Doctor religious exemption hypothetical.

Same question wrapped up differently....

The Dr works for the hospital... and has ZERO right to refuse medical aid to anyone for ANY reason....regardless of what god he bows to.

The DR's job.. of which he is paid to preform.. is to treat patients who walk through the door. If he has a problem with that for what ever reason...he needs to get out of medicine and start a private practice where he can roll chicken bones at people to save them.

On that note, do you think physicians have the right to object to providing emergency contraception?


"What in the hell is 'emergency contraception"?

Can't imagine what that would be. Emergency? This will be funny to hear.
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Your first two examples are not credible sources and provide very little information. Can't tell context nor can we see if anything at all was done in the way of repercussions.

Your third example was a doctor who refused infertility treatments to a gay couple. That is not a life or death situation and a doctor in that case should be allowed to refuse treatment to anyone he chooses. The couple can easily choose another fertility specialist.

Sorry, you fail.

Wow. What a pussy. Seriously? That's all you got? The bill introduced by the GOP would allow medical professionals and companies to refuse to perform anything they found "morally objectionable". These are examples of things that DID happen (I love the whackjobs who dodge a point by saying "I don't like the source!" Libs do it with Newsmax or whatever, Conservs do it with anything else) before such a law was even passed.
It is a logical progression that if the law were passed, more instances of refusing treatment based on moral objection would occur - otherwise, why pass a law.

So dodge, change the subject, claim "nothing to see here" or cut & Run. Some day when you grow a pair, want to man up and directly address issues that way I do, just let me know.
In the meantime, you, The T and others can continue to run from the topic! That's funny!

And you can't read or count either.
You still fail for the exact same reasons. Deal with it.

Ah. Another member of the weak bltches club! How lovely. Do you guys have a treehouse or something?
the claim is that no blacks have ever gone untreated by white doctors? LOL! Okay.
That no gay has ever been discriminated against by medical professionals? LOL! You betcha!
Oh, and that the GOP didn't introduce a bill with the specific language "religious or morally objectionable reasons" for refusing medical treatment or drugs.

None of you guys are MENSA members, are ya? :lol:
Wow. What a pussy. Seriously? That's all you got? The bill introduced by the GOP would allow medical professionals and companies to refuse to perform anything they found "morally objectionable". These are examples of things that DID happen (I love the whackjobs who dodge a point by saying "I don't like the source!" Libs do it with Newsmax or whatever, Conservs do it with anything else) before such a law was even passed.
It is a logical progression that if the law were passed, more instances of refusing treatment based on moral objection would occur - otherwise, why pass a law.

So dodge, change the subject, claim "nothing to see here" or cut & Run. Some day when you grow a pair, want to man up and directly address issues that way I do, just let me know.
In the meantime, you, The T and others can continue to run from the topic! That's funny!

And you can't read or count either.
You still fail for the exact same reasons. Deal with it.

Ah. Another member of the weak bltches club! How lovely. Do you guys have a treehouse or something?
the claim is that no blacks have ever gone untreated by white doctors? LOL! Okay.
That no gay has ever been discriminated against by medical professionals? LOL! You betcha!
Oh, and that the GOP didn't introduce a bill with the specific language "religious or morally objectionable reasons" for refusing medical treatment or drugs.

None of you guys are MENSA members, are ya? :lol:

Denying the facts won't help you deal with it. You should man up to it. That is the first step. Good luck.
And you can't read or count either.
You still fail for the exact same reasons. Deal with it.

Ah. Another member of the weak bltches club! How lovely. Do you guys have a treehouse or something?
the claim is that no blacks have ever gone untreated by white doctors? LOL! Okay.
That no gay has ever been discriminated against by medical professionals? LOL! You betcha!
Oh, and that the GOP didn't introduce a bill with the specific language "religious or morally objectionable reasons" for refusing medical treatment or drugs.

None of you guys are MENSA members, are ya? :lol:

Denying the facts won't help you deal with it. You should man up to it. That is the first step. Good luck.

Okay so seriously. because there actually are people out there who are so stupid, that believe the prattle you're posting here.

1. You don't believe that blacks and gays have ever been discriminated against by medical professionals?
2. I posted a link. You still don't believe the GOP introduced a bill with that language?

I mean, generally that level of complete denial is only found in the Libertarians who....
Oh wait.
Now I understand why these simple Yes or No questions would be so horrifying to you. Okay got it. NM
Wow. What a pussy. Seriously? That's all you got? The bill introduced by the GOP would allow medical professionals and companies to refuse to perform anything they found "morally objectionable". These are examples of things that DID happen (I love the whackjobs who dodge a point by saying "I don't like the source!" Libs do it with Newsmax or whatever, Conservs do it with anything else) before such a law was even passed.
It is a logical progression that if the law were passed, more instances of refusing treatment based on moral objection would occur - otherwise, why pass a law.

So dodge, change the subject, claim "nothing to see here" or cut & Run. Some day when you grow a pair, want to man up and directly address issues that way I do, just let me know.
In the meantime, you, The T and others can continue to run from the topic! That's funny!

And you can't read or count either.
You still fail for the exact same reasons. Deal with it.

Ah. Another member of the weak bltches club! How lovely. Do you guys have a treehouse or something?
the claim is that no blacks have ever gone untreated by white doctors? LOL! Okay.
That no gay has ever been discriminated against by medical professionals? LOL! You betcha!
Oh, and that the GOP didn't introduce a bill with the specific language "religious or morally objectionable reasons" for refusing medical treatment or drugs.

None of you guys are MENSA members, are ya? :lol:

provide proof of this happening or you're the weakest bitch of all. cface
And you can't read or count either.
You still fail for the exact same reasons. Deal with it.

Ah. Another member of the weak bltches club! How lovely. Do you guys have a treehouse or something?
the claim is that no blacks have ever gone untreated by white doctors? LOL! Okay.
That no gay has ever been discriminated against by medical professionals? LOL! You betcha!
Oh, and that the GOP didn't introduce a bill with the specific language "religious or morally objectionable reasons" for refusing medical treatment or drugs.

None of you guys are MENSA members, are ya? :lol:

provide proof of this happening or you're the weakest bitch of all. cface

Hope you're good at holding your breath...
Ah. Another member of the weak bltches club! How lovely. Do you guys have a treehouse or something?
the claim is that no blacks have ever gone untreated by white doctors? LOL! Okay.
That no gay has ever been discriminated against by medical professionals? LOL! You betcha!
Oh, and that the GOP didn't introduce a bill with the specific language "religious or morally objectionable reasons" for refusing medical treatment or drugs.

None of you guys are MENSA members, are ya? :lol:

provide proof of this happening or you're the weakest bitch of all. cface

Hope you're good at holding your breath...

Oh I knew he wouldn't answer before I even asked. I think this is the second time I've asked for proof.. so he's just blowing shit what comes out a pig's ass.
And you can't read or count either.
You still fail for the exact same reasons. Deal with it.

Ah. Another member of the weak bltches club! How lovely. Do you guys have a treehouse or something?
the claim is that no blacks have ever gone untreated by white doctors? LOL! Okay.
That no gay has ever been discriminated against by medical professionals? LOL! You betcha!
Oh, and that the GOP didn't introduce a bill with the specific language "religious or morally objectionable reasons" for refusing medical treatment or drugs.

None of you guys are MENSA members, are ya? :lol:

provide proof of this happening or you're the weakest bitch of all. cface

I doubt it is still happening with black because of um, what are those called? Oh yeah. Laws and Regulations!
I already posted that where they are legally allowed to do so, doctors have discriminated against gays, refusing the same treatmments they would provide to straight patients. Apparently you're not bright enough to click on a link. And of course, the other pussy used the lame excuse of not liking the source. Here's the same story he whined about from the BBC, btw.

So if it is legally allowed here, do you think that will increase the chance of it happening?

Oh wait, that's right. In this entire thread, you weak little bltches haven't answered a question. Too scary for little pussies like you guys. Got it.

If you want to see how MEN directly answer questions without fear, exuses, dodging etc... just ask me. It doesn't even have to be about anything that you can prove is currently happening! It would be a "what if" for example "What IF Obama wanted to take away our guns?" or whatever.
Any question.
Any time.
Direct answer.
That's called not being a pussy.
Since everyone seems obsessed with healthcare issues related to sex, let's try another one and let the pro and con sides argue their points:

The setting is an ER in a small town. A trauma comes in. The patient is in hypovolemic shock and has already gotten a 2 liter bolus of saline in the field but still has a weak pulse and unstable vitals/decreasing blood pressure.

The ER has 4 bags of type O blood ready to transfuse when the patient arrives.

However, the physician covering the ER that night recently converted to be a Jehovah's Witness and refuses to transfuse the patient because he believes it violates his religious beliefs. The patient expires before another physician can be tracked down.

Did he have a right to refuse the transfusion.

Of course they shouldn't be allowed a religious exemption, slaves can't say no.
This is why no hospital administrator would allow this to happen. Any nurse administrator, who would be available in site 24-7, would get another doctor or call the medical director at home (if it's in the middle of the night) and have another doctor come in and take care of the situation.

And in the time it takes that to happen, the patient is suffering.

It wouldn't take more than 5 minutes to do this.

It might not take you long. You know how the system works. The average patient does not.

Ever have a patient not take medication available to them because no one explained what PRN means?
Since everyone seems obsessed with healthcare issues related to sex, let's try another one and let the pro and con sides argue their points:

The setting is an ER in a small town. A trauma comes in. The patient is in hypovolemic shock and has already gotten a 2 liter bolus of saline in the field but still has a weak pulse and unstable vitals/decreasing blood pressure.

The ER has 4 bags of type O blood ready to transfuse when the patient arrives.

However, the physician covering the ER that night recently converted to be a Jehovah's Witness and refuses to transfuse the patient because he believes it violates his religious beliefs. The patient expires before another physician can be tracked down.

Did he have a right to refuse the transfusion.

Of course they shouldn't be allowed a religious exemption, slaves can't say no.

So when should there be religious exemptions?
Actually, it was you that kept adding to the hypothetical...

Now we have a small, one-doctor hospital with a JW nurse added in...

What's next? Rising flood waters and a bomb scare?

Are you another poster who won't address the OP "Dr."?
The hypothetical, I suppose is worth replying to, but the inevitable attempt to equate life saving blood transfusions to birth control is and will be, when it arrives, bullshit.

Then reply to it.
Since everyone seems obsessed with healthcare issues related to sex, let's try another one and let the pro and con sides argue their points:

The setting is an ER in a small town. A trauma comes in. The patient is in hypovolemic shock and has already gotten a 2 liter bolus of saline in the field but still has a weak pulse and unstable vitals/decreasing blood pressure.

The ER has 4 bags of type O blood ready to transfuse when the patient arrives.

However, the physician covering the ER that night recently converted to be a Jehovah's Witness and refuses to transfuse the patient because he believes it violates his religious beliefs. The patient expires before another physician can be tracked down.

Did he have a right to refuse the transfusion.

Of course they shouldn't be allowed a religious exemption, slaves can't say no.

So when should there be religious exemptions?

I thought I made my position clear, slaves don't get religious exemptions.
Since everyone seems obsessed with healthcare issues related to sex, let's try another one and let the pro and con sides argue their points:

The setting is an ER in a small town. A trauma comes in. The patient is in hypovolemic shock and has already gotten a 2 liter bolus of saline in the field but still has a weak pulse and unstable vitals/decreasing blood pressure.

The ER has 4 bags of type O blood ready to transfuse when the patient arrives.

However, the physician covering the ER that night recently converted to be a Jehovah's Witness and refuses to transfuse the patient because he believes it violates his religious beliefs. The patient expires before another physician can be tracked down.

Did he have a right to refuse the transfusion.

Of course they shouldn't be allowed a religious exemption, slaves can't say no.

How would they be discriminated against? They would be hired to do a job.... and are now refusing to do they were paid to do.

They are far from slaves... they would be paid employees.

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