Citizen's United truly is what's destroying our democratic process


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Data Nearly 5 dozen give a third of all 16 campaign cash - Yahoo News

5 dozen donors represent a third of all money raised so far in 2016. Citizen's United is destroying our political process. If only the Founders knew...

Bernie Sanders is the only candidate with an actual grassroots campaign. He is supported by no super PACs whatsoever. He has raised 15 million thus far with the average donation being under $100. That is what democracy looks like.
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Data Nearly 5 dozen give a third of all 16 campaign cash - Yahoo News

5 dozen donors represent a third of all money raised so far in 2016. Citizen's United is destroying our political process. If only the Founders knew...

Vote for Bernie Sanders!

-- Paravani
Yep, he should be president.
Out of everyone that's running, I agree, although Bernie is far from a socialist.. He's a social democrat who I disagree with on many things.. Meh.
Data Nearly 5 dozen give a third of all 16 campaign cash - Yahoo News

5 dozen donors represent a third of all money raised so far in 2016. Citizen's United is destroying our political process. If only the Founders knew...

Vote for Bernie Sanders!

-- Paravani
Yep, he should be president.
Out of everyone that's running, I agree, although Bernie is far from a socialist.. He's a social democrat who I disagree with on many things.. Meh.
Like what? I'm curious.
Data Nearly 5 dozen give a third of all 16 campaign cash - Yahoo News

5 dozen donors represent a third of all money raised so far in 2016. Citizen's United is destroying our political process. If only the Founders knew...

Vote for Bernie Sanders!

-- Paravani
Yep, he should be president.
Out of everyone that's running, I agree, although Bernie is far from a socialist.. He's a social democrat who I disagree with on many things.. Meh.
Like what? I'm curious.
Israel, his reformist bullshit, his shift and flip flopping since the 70s..
Data Nearly 5 dozen give a third of all 16 campaign cash - Yahoo News

5 dozen donors represent a third of all money raised so far in 2016. Citizen's United is destroying our political process. If only the Founders knew...

Vote for Bernie Sanders!

-- Paravani
Yep, he should be president.
Out of everyone that's running, I agree, although Bernie is far from a socialist.. He's a social democrat who I disagree with on many things.. Meh.
Like what? I'm curious.
Israel, his reformist bullshit, his shift and flip flopping since the 70s..
Can you be more specific?
Vote for Bernie Sanders!

-- Paravani
Yep, he should be president.
Out of everyone that's running, I agree, although Bernie is far from a socialist.. He's a social democrat who I disagree with on many things.. Meh.
Like what? I'm curious.
Israel, his reformist bullshit, his shift and flip flopping since the 70s..
Can you be more specific?
He supports Israel, he's not an actual socialist and is simply a social democrat, he has drastically changed from being an actual socialist to a social democrat, he is always ranting about classes and saving the middle class, an actual socialist strives for a classless society. He almost always votes democrat, and I have yet to see any socialist proposals from him.
Yep, he should be president.
Out of everyone that's running, I agree, although Bernie is far from a socialist.. He's a social democrat who I disagree with on many things.. Meh.
Like what? I'm curious.
Israel, his reformist bullshit, his shift and flip flopping since the 70s..
Can you be more specific?
He supports Israel, he's not an actual socialist and is simply a social democrat, he has drastically changed from being an actual socialist to a social democrat, he is always ranting about classes and saving the middle class, an actual socialist strives for a classless society. He almost always votes democrat, and I have yet to see any socialist proposals from him.
What exactly is your position on Israel?

He probably isn't the kind of socialist you want, but all of his positions are what popular opinion favors in this country. Poll after poll proves that.

As one of the more progressive members on this board, I must admit I find your views too extreme but I still respect them. I respect any hard left point of view because there aren't enough of them in this country.
Data Nearly 5 dozen give a third of all 16 campaign cash - Yahoo News

5 dozen donors represent a third of all money raised so far in 2016. Citizen's United is destroying our political process. If only the Founders knew...

Bernie Sanders is the only candidate with an actual grassroots campaign. He is supported by no super PACs whatsoever. He has raised 15 million thus far with the average donation being under $100. That is what democracy looks like.
Citizens United is not destroying our political process.

WE are destroying our political process.

By voting for those who, in turn, voted to empower Citizens United, and such.

Time to look in the mirror, talk amongst our selves, and vote only for those committed to reversing the situation.

Otherwise, it will never change.
Data Nearly 5 dozen give a third of all 16 campaign cash - Yahoo News

5 dozen donors represent a third of all money raised so far in 2016. Citizen's United is destroying our political process. If only the Founders knew...

Bernie Sanders is the only candidate with an actual grassroots campaign. He is supported by no super PACs whatsoever. He has raised 15 million thus far with the average donation being under $100. That is what democracy looks like.
Citizens United is not destroying our political process.

WE are destroying our political process.

By voting for those who, in turn, voted to empower Citizens United, and such.

Time to look in the mirror, talk amongst our selves, and vote only for those committed to reversing the situation.

Otherwise, it will never change.
The lack of awareness of Citizen's United is the problem.
Citizens united gives the super rich the power to control the entire system...The loserterian movement is the perfect toy to wheel the leavers of power.

Watch these bastards take most of the rest of the wealth the next 20 years if this isn't stopped and finally kill what is lefted of the middle class.
Weird how it's always the protection for the workers, the environment and any expectation of the rich paying their share of the taxes that the loserterian don't like!

They don't give a shit if this entire country starts looking like haiti or central America as their goal is simply to hand over all the wealth to the super rich as they're just useful idiots. The middle class was built by the reality that the government simply said NO more monopolies in the early 20th century(standard oil, Grand bell, etc) and added a shit ton of workers rights/protections. Yes, it was government that built that giant middle class we had in the middle of the 20th century right along side the unions. BUT, the unions wouldn't of had a pot to piss in to grant so much if it wasn't for the government.

If it was up to big business the workers would of been as poor as any ****** in southern Asia and the rich would of never allowed this to occur. The loserterians are dumb enough to fall for it and they can't stand to see anyone helping the poor out. Helping the poor out will take some of that giant volt of gold that scrooge mcduck dives in and we can't be having that!!!! If is so fair for the 1% to take it all and the government that we elected can't do anything then I guess you enjoy drinking shit water, breathing smog and being beat like a coon as the bastard pushes every cent out of you!
I am inclined to agree with the OP on the negative impact of the Citizens United decision. Short of publicly funded elections which might have its own negative consequences; I don't see too many solutions to the problem of money in politics.
I try to have an open mind and would be inclined to see Bernie Sanders speak in person. He has piqued my interest at times and my vote has not been mentally cast yet. My vote could go to either party really, depending on the candidate. It's too early and the field too crowded in my opinion.
I think it unlikely Senator Sanders makes it through the primary season, let alone a general election (should he get the nod), without big donors in the Citizens United era.
Data Nearly 5 dozen give a third of all 16 campaign cash - Yahoo News

5 dozen donors represent a third of all money raised so far in 2016. Citizen's United is destroying our political process. If only the Founders knew...

Bernie Sanders is the only candidate with an actual grassroots campaign. He is supported by no super PACs whatsoever. He has raised 15 million thus far with the average donation being under $100. That is what democracy looks like.
You understand Citizens United had nothing to do with this and that these donations were legal even before that decision, right?
Another Billy Triple fail because so much of what you know just isnt true.
Data Nearly 5 dozen give a third of all 16 campaign cash - Yahoo News

5 dozen donors represent a third of all money raised so far in 2016. Citizen's United is destroying our political process. If only the Founders knew...

Bernie Sanders is the only candidate with an actual grassroots campaign. He is supported by no super PACs whatsoever. He has raised 15 million thus far with the average donation being under $100. That is what democracy looks like.
And how long do you think this has been going on? Do you not know that politicians, politics, legislation, policy, and the entire government is bought and paid for? Why do you think so much money flows into the political arena? FYI - This is nothing new. This has been going on since there was a government. What do you find surprising or unusual about money and politics? Don't tell me that you believe that some politicians are not on-the-take. FYI - If a politician couldn't be bought, they'd never get elected to office.
The OP is correct, it's better if only one person, like Soros owns a candidate. Soros bought Obama from Khalid Monsour.
Yep, he should be president.
Out of everyone that's running, I agree, although Bernie is far from a socialist.. He's a social democrat who I disagree with on many things.. Meh.
Like what? I'm curious.
Israel, his reformist bullshit, his shift and flip flopping since the 70s..
Can you be more specific?
He supports Israel, he's not an actual socialist and is simply a social democrat, he has drastically changed from being an actual socialist to a social democrat, he is always ranting about classes and saving the middle class, an actual socialist strives for a classless society. He almost always votes democrat, and I have yet to see any socialist proposals from him.

And by "Classless Society" you mean the Progressive Hellholes where there are only the rulers and the slaves, right?
Data Nearly 5 dozen give a third of all 16 campaign cash - Yahoo News

5 dozen donors represent a third of all money raised so far in 2016. Citizen's United is destroying our political process. If only the Founders knew...

Bernie Sanders is the only candidate with an actual grassroots campaign. He is supported by no super PACs whatsoever. He has raised 15 million thus far with the average donation being under $100. That is what democracy looks like.
Yeah, Billy you tellem. Socialism is true democracy. Now where's my crack pipe, gotta go toke on that one.
Data Nearly 5 dozen give a third of all 16 campaign cash - Yahoo News

5 dozen donors represent a third of all money raised so far in 2016. Citizen's United is destroying our political process. If only the Founders knew...

Bernie Sanders is the only candidate with an actual grassroots campaign. He is supported by no super PACs whatsoever. He has raised 15 million thus far with the average donation being under $100. That is what democracy looks like.

The irony being that most those donors are libtards - Tom Steyer, Michael Bloomberg, George Soros..
  • In 2008, according to the ABC news, then Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama raised and spent over $770 million compared to challenger John McCain’s $238 million — more than triple.
  • In 2012, President Obama became the first candidate in the history of the world to raise over $1 billion — $1,123,000,000 to be exact.
  • According to a political analysis of the top 100 donors during the midterm election, Democrats received $174 million and Republicans received $40 million. Democratic donors routinely gave more to political campaigns while supporting the perception that Republicans buy elections.
  • Tom Steyer, formerly an “evil” hedge fund manager and “villainous” executive at Goldman Sachs, donated $5 million in 2014 to the Senate majority super PAC run by Harry Reid’s former aides — a drop in the bucket to his pledge of $100 million to influence elections and kill the Keystone pipeline. He wound up donating about $75 million and was, by far, the largest single individual spender in the midterm elections. Liberal Michael Bloomberg was a distant second at $40 million.
How ironic that the very thing you are crying about is the only thing getting Dumbocrats elected.

Evil Progressive Donors Part II: The Steyer Brothers

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