Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

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Gold Member
Sep 15, 2012
Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

HELL NO! ISIS still occupies a 16 by 4 mile area along the Euphrates river in Syria. The ending of U.S. airstrikes against ISIS positions now risks allowing ISIS to rebuild itself and defeat Kurdish ground forces that are fighting it in Syria. It is beyond STUPID to stop military action against ISIS before it has been destroyed. In addition, a pre-mature withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria will allow the Syrian military, Russian military and Turkish military to overrun Kurdish areas in Syria. It is the total abandonment of an ally that has helped the United States to combat the terrorist forces of ISIS .
ISIS is a bunch of impoverished cave dwellers. Calling them JV is giving them undue credit. Let Russia have them.
The left are such war mongers. Next thing you know they will nominate Dick Cheney for POTUS 2020.

Surrender monkey.

So with our trump withdraw creating a vacuum, so we just let Russia and Iran in.

Or is it just another republic sellout of the Kurds in Syria, so they can be attacked by Turkey.
Trump claimed he would destroy ISIS. Now he is letting them get away.

Trump needs to be impeached and removed from office as soon as possible.
We don't fly where we don't have personnel to rescue a shootdown....Putin has fast movers, let him do the bombing and pay for it.....Russia ain't all that happy with Vlad these days....there's always another Yeltsin waiting in the shadows.
The left are such war mongers. Next thing you know they will nominate Dick Cheney for POTUS 2020.

Surrender monkey.

So with our trump withdraw creating a vacuum, so we just let Russia and Iran in.

Or is it just another republic sellout of the Kurds in Syria, so they can be attacked by Turkey.
He made Vlad very happy because he was more than likely instructed by him to do it. The Pentagon, the military and all of his advisors told him not to because it was a bad thing, but Putin spoke and he jumped as high as he was told.
There are no "ISIS forces". ISIS is an invisible rogue terrorist club and the only air strikes are unfortunately on innocent civilians that ISIS criminals force to be targets. We need to get the hell out of Afghanistan too and we would if the former president didn't give aid and comfort to the terrorists by giving fake exit dates.
time to reign in our troops and put them on our southern border. Get them out of Germany, Japan, countries that should field their own armies for protection and not be using us to do so.
We don't fly where we don't have personnel to rescue a shootdown....Putin has fast movers, let him do the bombing and pay for it.....Russia ain't all that happy with Vlad these days....there's always another Yeltsin waiting in the shadows.

The United States has 2,000 troops on the ground in Syria. The United States has been bombing ISIS positions in Syria since Trump took office! Stopping now before ISIS has been destroyed is insane!
HELL NO! ISIS still occupies a 16 by 4 mile area along the Euphrates river in Syria.

Well, that's the key, the EUPHRATES.... according to "God..."


"1 Now after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD it came to pass, that the LORD spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying, 2 Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. 3 Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses. 4 From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your coast."

When our foreign policy concerns itself with a 2000 year old full of shit "book," we need a second CIVIL WAR right now....
We don't fly where we don't have personnel to rescue a shootdown....Putin has fast movers, let him do the bombing and pay for it.....Russia ain't all that happy with Vlad these days....there's always another Yeltsin waiting in the shadows.

The United States has 2,000 troops on the ground in Syria. The United States has been bombing ISIS positions in Syria since Trump took office! Stopping now before ISIS has been destroyed is insane!

we can't kill every Muslims. Maybe they'll learn their lesson. If they hit us here in the US again kill a bunch of them with a MOAB.
Do you support Trump's ending of airstrikes against ISIS forces?

HELL NO! ISIS still occupies a 16 by 4 mile area along the Euphrates river in Syria. The ending of U.S. airstrikes against ISIS positions now risks allowing ISIS to rebuild itself and defeat Kurdish ground forces that are fighting it in Syria. It is beyond STUPID to stop military action against ISIS before it has been destroyed. In addition, a pre-mature withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria will allow the Syrian military, Russian military and Turkish military to overrun Kurdish areas in Syria. It is the total abandonment of an ally that has helped the United States to combat the terrorist forces of ISIS .
As opposed to their providing air cover for ISIS like they’ve been doing? The only forces consistantly fighting ISIS are Russian and Syrian.
The United States has 2,000 troops on the ground in Syria. The United States has been bombing ISIS positions in Syria since Trump took office! Stopping now before ISIS has been destroyed is insane!

Plenty of others staying behind to finish off the stragglers.....when Bagdaddy catches his lunch, the rest will surrender.

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