Do you really think we have a different kind of muslim in American


Jul 14, 2009
Do you think they follow the Quran and hadith ?

Infidelity seems rampant in our culture and during these times. Just recently, Arnold Schwarzenegger is alleged to have had a love child with his housekeeper. So what’s the solution to this problem? Shamci Rafani of Visalia, CA has a proposal: stone the “sluts” responsible.

In a letter to the editor that appeared in yesterday’s Visalia Times-Delta, Rafani — herself the victim of infidelity — angrily calls for the death of woman who knowingly engage in an affair. And she didn’t hold back:Iranian Woman Calls for ‘Slut Women’ to be Stoned…on the Pages of Calif. Paper | The Blaze
New Al Qaeda Video: American Muslims Should Buy Guns, Start Shooting People

In a new video message released on the internet Friday, American-born al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn calls on Muslims living in America to carry out deadly one-man terrorist acts using fully automatic weapons purchased at gun shows, and to target major institutions and public figures.

"What are you waiting for?" asks Gadahn in English, and then adds that jihadis shouldn't worry about getting caught, since so many have been released. "Over these past few years, I've seen the release of many, many Mujahideen whom I had never even dreamed would regain their freedom."

The two-part, two hour video appeared on jihadi websites Friday with images of jihadi leaders as well as snapshots of alleged underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab and accused Fort Hood shooter Major Nidal Hasan. Both Hasan and Abdulmutallab are charged with carrying out attacks inside the U.S.

Called "Do Not Rely on Others, Take the Task Upon Yourself" and produced by al Qaeda's media arm, as Sahab, the tape mixes Gadahn's new message with clips from old videos of Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri and other al Qaeda leaders praising one-man attacks. They call on jihadis in the West to carry out lone wolf operations.

New Al Qaeda Video: Buy Automatic Weapons and Start Shooting Americans - ABC News
Actually, there are two groups of Muslims in America

1. Those who immigrated from the middle east and Malaysia
2. Those Americans who converted to Islam

The first group tends to be peaceful and well educated. They tend to have a higher standard of living and lower crime rate than average Americans. They also have fewer children born to single mothers and lower divorce rates

The second group is comprised mostly of blacks who have converted to Islam. Many converted while in prison. Their crime rate tends to be higher than average Americans but that is mostly due to coming from criminal backgrounds to begin with
Im sure they have different Qurans.

There are definitely muslims in this country actively trying to force Sharia law on this country.

Ask SunniMan with his prior avatar of Minni Mouse in a Burkah and him stating to me that All American Women would eventually have to wear one.

I definitely think there are others who are live and let live. I have plenty of muslims living on my street.

They wave at me as they walk by. They even smile at my dogs.

Their cool, I'm cool. It's cool.
I wonder if "American muslims follow the Quran and make plans to slaughter there neighbors under order of those there imams
I wonder if "American muslims follow the Quran and make plans to slaughter there neighbors under order of those there imams

We have around seven million Muslims in America. Where are all the killings?
All the same. The ones here just are enjoying freedom our way of life affords them.
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Jihad Joe: Adam Gadahn encourages American jihadists to buy guns‬‏[/ame]
Do you think they follow the Quran and hadith ?

Infidelity seems rampant in our culture and during these times. Just recently, Arnold Schwarzenegger is alleged to have had a love child with his housekeeper. So what’s the solution to this problem? Shamci Rafani of Visalia, CA has a proposal: stone the “sluts” responsible.

In a letter to the editor that appeared in yesterday’s Visalia Times-Delta, Rafani — herself the victim of infidelity — angrily calls for the death of woman who knowingly engage in an affair. And she didn’t hold back:Iranian Woman Calls for ‘Slut Women’ to be Stoned…on the Pages of Calif. Paper | The Blaze

I used to deal with many Muslim men in my business. Not all, but most of them all cheated on their wives and bragged about it. When OBL was killed and it was reported that they found all sorts of pornography, I was not at all surprised.
All the same. The ones here just are enjoying freedom our way of life affords them.

Are they following the Quran? laying in wait setting traps , and preparing for war?

The issue with Muslims is that they will get along fine with others when they are in the minority. The time to become concerned is when their numbers reach a majority or begin to come in reach of being the majority. As a prime example, look at Lebanon. When Lebanon was a mostly Christian country, Muslims and Christians got along fairly well. It wasn't until the Muslims reached over 30 to 40 percent of the population that the trouble began. Then they began killing Christians by the hundreds.
Hell no, we got the same here as there...

Their objective is all that matters and its CLEARLY STATED IN THE FUCKING QUR'AN.

Yeah take time to read that book instead of sitting on your asses claiming Islam is great.

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