Do you believe signing Grovers "No Tax Pledge" is appropriate or smart?

Do you believe a lifetime no new tax pledge is responsible to take?

  • yes

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • no

    Votes: 23 79.3%

  • Total voters

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Most new congressmen are confronted with this pledge before they are even elected. I see the lefts complaint about this as partially valid. While I disagree with the premise of raising taxes in general I have a problem with this anyhow. A prospective congressman does not know what lies before him and to box himself into a corner and remove a set of chips from himself before he even sits down at the poker table is just stupid.

Then there is the fact that Grover uses this pledge signed or not to try to pressure individuals with the threat of big money either used against you or for you just seems wrong. This is where everyone should agree. The right doesn't like unions flooding money into elections to further their agenda right? Well this in a way is no different.

I saw one congressman mention that a pledge signed may have had merit when it was signed but years later circumstances change yet he is somehow still bound to a rigid ideology.

Bottom line their may come a time when the only way to save our country is through higher taxes and that is far better than ending up like Greece.

And I for one would quickly take a 10:1 cuts for tax deal if the cuts were real. When we remove taxes from the kitty we have NOTHING left to negotiate with.
As a conservative I'd have no problem signing while campaigning for office.

I don't get all the hullabaloo about it. If one signs constituents know he/she won't vote to raise taxes. If one doesn't sign constituents know that person might vote to raise taxes. And the electorate votes however they see fit.
As a Conservative Id tell Grover to mind his own fucking aristocratic business.

I'm for dropping taxes and spending and regulation because I'm Conservative not because I signed some idiots stupid pledge
Most new congressmen are confronted with this pledge before they are even elected. I see the lefts complaint about this as partially valid. While I disagree with the premise of raising taxes in general I have a problem with this anyhow. A prospective congressman does not know what lies before him and to box himself into a corner and remove a set of chips from himself before he even sits down at the poker table is just stupid.

Then there is the fact that Grover uses this pledge signed or not to try to pressure individuals with the threat of big money either used against you or for you just seems wrong. This is where everyone should agree. The right doesn't like unions flooding money into elections to further their agenda right? Well this in a way is no different.

I saw one congressman mention that a pledge signed may have had merit when it was signed but years later circumstances change yet he is somehow still bound to a rigid ideology.

Bottom line their may come a time when the only way to save our country is through higher taxes and that is far better than ending up like Greece.

And I for one would quickly take a 10:1 cuts for tax deal if the cuts were real. When we remove taxes from the kitty we have NOTHING left to negotiate with.

DO you think your tax dollars should be spent for :

The federal government is spending $2.6 million to make sure prostitutes in China drink less on the job.
NIH Funds $2.6 Million Study To Get Prostitutes In China To Drink Less | Fox News

Why $1.44 million for Vietnamese male prostitutes??

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has so far awarded $1.44 million in federal funds to a project that, among other things, is estimating the size of the population and examining the “social milieu” of male prostitutes in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

WHY...Washington spends $25 billion annually maintaining unused or vacant federal properties!!!

As a Conservative Id tell Grover to mind his own fucking aristocratic business.

I'm for dropping taxes and spending and regulation because I'm Conservative not because I signed some idiots stupid pledge

but those policies will cause failure
When you sign a tax pledge like this you are saying you will refuse to work with the majority.

You know the people elected by the majority of Americans.

You know Democracy?
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Most new congressmen are confronted with this pledge before they are even elected. I see the lefts complaint about this as partially valid. While I disagree with the premise of raising taxes in general I have a problem with this anyhow. A prospective congressman does not know what lies before him and to box himself into a corner and remove a set of chips from himself before he even sits down at the poker table is just stupid.

Then there is the fact that Grover uses this pledge signed or not to try to pressure individuals with the threat of big money either used against you or for you just seems wrong. This is where everyone should agree. The right doesn't like unions flooding money into elections to further their agenda right? Well this in a way is no different.

I saw one congressman mention that a pledge signed may have had merit when it was signed but years later circumstances change yet he is somehow still bound to a rigid ideology.

Bottom line their may come a time when the only way to save our country is through higher taxes and that is far better than ending up like Greece.

And I for one would quickly take a 10:1 cuts for tax deal if the cuts were real. When we remove taxes from the kitty we have NOTHING left to negotiate with.

DO you think your tax dollars should be spent for :

The federal government is spending $2.6 million to make sure prostitutes in China drink less on the job.
NIH Funds $2.6 Million Study To Get Prostitutes In China To Drink Less | Fox News

Why $1.44 million for Vietnamese male prostitutes??

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has so far awarded $1.44 million in federal funds to a project that, among other things, is estimating the size of the population and examining the “social milieu” of male prostitutes in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

WHY...Washington spends $25 billion annually maintaining unused or vacant federal properties!!!


No I don't think that's a proper way to spend our money but that's for another topic.
When you sign a tax pledge like this you are saying you will refuse to work with the majority.

You know the people elected by the majority of Americans.

You know Democracy?

The majority ran the Democrats out in record numbers in 2010
Most new congressmen are confronted with this pledge before they are even elected. I see the lefts complaint about this as partially valid. While I disagree with the premise of raising taxes in general I have a problem with this anyhow. A prospective congressman does not know what lies before him and to box himself into a corner and remove a set of chips from himself before he even sits down at the poker table is just stupid.

Then there is the fact that Grover uses this pledge signed or not to try to pressure individuals with the threat of big money either used against you or for you just seems wrong. This is where everyone should agree. The right doesn't like unions flooding money into elections to further their agenda right? Well this in a way is no different.

I saw one congressman mention that a pledge signed may have had merit when it was signed but years later circumstances change yet he is somehow still bound to a rigid ideology.

Bottom line their may come a time when the only way to save our country is through higher taxes and that is far better than ending up like Greece.

And I for one would quickly take a 10:1 cuts for tax deal if the cuts were real. When we remove taxes from the kitty we have NOTHING left to negotiate with.

I prefer politicians not to sign promises of any kind and for the precise reason you have mentioned above: I saw one congressman mention that a pledge signed may have had merit when it was signed but years later circumstances change yet he is somehow still bound to a rigid ideology.

Politicians needs to keep their options open because of that one constant: Change.
I don't even know how this is legal. The only document that congress should be upholding and protecting is the United States Constitution.
I don't even know how this is legal. The only document that congress should be upholding and protecting is the United States Constitution.

It's not legal, you idiot. It's nothing more than a political device to hold somebody's feet tothe fire.

And no, i wouldn't sign it either. I don't think taxes should be raised until the economy is on stronger footing, maybe a few years down the road. For now I'd much rather see a reform to the tax code to remove the tax breaks and loopholes and cut the rates correspondingly. I'd also cut or remove the subsidies to big corps and I wouldn't allow tax credits to be applied in future years.
Personally I could care less about Grover's pledge, in my humble opinion Grover's group does nothing but contribute to hijacking the election process from it's rightful owners. In having candidates sign his pledge and providing support if they do, and threats to unseat them if they do not basically buys the seat from the voters, this is just another K Street tactic that has been used for years and in the end it's the voters who suffer not Grover. The funny thing about this is for someone who claims to support the constitution , he sure doesn't know very much about what it takes to fund it nor does he seem to read it. In the end, the basic facts here are his group is a vote buying group set to buy legislation they feel they want to pass. Until the rightful owners (the voters) step up and take it back people like Grover will pretend they own it and present these laughable tax pledges that are not worth the paper they are written on.
Who cares if they sign it? It's a piece of paper.... their signatures are meaningless... a publicity stunt.

Pledges are bullshit without the honor to stand by it. And honor is something that we desperately need, and definitely lack in our politicians.
It seems to me the best pledge they take is the " OATH OF OFFICE" the rest are meaningless. As to Grover as he does not live in Arizona and by suggesting that his group should decide who runs for office here based on some pledge or how they vote is a slap in the face to the citizens here as it should be for every other state as well.
Most new congressmen are confronted with this pledge before they are even elected. I see the lefts complaint about this as partially valid. While I disagree with the premise of raising taxes in general I have a problem with this anyhow. A prospective congressman does not know what lies before him and to box himself into a corner and remove a set of chips from himself before he even sits down at the poker table is just stupid.

Then there is the fact that Grover uses this pledge signed or not to try to pressure individuals with the threat of big money either used against you or for you just seems wrong. This is where everyone should agree. The right doesn't like unions flooding money into elections to further their agenda right? Well this in a way is no different.

I saw one congressman mention that a pledge signed may have had merit when it was signed but years later circumstances change yet he is somehow still bound to a rigid ideology.

Bottom line their may come a time when the only way to save our country is through higher taxes and that is far better than ending up like Greece.

And I for one would quickly take a 10:1 cuts for tax deal if the cuts were real. When we remove taxes from the kitty we have NOTHING left to negotiate with.

I prefer politicians not to sign promises of any kind and for the precise reason you have mentioned above: I saw one congressman mention that a pledge signed may have had merit when it was signed but years later circumstances change yet he is somehow still bound to a rigid ideology.

Politicians needs to keep their options open because of that one constant: Change.

I saw Norquist like you did and my ONLY fault was HE Didn't explain that the FEDERAL GOVT... DOESN"T need HIGHER TAXes because tax revenue grows as income grows!
Keep businesses/people employed profits increase naturally and therefore NO TAX increases are needed! It is a growth issue NOT RAISING MORE TAX percentages!

Why is it especially what appears to be "smart" people like you FEEL the ONLY way to meet a budget is to raise revenues?

For example without one ounce of modesty... I KNOW FOR A FACT how
to cut Medicare costs easily by $5 billion a year!
It's because I've a very specialized niche of knowledge as to how data gets from a desktop to Medicare and in doing so the process REQUIRED a leased line that was only 5% utilized! Thus providers WASTED 95% of the fees to pay for the lines!
When you sign a tax pledge like this you are saying you will refuse to work with the majority.

You know the people elected by the majority of Americans.

You know Democracy?

The majority ran the Democrats out in record numbers in 2010

You forget we have a dem senate and a dem president.

they are only the majority in the house, there are reasons we have more than one body.

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