Being held without trial??


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

Don't mess with the deep state.
How long would it have taken rabid, radical leftists to respond if the Trump Department of Justice had held Antifa defendants in jail for seven months without trial? Half a millisecond?

Hundreds, yes hundreds of Trump-supporters at the Capitol have been held for seven months without trial. Other than a timid protest by a few conservative House Republicans, this writer is unaware of demands that these political detainees — how otherwise to explain their detention by Biden's attorney general Garland (and thank the Almighty he was not put on the Supreme Court) — be given a fair and speedy trial?

Following a story in The Washington Post that a federal judge has constitutional concerns about one case involving a few of the detainees, The New York Times recognized, in its August 11 print edition, that the constitutional right of the detainees to a speedy trial is going by the boards, as trials are supposed to begin within 70 days of indictment.

Here it is more than seven months after January 6, 2021, the date of the Capitol incursion.
I read a lot of those people are in isolated cells, no contact with anyone other than the guards, who they only see when they get food.

They don't have anyone to talk to, no tv's, no radio, no music, just silent isolation.
Rapists, child molesters, pedophiles, and murderers in prisons don't even get treated like this!!
The only good democrats are dead democrats, until America comes to embrace that fact, it only gets worse....
Vicious little fascist pansy, aintcha? Betcha got swastikas on your underoos.

Not all Trump cultists are raging psychopath pajama bois, but many are. And the ones who aren't approve of the psychopaths among them. Basically all of the Trump cultists want to murder their opponents, but most of them are smart enough not to say it out loud.

Anyways, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. If you violently try to overthrow the government, you're correctly classified as a danger to society.
"I read a lot of those people are in isolated cells, no contact with anyone other than the guards, who they only see when they get food."

Now that would be an interesting read, poster Bacon.
I think it could be a fascinating set of experiences to read about.
Can you link us to the source you read that in?

I wonder though, with about 600 arrested (but still looking for about 200 more, they say).....anyway with near 600 in isolation cells, with no contact but their guards....well, where is there a facility with 600 such cells?
That's gotta be one helluva a big prison, presuming there is a a nearby general population that ain't in isolation.
Wouldn't it take a Guantanamo-sized facility (612 cells)?
Does your source say any of 'em are in Guantanamo, poster Bacon?

Notably we are haven't ---yet ---seen a lot of complaining about this isolation by their attorneys who, by law, they must have some contact with...... or their families.

Whassup with that? Ain't the lawyers outraged? Don't their families care?

Help us out, Bacon. Be our sherpa in learning more.
Vicious little fascist pansy, aintcha? Betcha got swastikas on your underoos.

Not all Trump cultists are raging psychopath pajama bois, but many are. And the ones who aren't approve of the psychopaths among them. Basically all of the Trump cultists want to murder their opponents, but most of them are smart enough not to say it out loud.

Anyways, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. If you violently try to overthrow the government, you're correctly classified as a danger to society.
Maybe Thief in Chief Biden will have those being held without trial lined up against the wall and shot. Would that solve your bloodthirsty lust?
Vicious little fascist pansy, aintcha? Betcha got swastikas on your underoos.

Not all Trump cultists are raging psychopath pajama bois, but many are. And the ones who aren't approve of the psychopaths among them. Basically all of the Trump cultists want to murder their opponents, but most of them are smart enough not to say it out loud.

Anyways, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. If you violently try to overthrow the government, you're correctly classified as a danger to society.
You, and your ilk are evil right on down to your deviant DNA, the earth itself is coming to revile your existence, you animals have murdered 75 million American babies, intellectually aborted another 50 million, inculcated the most deviant of sexual obscenity into little children's minds, your ending is at hand, you are not the majority, you are a tiny minority of sexual psychopaths and hell is coming for you even as you monsters thought you had achieved the absolute darkest vision of nirvana!

The only good democrats are dead democrats! :fu:
Now that would be an interesting read, poster Bacon.
I think it could be a fascinating set of experiences to read about.
Can you link us to the source you read that in?

I wonder though, with about 600 arrested (but still looking for about 200 more, they say).....anyway with near 600 in isolation cells, with no contact but their guards....well, where is there a facility with 600 such cells?
That's gotta be one helluva a big prison, presuming there is a a nearby general population that ain't in isolation.
Wouldn't it take a Guantanamo-sized facility (612 cells)?
Does your source say any of 'em are in Guantanamo, poster Bacon?

Notably we are haven't ---yet ---seen a lot of complaining about this isolation by their attorneys who, by law, they must have some contact with...... or their families.

Whassup with that? Ain't the lawyers outraged? Don't their families care?

Help us out, Bacon. Be our sherpa in learning more.

Yeah, yeah.....You don't need to be sarcastic......although I do appreciate the flattery. LOL

Unfortunately it was one of those pop up news clips that show up when I get on my pc in the mornings. And I'm not "techie" enough to know how to capture or download those things.....if it's even possible.

I looked on Youtube for the video, but didn't find it there. If it is there, I don't know what it would be listed under, although I used many different search terms when I was looking.

This is not the same video, this one is about the city jail, not the federal jail.....but it's got some of the same issues pointed out as the one I watched.......I will continue to look for the one I saw though.

As for your Guantanamo comment/question.....there was mention of it in one post on this site, but I don't think it was anything pertinent, I think it was just a personal opinion that the "worst offenders should be taken there".

And yes, they have lawyers, their lawyers and families are outraged, yes....who wouldn't be.

I found this video for you...........

Hopefully this info will make you happy for the moment?

I'll try and continue to use my god-like powers to find that news clip for you.
Stay unmasked
Defy Science
Believe in trump. even though it IS the trump vaccine. WTF?

Both sides, including children, will DIE, because of RWI's.
But more RWI's will DIE.

I'm not happy about this, but this is what you RWI's have created.
" animals have murdered 75 million American babies, intellectually aborted another 50 million, inculcated the most deviant of sexual obscenity into little children's minds..."
My poor avatar would suggest to the avataree, "Death-Ninja" that he use the above pulled-quote as his signature line.
It could clearly establish an know, like a 'brand'.....and signal what DNinja is all about.
Consumers wouldn't have to guess.
It would save time in the future so he need not repeatedly type--- "75,0000,000 dead babies and 50,000,000 intellectually aborted" (just what is that exactly?).

And, it adds sort of a local-color eccentricity that could appeal to some. You know, like the incarcerated with time on their hands....and internet access.

So please stick with this gossipboard, DNinja.

I, for one, think you add diversity, and a cheerful happy whimsy to the board's vibe.
Sorta like a Tinkerbell, or maybe the waitress Diane of Cheers. :thup:

Don't mess with the deep state.
We need to amend the Constitution for the rights of people not to be usurped by the Democrat party any more.
Stay unmasked
Defy Science
Believe in trump. even though it IS the trump vaccine. WTF?

Both sides, including children, will DIE, because of RWI's.
But more RWI's will DIE.

I'm not happy about this, but this is what you RWI's have created.

Thats funny, especially when it's the Dementocrats having all these parties, confabs, meetings, and such with NO MASKS ON, spreading COVID all over the place!!!

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