Do you know liberals (the MSM who always push victimology) still blame Boooosh for Katrina?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Yes, they do. They are that stupid. Their beloved criminal black democrat mayor never had any contingencies in place.

Ray Nagin
was convicted of accepting bribes and free trips from contractors in exchange for helping them clinch millions of dollars in city work when he was mayor of New Orleans.Feb 12, 2014


Mayor Nagin allegedly failed to execute the New Orleans disaster plan, which called for the use of the city's school buses in evacuating residents unable to leave on their own. The city never deployed the buses, which were subsequently destroyed in the flooding.

Shifting Blame in the Katrina Tragedy | Heartlander Magazine

The actions and inactions of Gov. Blanco and Mayor Nagin are a national disgrace due to their failure to implement the previously established evacuation plans of the state and city.

Gov. Blanco and Mayor Nagin cannot claim they were surprised by the extent of the damage and the need to evacuate so many people. Detailed written plans were already in place to evacuate more than a million people. The plans projected that 300,000 people would need transportation in the event of a hurricane like Katrina. If the plans had been implemented, numerous lives would likely have been saved.

In addition to the evacuation plans, local, state, and federal officials held a simulated hurricane drill 13 months ago, in which widespread flooding supposedly trapped 300,000 people inside New Orleans. The exercise simulated the evacuation of more than a million residents. The problems identified in the simulation apparently were not solved.


The stupid ass liberal morons do not know the difference between local, state, and federal. They also do not know or take the time to care about the logistical problems in the wake of a devastating 400 MILE diameter storm that covers 5 states.

They do not know or care where central command is to be set up. How to know who is in most trouble. How key roads are washed out and communication is down, and power is out.

They just need any excuse to blame Booooooosh and republicans. They just hop on their pathetic little bandwagon. They deliberately ignore all real factors.

They still blame Booooosh. Of course we know that. Aren't they just useless pawns?
From the corrupt mayor through the dithering governor to the incompetent FEMA and the president, all share the fault.
Yes, they do. They are that stupid. Their beloved criminal black democrat mayor never had any contingencies in place.

Ray Nagin
was convicted of accepting bribes and free trips from contractors in exchange for helping them clinch millions of dollars in city work when he was mayor of New Orleans.Feb 12, 2014

Nagin did a lot of things wrong.

but here was the thing. Bush created this HUGE new bureaucracy to deal with national disasters. and along comes a national disaster and he was caught completely flat-footed.

bush fucked up Katrina. And Iraq. And 9/11. And the economy.

Aren't you sorry he stole the election? I am.
From the corrupt mayor through the dithering governor to the incompetent FEMA and the president, all share the fault.

Exactly how was the president to blame, when the local and state did not have contingencies in place? How would you have coordinated the effort? Oh, wait. You would have known exactly where to go even though key roads were washed out, all power was out and communication was out.

Combine that with all of the state local governments ignoring the ARMY corp of engineers telling the levees were not adequate. Then the mayor and governor (all democrats) took the money ear marked for making levees stronger and did something else with it. Yeah, they took the federal money and did not use it for what it was suppose to be used for.

New Orleans did not even take a direct hit. Of course, the media turned into blacks being VICTIMS of white republicans.

You still blame an inept president. Why am I surprised? It is a fucking joke.
Exactly how was the president to blame, when the local and state did not have contingencies in place? How would you have coordinated the effort? Oh, wait. You would have known exactly where to go even though key roads were washed out, all power was out and communication was out.

it would have been inice if Bush got off his ass on his ranch while this was approaching and started making contingencies...

Instead, he was too busy making faces at Cindy Sheehan.

Guy, you all can't paint this nicely. Bush was an inept boob who never, ever should have been president.
Owl conveniently ignore the fact that Walmart was in place days before the feds.

Yup, the feds were incompetent right along with state and local authorities
what do you expect from left-wing losers that lie to themselves about virtually everything on a daily basis?
if they lie to themselves so easily you think they will think twice about lying to you?
Yep, its fleet of tankers and trucks had several hundred thousand tons of supplies in place before the levies broke.

Yup, it was the feds' inept response to Katrian, Bush's stupidity about SS privatization, and the build up of the Iraqi insurgency that put sand in the gears of his policies and led to the rejection of his policies by the citizens in 2006.

new orleans; large city with a huge tourism industry at the time; had thousands of buses that could have been mobilized for people trying to flee.

and a city 60 feet UNDER SEA LEVEL should have had those supplies available for years

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Yep, its fleet of tankers and trucks had several hundred thousand tons of supplies in place before the levies broke.

Yup, it was the feds' inept response to Katrian, Bush's stupidity about SS privatization, and the build up of the Iraqi insurgency that put sand in the gears of his policies and led to the rejection of his policies by the citizens in 2006.


new orleans; large city with a huge tourism industry at the time; had thousands of buses that could have been mobilized for people trying to flee.

and a city 60 feet UNDER SEA LEVEL should have had those supplies available for years

libs are losers who lie to themselves

None of which has anything to do with the fact that Bush fumbled the response to the disaster.

You do get this, right? Bush fucked this up. Just like he fucked up everything he touched.

He's the one who merged FEMA into this huge bureaucracy that didn't know what it was doing and put the Horse Show guy in charge of it. (Ten years later, that guy is still whinging about how the media did him wrong.)
Yup, Walmart's executives were better and smarter than those of Bush.

Walmart's relief supplies were ready to roll.

And you wonder why we tell you that you and your podjos are the laughing stock of America.

new orleans; large city with a huge tourism industry at the time; had thousands of buses that could have been mobilized for people trying to flee.

and a city 60 feet UNDER SEA LEVEL should have had those supplies available for years

libs are losers who lie to themselves

None of which has anything to do with the fact that Bush fumbled the response to the disaster.

You do get this, right? Bush fucked this up. Just like he fucked up everything he touched.

He's the one who merged FEMA into this huge bureaucracy that didn't know what it was doing and put the Horse Show guy in charge of it. (Ten years later, that guy is still whinging about how the media did him wrong.)

of course YOU would say it has nothing to do with it

you losers lie to YOUR SELVES every damn day
Yup, Walmart's executives were better and smarter than those of Bush.

Walmart's relief supplies were ready to roll.

And you wonder why we tell you that you and your podjos are the laughing stock of America.

yes thanks for the Senate and House; and 31 of 50 Governo's chairs

not bad for the "laughingstock of America" huh genius?

new orleans; large city with a huge tourism industry at the time; had thousands of buses that could have been mobilized for people trying to flee.

and a city 60 feet UNDER SEA LEVEL should have had those supplies available for years

libs are losers who lie to themselves

None of which has anything to do with the fact that Bush fumbled the response to the disaster.

You do get this, right? Bush fucked this up. Just like he fucked up everything he touched.

He's the one who merged FEMA into this huge bureaucracy that didn't know what it was doing and put the Horse Show guy in charge of it. (Ten years later, that guy is still whinging about how the media did him wrong.)
It was up to Nagin and Blanco to evacuate those people... and Nagin is currently serving a ten-year stint in prison
From the corrupt mayor through the dithering governor to the incompetent FEMA and the president, all share the fault.

Yep, and I think we have to add 'don't cry wolf' to the situation, everyone always thinks about the last time and fails to consider maybe this time is different.

And Bush's administration was a failure due to ideology and the breakdown of state and government supports. You find that in all aspects of his presidency from failure in Afghanistan, to invading Iraq, to the financial bubble etc etc etc. Historians place him among the bottom five for a reason.
From the corrupt mayor through the dithering governor to the incompetent FEMA and the president, all share the fault.

Yep, and I think we have to add 'don't cry wolf' to the situation, everyone always thinks about the last time and fails to consider maybe this time is different.

And Bush's administration was a failure due to ideology and the breakdown of state and government supports. You find that in all aspects of his presidency from failure in Afghanistan, to invading Iraq, to the financial bubble etc etc etc. Historians place him among the bottom five for a reason.
You are nothing but a bag of cliches. You have no ability to think for yourself. You are a certified asshole and a bonified moron.

stupid ass.

new orleans; large city with a huge tourism industry at the time; had thousands of buses that could have been mobilized for people trying to flee.

and a city 60 feet UNDER SEA LEVEL should have had those supplies available for years

libs are losers who lie to themselves

None of which has anything to do with the fact that Bush fumbled the response to the disaster.

You do get this, right? Bush fucked this up. Just like he fucked up everything he touched.

He's the one who merged FEMA into this huge bureaucracy that didn't know what it was doing and put the Horse Show guy in charge of it. (Ten years later, that guy is still whinging about how the media did him wrong.)
It was up to Nagin and Blanco to evacuate those people... and Nagin is currently serving a ten-year stint in prison
None of which excuses the feebs for fumbling.

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