Do you believe that Capitalism requires 5.5% unemployment?

except we aren't dummy

RECORD numbers on disability

13 MILLION MORE on food stamps
then when bush was in office

Yes, the Plutocrats really took advantage of Bush's recession, didn't they?

40% of people on food stamps have jobs.

you're bragging your Messiah "created jobs" that pay so little they still allow you to get food stamps

you are simply a clown
Joe will simply waste your time. He was the first one I blocked.
He is a chicago guy, that's why I pay attention to him
I feel for ya. Sounds like he has anger management issues.
He got screwed over by management at a high paying job downtown and now works in a warehouse in the burbs what I gather.

But us Chicago guys always stick together, don't matter who you are always welcome at the corner bar after work
He got screwed over by management at a high paying job downtown and now works in a warehouse in the burbs what I gather.

Uh, no.

I wouldn't work downtown no matter what you paid me.

I do pretty much the same job now that i did then- Purchasing agent.

But what I did get out of the experience is that the Republicans work for the bosses, and the democrats work for the rest of us.

I got that when my Romney-loving boss said, "I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union" when he fucked over his employees.

so I'm kind of done voting for the interests of the rich.
He got screwed over by management at a high paying job downtown and now works in a warehouse in the burbs what I gather.
Maybe I misread one of your posts, always thought

Uh, no.

I wouldn't work downtown no matter what you paid me.

I do pretty much the same job now that i did then- Purchasing agent.

But what I did get out of the experience is that the Republicans work for the bosses, and the democrats work for the rest of us.

I got that when my Romney-loving boss said, "I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union" when he fucked over his employees.

so I'm kind of done voting for the interests of the rich.
Maybe I didn't comprehend one of your post. I always thought your hate came from getting screwed over in a high paying down town job.
Maybe I didn't comprehend one of your post. I always thought your hate came from getting screwed over in a high paying down town job.

I think you were pretty far off, actually.

Short version. I worked for a company for 6 years, did a fantastic job for them, but then I had a medical issue and they essentially screwed me, because this was the kind of manager who thought it was okay to fire employees when they got sick, injured or pregnant.

His famous quote "I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union."
Maybe I didn't comprehend one of your post. I always thought your hate came from getting screwed over in a high paying down town job.

I think you were pretty far off, actually.

Short version. I worked for a company for 6 years, did a fantastic job for them, but then I had a medical issue and they essentially screwed me, because this was the kind of manager who thought it was okay to fire employees when they got sick, injured or pregnant.

His famous quote "I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union."
I remember you posting about your medical problems
"Do you believe that Capitalism requires 5.5% unemployment?"

It's not a matter of 'belief.'

A healthy economy has an unemployment rate of about 5 percent, representing job seekers leaving one job to start another.
I have heard a lot about Singapore that makes it awkward to use as an example to support theories, but I don't see why we can't use it as a counterexample to a theory like this. The REAL percentage of unemployment in America is unclear. Moreover illegal immigration and part-time work add some mess to this statistics.
you're bragging your Messiah "created jobs" that pay so little they still allow you to get food stamps

you are simply a clown

No, not bragging. Obama hasn't reversed a 40 year war on the working class by the 1% and the Goons of Plutocracy (GOP). I really think we aren't going to fix that in one presidency.

the 1 is getting richer, has gotten richer, on Obama's watch, then they were getting under Republicans. he not only isn't reversing anything he's going the other way

how many times does inconvenient reality have to be put in your face?
I remember someone here trying to make that case, his argument made no sense. More people working = more taxes collected and less people needing any form of handouts. How on Earth can that be bad in any way? In fact, the more people working, the tougher it is to find help so it's a seller's market. People can demand more for their time. That's the fundamental aspect of economics that liberals don't get.
The argument is that produces "cost push" inflation. Wages rise so prices have to rise to keep up with them. We're already seeing some of that btw, as WalMart has announced wage increases.
I remember someone here trying to make that case, his argument made no sense. More people working = more taxes collected and less people needing any form of handouts. How on Earth can that be bad in any way? In fact, the more people working, the tougher it is to find help so it's a seller's market. People can demand more for their time. That's the fundamental aspect of economics that liberals don't get.
The argument is that produces "cost push" inflation. Wages rise so prices have to rise to keep up with them. We're already seeing some of that btw, as WalMart has announced wage increases.
I think they are trying to get off the left's public enemy number one list.

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