Do you still remember your favorite teacher?


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
I remember that it was Mr. Brown, and I think he taught English Comp (cut me some slack, it's been going on 40 years.) I liked him because he actually looked at me, smiled at me, and gave me a nickname (Bobby McGee). He was a wonderful teacher.

My mom gave me my love of reading, but he gave me my love of the written word, and taught me that I could write.
I remember that it was Mr. Brown, and I think he taught English Comp (cut me some slack, it's been going on 40 years.) I liked him because he actually looked at me, smiled at me, and gave me a nickname (Bobby McGee). He was a wonderful teacher.

My mom gave me my love of reading, but he gave me my love of the written word, and taught me that I could write.

Mr Connely, 8th grade. Science rocked!
The first male teacher I had inspired me to become a teacher. He did more for his students than others had. He had creativity and really cared. That's when I decided I wanted to be just like him. Sixth grade. Thank you, Mr. Deppen.
I remember that it was Mr. Brown, and I think he taught English Comp (cut me some slack, it's been going on 40 years.) I liked him because he actually looked at me, smiled at me, and gave me a nickname (Bobby McGee). He was a wonderful teacher.

My mom gave me my love of reading, but he gave me my love of the written word, and taught me that I could write.

Mr Connely, 8th grade. Science rocked!
My favorite teacher was my calculus teacher. Mr. Putz (yes, he got all the snickers about that, but he was way cool about it).

Funny thing is, my first chemistry teacher really creeped me out. Mr. Schneider. I got a B in my first quarter in that class. Then, I got a grip and decided to pay more attention to the book and not him. I did well after that.

And, what am I today? A chemist. ;)
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The first male teacher I had inspired me to become a teacher. He did more for his students than others had. He had creativity and really cared. That's when I decided I wanted to be just like him. Sixth grade. Thank you, Mr. Deppen.

My back-to-back 5th and 6th grade teachers were the first male teachers I had, Peterson followed by Douville. I really liked both of them.
My mom made some interesting choices on my behalf, in the name of creating a well-rounded offspring. I took shop, small engine technology, etc.

There was one other female in small engine, so they paired us up. One of our projects was to tear down and rebuild a carburator. When we got done, we had three screws left, and we couldn't figure out what we'd missed, so we swept 'em into a desk drawer. We got a B+!

I remember all my teachers I ever had. They all had a big impact on my life.

You're lucky! We moved a lot. I remember some, but not all. I only had one I didn't much like.
Yeah, we moved a ton, too. Sucks, doesn't it? But, I do remember them. My third grade teacher was not nice to me at all, so, of course, I did not like her at all. ;)

One day, I sat on the bottom of our stairs and told my mother that I hated school and was never going to go to it again and if she made me go, I was going to run away. (I was a dramatic third grader, obviously.) Mom was surprised to hear that coming from me because I absolutely adored school - I usually couldn't wait to go. So, Mom asked me some probing questions, told me to get in the car, and we went to the principal's office. Mom had a talk with him. He had a talk with me. And, he transferred me to another third grade that day. It was the right thing for him to do.

Good for my mom.
I remember we had a Language Arts teacher who used to trim his toe nails in class and make us watch Sherlock Holmes movies. I unfortunately never had any teacher during K-12 that really stood out, some made the material more entertaining than others that's for sure. College is when I really found some educators that stood out to me. My Constitutional Law and Sociology professors and Dr. Close my Database Administration Professor. That man was a genius.
I remember that it was Mr. Brown, and I think he taught English Comp (cut me some slack, it's been going on 40 years.) I liked him because he actually looked at me, smiled at me, and gave me a nickname (Bobby McGee). He was a wonderful teacher.

My mom gave me my love of reading, but he gave me my love of the written word, and taught me that I could write.

I remember all my teachers I ever had. They all had a big impact on my life.

You're lucky! We moved a lot. I remember some, but not all. I only had one I didn't much like.
Yeah, we moved a ton, too. Sucks, doesn't it? But, I do remember them. My third grade teacher was not nice to me at all, so, of course, I did not like her at all. ;)

One day, I sat on the bottom of our stairs and told my mother that I hated school and was never going to go to it again and if she made me go, I was going to run away. (I was a dramatic third grader, obviously.) Mom was surprised to hear that coming from me because I absolutely adored school - I usually couldn't wait to go. So, Mom asked me some probing questions, told me to get in the car, and we went to the principal's office. Mom had a talk with him. He had a talk with me. And, he transferred me to another third grade that day. It was the right thing for him to do.

Good for my mom.

Excellent move on mom's part.

My 3rd grade story was that we had just moved again (of course) and/but the school I went to? My grandma's college classmate taught third grade there! So she introduced herself to me in the hall, down at my level, and told me she went to college with my grandma. Well, that was good enough for me! I loved Mrs. Fuller. She was like grandma-once-removed.

Were you military? We had no excuse. Just ... I counted once. By the time I was 13, I'd lived in 11 places. Lord only knows what my parents were running from, but that's when they stopped.
You're lucky! We moved a lot. I remember some, but not all. I only had one I didn't much like.
Yeah, we moved a ton, too. Sucks, doesn't it? But, I do remember them. My third grade teacher was not nice to me at all, so, of course, I did not like her at all. ;)

One day, I sat on the bottom of our stairs and told my mother that I hated school and was never going to go to it again and if she made me go, I was going to run away. (I was a dramatic third grader, obviously.) Mom was surprised to hear that coming from me because I absolutely adored school - I usually couldn't wait to go. So, Mom asked me some probing questions, told me to get in the car, and we went to the principal's office. Mom had a talk with him. He had a talk with me. And, he transferred me to another third grade that day. It was the right thing for him to do.

Good for my mom.

Excellent move on mom's part.

My 3rd grade story was that we had just moved again (of course) and/but the school I went to? My grandma's college classmate taught third grade there! So she introduced herself to me in the hall, down at my level, and told me she went to college with my grandma. Well, that was good enough for me! I loved Mrs. Fuller. She was like grandma-once-removed.

Were you military? We had no excuse. Just ... I counted once. By the time I was 13, I'd lived in 11 places. Lord only knows what my parents were running from, but that's when they stopped.
I always say 'witness protection' when folks ask why we moved so much. :lol:

It sounds like you moved as much as I did.

(Dad was a military contractor for a long time, then he went private and Monsanto moved us quite a bit, too.)
Grade school- Mrs. Fields (2nd grade). She was the only lay teacher in that nun-chucked place. A very kind person.
High school- Mr. Doris the physics teacher. Very patient guy.
College- Mr. Jenkins the sociology prof. He was a moonshine-swillin' good old boy. I went to him when I needed a faculty sponsor for the campus NORML chapter. He didn't hesitate.
I LOVED my teachers who expected more from me. They weren't rude or mean about it, they just made it clear that "[insert my name here] is not working up to her full potential."

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