Do you like your job?

dilloduck said:
How about you covered with only maple leaves?

for Canada ya know ! :tng:
I vote for this too. I think she'd look real cute. Sorry Said.
It's entirely possible she was a no call/no show on her last eye exam appointment, too...
Shattered said:
It's entirely possible she was a no call/no show on her last eye exam appointment, too...
ahhhhhhhh the sweet feeling of the shattered zap------you've got mail !!!! :teeth:
I never fell for that whole "You've got mail" thing.. It's usually spam anyway.
Said1 said:
You do know I actually am partially blind?

I do now.. But I'll still never turn down a perfectly good chance to ding Dillo back.
i like it well enough to stay until i get enough business to go full time in my wedding consulting/planning business (when i start it in about 6 months)

i get to see som pretty gnarly wrecks and laugh at the stupidity of people in general.

i think the worst one, wasn't even an auto accident. it was a guy who committed suicide in his car in one of the Mall of America parking ramps. the salvage yard the car went to crushed the cab upon arrival, so that when it was sold in the auction (yes, they can still sell these cars, they just have to be marked biohazard very prominently), it could only be sold as parts, because crushing the cab compromises the rigidity of the car, impacting the safety of it, thus it cannot be put back on the road, even if you were to fix it.

even though the cab was crushed, i could see the windshield was all red, and the driver side windows were all tinted pink.

the reason i have to see most of these is to determine whether they are auctionable or too crushed to get much, and to just sell as parts only.

the most expensive car i have ever seen in a wreck was a 2004 Ferrari F430 that some bigshot (aka dumbass) here in the cities had imported from europe, and decided that West 494 would be the closest thing to the autoban (sp?) and try to pull a 205-Tilly. he was going so fast that he didn't have time to react to the barrels being set up for line painting, hit one, and the car went airborne and hit a lamp-post. the parts would have to have been imported over, and would have cost more than 70% of the car's value to fix. the payoff to the owner was like $150k.

the stupid immigrant grand award goes to a guy who intentionally ran his car into a lamp-post (because he wanted the insurance money), but the lamp-post fell over, and hit 7 NEW SUV's on a car lot just 10 feet from the lamp-post! the guy fled the scene, and got home somehow, and reported the car had been stolen instead. he did this in broad daylight, and some people at the dealership saw what happened and called the cops right away. after all was said and done, this guy actually was found to have ties to the Taliban and was wanted for several felonies and warrants in like 4 countries-the FBI even got involved, and they even came to our office just to wait for him if he came in, because we had denied his claim, so they were afraid this guy would try something, esp with his background. all this was discovered by my co-worker who does the background checks for certain claimants whose claims don't seem kosher.
Trinity said:
Don't know yet, let you know after next weekend!
At Charlie's or Brewke's?
Brewke's was in fact first Brewske's, then it changed to Hummer's ( that's why I called it that) and now I see it's back to Brewske's. No wonder I don't know what's going on.
Joz said:
At Charlie's or Brewke's?
Brewke's was in fact first Brewske's, then it changed to Hummer's ( that's why I called it that) and now I see it's back to Brewske's. No wonder I don't know what's going on.


I am heading out with a girlfriend tonight. We are going to hit up Double DZ's , Bargo's, and Rick's as well. Any thought's on these?
When my job is going well, I love it! Being around kids and watching 13 and 14 year olds become excited about history and politics is awesome! :beer: Now on the days that they are falling asleep or I get another bill. Arrrrgggg!

Seriously, I must have at least 5 kids per year that come back from high school or college to thank me for the skills and encouragement I gave them. They remember stuff I don't and laugh. They want to know if I still lose my keys, as well as the glasses on my head! :tinfoil: Coolest thing happened a couple of weeks ago, one of the mom's of a jr. in HS that I taught, came in with the Fenwick school paper. There was Nick's article, about his most inspirational adult, ME! :beer: Damn, where can you get kudos like that????

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