Do YOU Trust the Government?

Do You Trust The Government?

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Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
This ought to be interesting... do you now and in foreseeable future trust the government to always do the right thing, always be working for the people, and never get too large or out of control, to never be considered oppressive and/or tyrannical?

The answers will be simple, yes, no or undecided.
This is a trick question, right? With an ass hat like Owe Bama in office, how can a reasonable person trust the current administration? Everything the government puts their finger on gets fucked up out of control.
What idiot would say yes to that?

Even the crafters of our Constitution didn't trust government or they wouldn't have built in checks and balances, the 3 branches of government and an independent court system to keep it in line.
This is a trick question, right? With an ass hat like Owe Bama in office, how can a reasonable person trust the current administration? Everything the government puts their finger on gets fucked up out of control.

Been pretty consistent in that respect pard. The kenyan is just the worst thing we've seen so far.
Government is supposed to be held accountable to the people here. But how does that ever happen in a "representative" democracy?
What idiot would say yes to that?

Even the crafters of our Constitution didn't trust government or they wouldn't have built in checks and balances, the 3 branches of government and an independent court system to keep it in line.

Obviously they also didn't feel the checks and balances would be enough, hence the Second Amendment.

Thank you. You helped make that point.
What idiot would say yes to that?

Even the crafters of our Constitution didn't trust government or they wouldn't have built in checks and balances, the 3 branches of government and an independent court system to keep it in line.

Government is supposed to be held accountable to the people here. But how does that ever happen in a "representative" democracy?

I don't know how anyone can hardly say now, that our government works for us instead of us for them.

How long does the average person work each year JUST TO PAY THE GOVERNMENT?

Is that the government working for us?
Government is supposed to be held accountable to the people here. But how does that ever happen in a "representative" democracy?

I don't know how anyone can hardly say now, that our government works for us instead of us for them.

How long does the average person work each year JUST TO PAY THE GOVERNMENT?

Is that the government working for us?

But you buy "defense" and "health care" from the government with your tax dollars.
Our government is now solely a puppet to corporations. Nothing more, nothing less, so no, I don't trust the government. How could I? I trust corporations even less.
What idiot would say yes to that?

Even the crafters of our Constitution didn't trust government or they wouldn't have built in checks and balances, the 3 branches of government and an independent court system to keep it in line.


ROFLMFAO -----------------

Oh wait... it's actually true...

[ame=]Obama Money - Where Did it Come From? - YouTube[/ame]
Government is supposed to be held accountable to the people here. But how does that ever happen in a "representative" democracy?

I don't know how anyone can hardly say now, that our government works for us instead of us for them.

How long does the average person work each year JUST TO PAY THE GOVERNMENT?

Is that the government working for us?

But you buy "defense" and "health care" from the government with your tax dollars.

Which are taken with our without our consent.
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What idiot would say yes to that?

Even the crafters of our Constitution didn't trust government or they wouldn't have built in checks and balances, the 3 branches of government and an independent court system to keep it in line.

Not to mention Making sure the people remained ARMED!!
This ought to be interesting... do you now and in foreseeable future trust the government to always do the right thing, always be working for the people, and never get too large or out of control, to never be considered oppressive and/or tyrannical?

The answers will be simple, yes, no or undecided.

Funny that the most untrustworthy person on the site would start this thread.
Our government is now solely a puppet to corporations. Nothing more, nothing less, so no, I don't trust the government. How could I? I trust corporations even less.

How simple minded. Our Government is the puppet of many special interests. Unions for example, so I would say there is way more to it than you describe.
This ought to be interesting... do you now and in foreseeable future trust the government to always do the right thing, always be working for the people, and never get too large or out of control, to never be considered oppressive and/or tyrannical?

The answers will be simple, yes, no or undecided.

Funny that the most untrustworthy person on the site would start this thread.

Not funny how the first thing you say in the thread is some dumbass bull shit.

Didn't expect anything else from you though, pud pounder, get a life.
I don't know how anyone can hardly say now, that our government works for us instead of us for them.

How long does the average person work each year JUST TO PAY THE GOVERNMENT?

Is that the government working for us?

But you buy "defense" and "health care" from the government with your tax dollars.

Which are taken with our without our approval.

Well that's sort of the oxymoron called "representative democracy".
What idiot would say yes to that?

Even the crafters of our Constitution didn't trust government or they wouldn't have built in checks and balances, the 3 branches of government and an independent court system to keep it in line.

Obviously they also didn't feel the checks and balances would be enough, hence the Second Amendment.

Thank you. You helped make that point.

Sorry, I didn't realize this was another Nutter, 2nd Amendment, revolutionary uprising thread or I wouldn't have said anything. The last thing I want to do is encourage the simpletons to take up arms against our freely and Constitutionally elected government because they don't like the results of our last election.

On second thought...yes I DO want to encourage all you sore losers to arm yourselves and rise up against the rest of us! You'll be so horrendously out-numbered, out-gunned, out-generaled, out-thought and out-fought that we'll finally put an end to your fantasies and leave them lying in the ditch alongside your stupid dead bodies.

Get on with it!:mad:
This ought to be interesting... do you now and in foreseeable future trust the government to always do the right thing, always be working for the people, and never get too large or out of control, to never be considered oppressive and/or tyrannical?

The answers will be simple, yes, no or undecided.

I trust it more than I trust you. How come that isn't a choice? :cool:

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