Do you feel the Democrat party would exist if not for MSM, using black people, for example............

Democrats want blacks poor and dependent on government.

Thats why black racist Democrats say things like...

Going to school is acting white.
Obeying the law is acting white.

All to turn black kids into troubled adults.
I'm black and nobody says that.

Do you understand white boy?

Nobody. White racists make this claim. Acting white is when you refuse ro acknowledge other blacks or you adopt the beliefs of racist whites.

Whites have been dependent on government since 1776.
You tell them? I bet they tell you that.

Getting the vaccine and wearing a mask is also the white thing to do. Bet you never heard that either.
Nobody black says that either. What we do say is that whitey injected us with syphilis and other diseases so we can't trust whiteys government telling us how safe this vaccine is.

And I'm vaccinated so don't come stupid, whit racist trash.
It is only fair to discuss the Republican Party in this thread.

How stupid can Republicans be? Pretty stupid, especially the ones in Texas, but the Republican Party as a whole is responsible.

As can be seen from this thread, Republicans are so inept they are totally incapable of defending their party. Faced with criticism on the issues, they are completely silent.

Republicans in Texas passed a new abortion law in which every private citizen can become a vigilante where abortion is concerned. In the case of incest, the new law says it is okay for a young woman to be forced to carry her sibling to birth.

Then we have the new gun law in Texas, one of the most dangerous laws in the country ... in the world, actually.

ABC News explains. "Texas' new law allowing most people to carry handguns in public without a permit or training came in part from the belief by many Texans that the best way to prevent crime and stop an armed bad guy is to make sure an armed good guy is nearby.

"Gov. Greg Abbott and his Republican allies in the Legislature who this summer made Texas the largest state with a so-called permit-less carry law pitched it as a way to let people more easily defend themselves without government interference."

“Best case scenario, the police are minutes away. But you need protection right then and there if you’re in danger. So, it’s going to make us safe,” said Bethany Young, the legislative director for Texas Gun Rights.

That sounds great --- if one is into fantasy.

What is the reality? How often do we hear about a gun toting civilian saving the day by shooting the bad guy? Almost never? Never?

How often do we hear of shootings, of mass murder in a school, mall, or work place?

Every freaking day!

Indeed, on the same day ABC News carried the story mentioned above, their website carried these two headlines.

Ex-Marine arrested in quadruple killing

DC shooting leaves 3 dead, 3 wounded

That explains the stupidity of the Republican Party. Worse, grassroots Republicans who voted for these idiots actually believe what GOP leaders say.

One-third of all Republicans still believe the election was stolen from Trump. 66% of all Republicans want Donald Trump, the worst President in modern American history and a prestigious liar, to run for President in 2024.
It is only fair to discuss the Republican Party in this thread.

How stupid can Republicans be? Pretty stupid, especially the ones in Texas, but the Republican Party as a whole is responsible.

As can be seen from this thread, Republicans are so inept they are totally incapable of defending their party. Faced with criticism on the issues, they are completely silent.

Republicans in Texas passed a new abortion law in which every private citizen can become a vigilante where abortion is concerned. In the case of incest, the new law says it is okay for a young woman to be forced to carry her sibling to birth.

Then we have the new gun law in Texas, one of the most dangerous laws in the country ... in the world, actually.

ABC News explains. "Texas' new law allowing most people to carry handguns in public without a permit or training came in part from the belief by many Texans that the best way to prevent crime and stop an armed bad guy is to make sure an armed good guy is nearby.

"Gov. Greg Abbott and his Republican allies in the Legislature who this summer made Texas the largest state with a so-called permit-less carry law pitched it as a way to let people more easily defend themselves without government interference."

“Best case scenario, the police are minutes away. But you need protection right then and there if you’re in danger. So, it’s going to make us safe,” said Bethany Young, the legislative director for Texas Gun Rights.

That sounds great --- if one is into fantasy.

What is the reality? How often do we hear about a gun toting civilian saving the day by shooting the bad guy? Almost never? Never?

How often do we hear of shootings, of mass murder in a school, mall, or work place?

Every freaking day!

Indeed, on the same day ABC News carried the story mentioned above, their website carried these two headlines.

Ex-Marine arrested in quadruple killing

DC shooting leaves 3 dead, 3 wounded

That explains the stupidity of the Republican Party. Worse, grassroots Republicans who voted for these idiots actually believe what GOP leaders say.

One-third of all Republicans still believe the election was stolen from Trump. 66% of all Republicans want Donald Trump, the worst President in modern American history and a prestigious liar, to run for President in 2024.
Thanks for the good news. Trump will get 100 million votes in 2024. The fraud machine will explode trying to beat that.
Whites have been dependent on government since 1776.
Wow, what a racist statement.

It turns out our Founding Fathers were pretty darn smart. They realized only the best and brightest should be allowed to vote. America went down hill after we started to let everyone vote.
Democrats have many minorities convinced that anything which makes a person successful is racist. This is the Democrat alibi for being a dim bulb. It also discourages their people from striving for the American dream which in turn makes them more dependent on government. America first Republicans are the opposite of these Democrats. They think that being a slave to your government isn't much different from being a slave to an individual. They believe in individual freedom where Democrats yearn for the good old days of slavery.
African Americans are lovely people.
Caucasian Americans are lovely people.

African Americans have their culture.
Caucasian Americans have their culture.

And the two cultures are different.

Therefore, the two cultures are incompatible, many people feel.

The Democrats are lovely people who feel that the two cultures can be reconciled.
The Republicans are lovely people who respectfully disagree.

Our great-grandchildren will know who was right.

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