I doubt special interests will allow that to happen in my lifetime.
"Truth" and "Politifact" should never be place in the same reply box together

Why, is there something on that page that you want to refute? What's "false" on that link?

PolitiFact | Health Care statements

Anyone with a single spark of brain activity is aware of how slanted Politifact is.

But I'll start with the second one on the linked page:
Is it true or false that the IRS is the primary enforcer of the ACA Mandate?
That is placing a government entity between me and my care.

So anything with the word "fact" in it is invalid? Factcheck is "bad" and now Politifact is "bad"?
Is the IRS going to dictate what kind of care you get from your doctor? Come on! :lol:
I'm not in favor of the mandate, but at least lets discuss it in a rational and honest manner.
doesn't make a difference... Here are studies and please find fault with it being right winged!!

The experts, 'physicians" in a study said:
(90%) Ninety percent of 1,231 physicians.. surveyed said
"doctors overtest and overtreat to protect themselves from malpractice lawsuits.
"Defensive medicine is when doctors order multiple tests, MRIs and other procedures, not because
the patient needs them, but to protect against litigation based on allegations that something should
have been done but wasn’t according to the survey published Monday in Archives of Internal Medicine.
Besides more time-consuming appointments, patients are left with fewer services and less access to
quality care as doctors either narrow their practices or leave the profession entirely."

In a recent Gallup survey, physicians attributed
34 percent of overall healthcare costs to defensive medicine
and 21 percent of their practice to be defensive in nature.

Specifically, they estimated that 35 percent of diagnostic tests,
29 percent of lab tests, 19 percent of hospitalizations,
14 percent of prescriptions, and 8 percent of surgeries were performed to avoid lawsuits.
Liability reform has been estimated to result in anywhere from a 5 percent to a 34 percent reduction in medical expenditures by reducing defensive medicine practices, with
estimates of savings from $54 billion to $650 billion.

The costs of defensive medicine

We've already been over this. Doctors "over test" and "over treat" to as nothing more than a means of upselling their customers and maximize their revenues. It's no different than the eye doctor's office trying to sell you more expensive lens options.

Tech: Would you like to add UV protection?
You: No thanks.
Tech: But UV is bad for your eyes.
You: They're just reading glasses.
Tech: But don't you drive?
You: I don't need them for driving, and can wear sunglasses if I want.
Tech: Do you use a computer?
You: Sure, at work.
Tech: Computer screens give off UV light.
You: I don't actually read anything on the computer, I just play minesweeper. And I wear sunglasses for that too.
Tech: You know, studies have shown that light bulbs give off UV light, books are bad for your eyes.
Tech: So no to the UV protection.
You: Thank you.
One last point to those who keep saying the ACA wont cause the Government to spend more on peoples Health Care.

Not only does it expand MC,

But what about those 4000 Dollar Tax Credits to people and all the Tax Credits to Businesses to Buy or offer insurance.

You do know a Tax Credit is not just a Deductions from Taxable income, It's a CREDIT, they give you money.

How much is that going to cost the Tax Payer?
It is sure money,, he will no longer have to wait for the government to decide to pay him and under ACA, he and other Dr.s will have to wait for approval of their money from ACA.

Being a private practitioner of medicine holds a lot of liability these days. He no longer has to carry a huge amount of malpractice insurance

Geez some of you can't think no further than the end of your own noses

Can you please cite the provision in the ACA that the government is the one that pays them and that the government is the one that decides to pay him? Thanks in advance!

Look it up yourself... its in the 2000 pages somewhere!!

LOL, nice dance around the issue. :lol:
And I see single payer as the only way to truly protect the rights of every America citizen. So I am against the ACA as it is currently.

The problem is, I see all these people posting things that are absolutely untrue and am forced to defend the facts when I dont want to defend the law itself.

Which rights are those??

The inalienable ones. like Life

Citing that as a source, wouldn't that give the Fed the capability of "taxing" me if I don't buy broccoli?

Our government's job is to protect my inalienable rights. On that we agree.

The way they should protect them is the difference.
They should protect my right to life by prosecuting those that would try to take it.
Not by funding an effort to extend it, according to their standards.
Some doctors will quit and some doctors will quit taking insurance thus only cater to the rich like the lawmakers that passed Obamacare....kinda like the USSR where the best doctors saw the scum like Stalin while the average person on the street stood in line for toilet paper.
Why, is there something on that page that you want to refute? What's "false" on that link?

PolitiFact | Health Care statements

Anyone with a single spark of brain activity is aware of how slanted Politifact is.

But I'll start with the second one on the linked page:
Is it true or false that the IRS is the primary enforcer of the ACA Mandate?
That is placing a government entity between me and my care.

So anything with the word "fact" in it is invalid? Factcheck is "bad" and now Politifact is "bad"?
Is the IRS going to dictate what kind of care you get from your doctor? Come on! :lol:
I'm not in favor of the mandate, but at least lets discuss it in a rational and honest manner.

Actually, I like FactCheck.

the IRS is going to dictate what level of coverage I can afford, thereby determining the quality of care I receive.
Different things. Enterprising people always find a way.

What can a person who spent years in Medical school and residency do and then some years as a doctor do that won't be affected by "Obamacare"? What about it makes them want to quit, a steady flow of clients and money?

Lower reimbursements, patient overLoads, and massive liability are a few minor Reasons....

Thanks for one of the few sane answers and reasons! In my opinion the above reason are projections that may or may not be realized.
Anyone with a single spark of brain activity is aware of how slanted Politifact is.

But I'll start with the second one on the linked page:
Is it true or false that the IRS is the primary enforcer of the ACA Mandate?
That is placing a government entity between me and my care.

So anything with the word "fact" in it is invalid? Factcheck is "bad" and now Politifact is "bad"?
Is the IRS going to dictate what kind of care you get from your doctor? Come on! :lol:
I'm not in favor of the mandate, but at least lets discuss it in a rational and honest manner.

Actually, I like FactCheck.

the IRS is going to dictate what level of coverage I can afford, thereby determining the quality of care I receive.

Hence the need for so many new agents.

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