Do You Want Jeb Bush To Run For President and Would You Vote For Him If he Did?

The only reason I have ever seen anyone say I should vote for a Republican candidate is, "He isn't a Democrat."

They have never been able to tell me what the GOP candidate would do if elected. Even now, Mitch McConnell won't say what the GOP will do if they win the Senate. He is actually refusing to say what they will do!

How the ever loving FUCK can you in good conscience vote for someone if they won't tell you what they plan to do? You have to have seven pounds of brain damage to vote for a cypher like that.

Before I vote for someone for President, I would have to have the following questions answered:

1) What would he do to get the economy going?

2) How would he balance the budget?

3) How would he reduce the federal debt?

4) What would he do about Iran's nuclear weapons program?

5) What would he do about North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

6) What changes or improvements would he make to ObamaCare? If your answer is, "Repeal it", then what would he do to reform healthcare in America after that?

7) What changes or improvements would he make to Medicare?

8) What changes or improvements would he make to Social Security?

9) What reforms would he make to our immigration policy?

10) What changes would he make to the financial services industry?

11) What would he do about ISIS?

12) What would he do about Putin?

And how does Obama answer those questions hmmmmm?

Not very well has he?

Obama has failed catastrophically. So take your erroneous assumptions about me and shove them up your ass.

Yeah, I've seen your criticism of him all over this board, NOT.

BTW, who did YOU vote for in 2012???????????
The drolls can tell you the exact number of golf games Obama has played, but they go dead silent and begin to drool on their bib overalls when asked what the GOP plan is for comprehensive health care reform if ObamaCare is repealed.

Seven pounds of brain damage.

So, Republicans don't have another "Obamacare" to replace "Obamacare?"

The premise behind that is Republicans don't have another Socialist boondoggle to replace an already Socialist boondoggle.

You don't replace a socialist boondoggle with another one. YOU REPEAL, PERIOD!

We had the best Healthcare in the World before the Obamacare Obomination. So there's really no need to replace Obamacare. But that's probably unrealistic. Most likely they'll tweak it and limit the damage it's causing. Hopefully at the very least, they'll end the Mandate.
The drolls can tell you the exact number of golf games Obama has played, but they go dead silent and begin to drool on their bib overalls when asked what the GOP plan is for comprehensive health care reform if ObamaCare is repealed.

Seven pounds of brain damage.

So, Republicans don't have another "Obamacare" to replace "Obamacare?"

The premise behind that is Republicans don't have another Socialist boondoggle to replace an already Socialist boondoggle.

You don't replace a socialist boondoggle with another one. YOU REPEAL, PERIOD!
Another idiotic assumption. I am not saying the GOP should have another ObamaCare to replace ObamaCare. I would hope they had a free market answer to ObamaCare, but they DON'T. They have NOTHING.

I've been asking and asking, "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT?" and the idiots start drooling on themselves. They have not been programmed for a response to that question and so they go blank, awaiting more bullshit to chow down and regurgitate.
The drolls can tell you the exact number of golf games Obama has played, but they go dead silent and begin to drool on their bib overalls when asked what the GOP plan is for comprehensive health care reform if ObamaCare is repealed.

Seven pounds of brain damage.

So, Republicans don't have another "Obamacare" to replace "Obamacare?"

The premise behind that is Republicans don't have another Socialist boondoggle to replace an already Socialist boondoggle.

You don't replace a socialist boondoggle with another one. YOU REPEAL, PERIOD!
People should be responsible for taking care of themselves.

The truly afflicted should be helped, but, compassion has led to a welfare state where half of the people cannot or will not take care of themselves.

I have no problem with helping people who need help.

I have a problem with a huge socialist bureaucracy that's designed to do nothing more than put each and every one of us under the government's thumb.
Yeah, I've seen your criticism of him all over this board, NOT.

BTW, who did YOU vote for in 2012???????????

It cannot be helped that your willful blindness has prevented you from seeing my posts criticizing Obama. I have grown used to this incredible phenomenon.

Speaking of willful blindness, I have plainly stated in this topic I voted for None of the Above. I have not voted for federal level politicians since 2006.

But you just ASSUMED I voted for Obama, haven't you?


The GOP controlled the White House, the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the Supreme Court, and yet they did NOTHING about the fact that health care costs had been outpacing inflation for DECADES.

And even now, at this late date, they have NOTHING.

Their whining and moaning over ObamaCare is theater for the rubes. The Democrats made very clear what they would do if given half a chance, and they did it. The GOP had a chance to move on health care when they had all the power, but they deliberately abdicated to the Democrats on this issue.

You rubes have been sold down the river. Wake up.
The drolls can tell you the exact number of golf games Obama has played, but they go dead silent and begin to drool on their bib overalls when asked what the GOP plan is for comprehensive health care reform if ObamaCare is repealed.

Seven pounds of brain damage.

So, Republicans don't have another "Obamacare" to replace "Obamacare?"

The premise behind that is Republicans don't have another Socialist boondoggle to replace an already Socialist boondoggle.

You don't replace a socialist boondoggle with another one. YOU REPEAL, PERIOD!
Another idiotic assumption. I am not saying the GOP should have another ObamaCare to replace ObamaCare. I would hope they had a free market answer to ObamaCare, but they DON'T. They have NOTHING.

I've been asking and asking, "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT?" and the idiots start drooling on themselves. They have not been programmed for a response to that question and so they go blank, awaiting more bullshit to chow down and regurgitate.

May I remind you, we Had a free market healthcare system before JFK got the government involved via medicare and they have been putting more strangle holds on the healthcare system ever since.

Each time, the government promises that healthcare will be more affordable, and in reality the price of healthcare goes UP.

No one program is going to return us to the free market system that Democrats took over 50 years to ruin, culminating with Obamacare.

The first step is repealing Obamacare. Not expecting an immediate, one size fits all miracle to replace it.

That's the problem with liberals. They think that if the counter solutions aren't perfect, we should just remain under the same broken system of liberalism.
RUBE: I just heard Obama has a tail!

G5000: Here are photos of Obama. No tail. There is no evidence to support the claim he has a tail.

Yeah, I've seen your criticism of him all over this board, NOT.

BTW, who did YOU vote for in 2012???????????

It cannot be helped that your willful blindness has prevented you from seeing my posts criticizing Obama. I have grown used to this incredible phenomenon.

Speaking of willful blindness, I have plainly stated in this topic I voted for None of the Above. I have not voted for federal level politicians since 2006.

But you just ASSUMED I voted for Obama, haven't you?



This seems to be a pattern with you lib commentators in here of late.

Claiming you haven't voted at all, in the last elections. :lol:

You aren't the first to claim so.

May I ask, what business YOU have debating OR criticizing people who will bother to vote, when you will not?
The drolls can tell you the exact number of golf games Obama has played, but they go dead silent and begin to drool on their bib overalls when asked what the GOP plan is for comprehensive health care reform if ObamaCare is repealed.

Seven pounds of brain damage.

So, Republicans don't have another "Obamacare" to replace "Obamacare?"

The premise behind that is Republicans don't have another Socialist boondoggle to replace an already Socialist boondoggle.

You don't replace a socialist boondoggle with another one. YOU REPEAL, PERIOD!
Another idiotic assumption. I am not saying the GOP should have another ObamaCare to replace ObamaCare. I would hope they had a free market answer to ObamaCare, but they DON'T. They have NOTHING.

I've been asking and asking, "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT?" and the idiots start drooling on themselves. They have not been programmed for a response to that question and so they go blank, awaiting more bullshit to chow down and regurgitate.

May I remind you, we Had a free market healthcare system before JFK got the government involved via medicare and they have been putting more strangle holds on the healthcare system ever since.

Each time, the government promises that healthcare will be more affordable, and in reality the price of healthcare goes UP.

No one program is going to return us to the free market system that Democrats took over 50 years to ruin, culminating with Obamacare.

The first step is repealing Obamacare. Not expecting an immediate, one size fits all miracle to replace it.

That's the problem with liberals. They think that if the counter solutions aren't perfect, we should just remain under the same broken system of liberalism.
I have outlined a comprehensive solution to health care many, many times on this forum. This means I have done it many, many times more than the Republican party has.

The reason the rubes drool on their bib overalls when asked what the GOP would do is because the GOP has no plan. They would go back to the fucked up shit we had which caused the American people to go with ANYTHING BUT THE STATUS QUO.

The GOP is too retarded to realize this, which is why they got their ass kicked, and will continue to get their ass kicked on health care.
The GOP controlled the White House, the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the Supreme Court, and yet they did NOTHING about the fact that health care costs had been outpacing inflation for DECADES.

And even now, at this late date, they have NOTHING.

Their whining and moaning over ObamaCare is theater for the rubes. The Democrats made very clear what they would do if given half a chance, and they did it. The GOP had a chance to move on health care when they had all the power, but they deliberately abdicated to the Democrats on this issue.

You rubes have been sold down the river. Wake up.

You are setting up a false premise.

Obamacare was passed, quite illegally in my opinion, under a continuing resolution.

None of the bodies that you mention could have stopped that, outside the USSC and they wimped out.

The answer is repeal, nothing more, nothing less.
The drolls can tell you the exact number of golf games Obama has played, but they go dead silent and begin to drool on their bib overalls when asked what the GOP plan is for comprehensive health care reform if ObamaCare is repealed.

Seven pounds of brain damage.

So, Republicans don't have another "Obamacare" to replace "Obamacare?"

The premise behind that is Republicans don't have another Socialist boondoggle to replace an already Socialist boondoggle.

You don't replace a socialist boondoggle with another one. YOU REPEAL, PERIOD!
Another idiotic assumption. I am not saying the GOP should have another ObamaCare to replace ObamaCare. I would hope they had a free market answer to ObamaCare, but they DON'T. They have NOTHING.

I've been asking and asking, "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT?" and the idiots start drooling on themselves. They have not been programmed for a response to that question and so they go blank, awaiting more bullshit to chow down and regurgitate.

May I remind you, we Had a free market healthcare system before JFK got the government involved via medicare and they have been putting more strangle holds on the healthcare system ever since.

Each time, the government promises that healthcare will be more affordable, and in reality the price of healthcare goes UP.

No one program is going to return us to the free market system that Democrats took over 50 years to ruin, culminating with Obamacare.

The first step is repealing Obamacare. Not expecting an immediate, one size fits all miracle to replace it.

That's the problem with liberals. They think that if the counter solutions aren't perfect, we should just remain under the same broken system of liberalism.
I have outlined a comprehensive solution to health care many, many times on this forum. This means I have done it many, many times more than the Republican party has.

The reason the rubes drool on their bib overalls when asked what the GOP would do is because the GOP has no plan. They would go back to the fucked up shit we had which caused the American people to go with ANYTHING BUT THE STATUS QUO.

The GOP is too retarded to realize this, which is why they got their ass kicked, and will continue to get their ass kicked on health care.

Oh goody for you.

You have outlined your little fantasy on how there would be a perfect world.

Now back tor reality.

The first step is repealing Obamacare.
Yeah, I've seen your criticism of him all over this board, NOT.

BTW, who did YOU vote for in 2012???????????

It cannot be helped that your willful blindness has prevented you from seeing my posts criticizing Obama. I have grown used to this incredible phenomenon.

Speaking of willful blindness, I have plainly stated in this topic I voted for None of the Above. I have not voted for federal level politicians since 2006.

But you just ASSUMED I voted for Obama, haven't you?



This seems to be a pattern with you lib commentators in here of late.

Claiming you haven't voted at all, in the last elections. :lol:

You aren't the first to claim so.

May I ask, what business YOU have debating OR criticizing people who will bother to vote, when you will not?
This is the willful blindness of which I speak. You create a belief, and then choose to ignore anything which contradicts that belief system.

It's funny you choose to believe I am a liberal even though I have thrashed liberals on this forum many times. It is funny you copy and paste manufactured bullshit, swallowing it whole, and yet choose not to believe I have not voted since 2006. You parrot some of the most unbelievable shit I have ever seen, thus making you one of the most credulous people on this forum.

You work very, very hard to confirm your biases, so I don't give a flying fuck what you believe, because your belief system is completely bogus.
The drolls can tell you the exact number of golf games Obama has played, but they go dead silent and begin to drool on their bib overalls when asked what the GOP plan is for comprehensive health care reform if ObamaCare is repealed.

Seven pounds of brain damage.

So, Republicans don't have another "Obamacare" to replace "Obamacare?"

The premise behind that is Republicans don't have another Socialist boondoggle to replace an already Socialist boondoggle.

You don't replace a socialist boondoggle with another one. YOU REPEAL, PERIOD!
Another idiotic assumption. I am not saying the GOP should have another ObamaCare to replace ObamaCare. I would hope they had a free market answer to ObamaCare, but they DON'T. They have NOTHING.

I've been asking and asking, "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT?" and the idiots start drooling on themselves. They have not been programmed for a response to that question and so they go blank, awaiting more bullshit to chow down and regurgitate.

May I remind you, we Had a free market healthcare system before JFK got the government involved via medicare and they have been putting more strangle holds on the healthcare system ever since.

Each time, the government promises that healthcare will be more affordable, and in reality the price of healthcare goes UP.

No one program is going to return us to the free market system that Democrats took over 50 years to ruin, culminating with Obamacare.

The first step is repealing Obamacare. Not expecting an immediate, one size fits all miracle to replace it.

That's the problem with liberals. They think that if the counter solutions aren't perfect, we should just remain under the same broken system of liberalism.
I have outlined a comprehensive solution to health care many, many times on this forum. This means I have done it many, many times more than the Republican party has.

The reason the rubes drool on their bib overalls when asked what the GOP would do is because the GOP has no plan. They would go back to the fucked up shit we had which caused the American people to go with ANYTHING BUT THE STATUS QUO.

The GOP is too retarded to realize this, which is why they got their ass kicked, and will continue to get their ass kicked on health care.

Oh goody for you.

You have outlined your little fantasy on how there would be a perfect world.

Now back tor reality.

The first step is repealing Obamacare.

Well, that's one way to get Hill elected.
Yeah, I've seen your criticism of him all over this board, NOT.

BTW, who did YOU vote for in 2012???????????

It cannot be helped that your willful blindness has prevented you from seeing my posts criticizing Obama. I have grown used to this incredible phenomenon.

Speaking of willful blindness, I have plainly stated in this topic I voted for None of the Above. I have not voted for federal level politicians since 2006.

But you just ASSUMED I voted for Obama, haven't you?



This seems to be a pattern with you lib commentators in here of late.

Claiming you haven't voted at all, in the last elections. :lol:

You aren't the first to claim so.

May I ask, what business YOU have debating OR criticizing people who will bother to vote, when you will not?
This is the willful blindness of which I speak. You create a belief, and then choose to ignore anything which contradicts that belief system.

It's funny you choose to believe I am a liberal even though I have thrashed liberals on this forum many times. It is funny you copy and paste manufactured bullshit, swallowing it whole, and yet choose not to believe I have not voted since 2006. You parrot some of the most unbelievable shit I have ever seen, thus making you one of the most credulous people on this forum.

You work very, very hard to confirm your biases, so I don't give a flying fuck what you believe, because your belief system is completely bogus.

Isn't that the TPM meme? "Don't socialize my medicare."
If Jeb runs there will be endless clips of the two dead cops in Sacramento spliced to the one of Jeb Bush saying illegal immigration is an act of love.

Hillary will cake walk into the white house.

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