Do You Support Trump/Pence 2020 ?

I doubt if even Republicans will support Trump/Pence 2020

38% approval will do that
Not at the moment. I'm still holding out for a primary run against him with a real small government conservative.
VS ANY Democrat?....assuredly so

I'm not into the "Make America Hate Again" party
When the Democrats put up a candidate who......

1). Truly loves America
2). Is not corrupt as a Bangladesh casino
3). Doesn't run on the race card
4). Isn't a hoplophobe
5). Has the notion of improving conditions for Americans FIRST as their top priority
6). Doesn't believe in open borders
7). Doesn't think bigger government is better government
8). Doesn't believe in tax and spend
9). Doesn't use the Institutions of government such as the IRS against it's own people

Then, and ONLY then I might just vote Democrat again.....

Looks like I'll never be voting Democrat again
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I won't know until 2020.

Democrats, however, will remain out of the question.
I wonder if FLOTUS will divorce POTUS before 2020...???

I'm not a supporter of Trump. I wouldn't bet on his running in 2020 but if he does, I think he'll win. Democrats have nothing.
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I'll wait and see 1) what Team Trump does for America and 2) who is their opponent.
CLICK HERE : President Trump 2020 TO LIKE TRUMP/PENCE 2020 IN FB !
President Trump 2020

Please do not put thread titles in all caps. John.smith09
Neither will be on the ticket. So moot point.
It is very reassuring that support for Trump is lukewarm at best.
I cannot believe he will last 4 years.
The democrats fear Pence in 2020 much more than Trump.
But the Democrats need to get their crap together, if that is possible.
I'll wait and see 1) what Team Trump does for America and 2) who is their opponent.
You're going to wait and see?? Seriously? What the fuck has he done for America so far and why do you think that the trajectory of his presidency is going to change in the next few years?? He is a god damned embarrassment!!

Sure, I'll support them. We Democrats, Liberals and Progressives who hate America want him to stay in office and continue to erode our standing in the world:

Global view of US worsens under Trump, Pew says - CNNPolitics

Not to mention the raping of the environment, undermining human rights, pandering to the religious right and undermining freedom of the press. Sure . I'll support them because I HATE AMERICA. I hate everything that is good and decent.
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CLICK HERE : President Trump 2020 TO LIKE TRUMP/PENCE 2020 IN FB !
President Trump 2020

Please do not put thread titles in all caps. John.smith09

I never liked Pence he is way too conservative and I find him so incredibly boring. In some ways I like Trump, but I would prefer to see Hillary President. The best President would be Bernie, but don't think that will ever happen. I do like Trump in some ways so wouldn't be really upset if he won election.

I am glad Trump was the Republican candidate over Republican candidates. I think he is less conservative and more socially liberal. Don't agree with his muslim ban or his wall, but everyone knows that was just a bunch of BS he said to get elected and will never really happen or last in the long run.
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