Doctors challenge Trump’s transgender ban in the military policy


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

A new Trump administration regulation set to go into effect Friday directs military secretaries to kick out transgender service members who refuse to serve in their birth sex and "given an opportunity to correct those deficiencies."

The Pentagon says its use of the word deficiencies refers to failing to meet military standards and does not refer to identifying with another gender.

The policy requires transgender troops to adhere to their biological sex.

4 Yoog Problems

The cross dressing men in the military want the the taxpayers to pay for their sex change operation and hormone medication

Gender confused men living in the Women’s barracks violates Women’s privacy rights

Putting Transgender women in the Men’s barracks is dangerous.

Gender confusion is a mental disorder that disqualifies military service.
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A new Trump administration regulation set to go into effect Friday directs military secretaries to kick out transgender service members who refuse to serve in their birth sex and "given an opportunity to correct those deficiencies."

The Pentagon says its use of the word deficiencies refers to failing to meet military standards and does not refer to identifying with another gender.

The policy requires transgender troops to adhere to their biological sex.

4 Yoog Problems

The cross dressing men in the military want the the taxpayers to pay for their sex change operation and hormone medication

Gender confused men living in the Women’s barracks violates Women’s privacy rights

Putting Transgender women in the Men’s barracks is dangerous.

Gender confusion is a mental disorder that disqualifies military service.
/----/ Bunch of sick perverts.
ok--sure--we need more insane Bradley Mannings to steal government secrets
...tranny's would get harassed big time

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