Do you approve of, and think it is classy to do this to a First Lady?

Look at this. Melania was at an opiate conference with grade school kids in Baltimore. An epicenter of abuse.

How classless. What kind of teachers would not let students know this is the First Lady, an institution. Respect her like any FL. Would be just as bad if it was Michelle.

Raising a bunch of classless urchins

Shes not even political and the classless tards do nothing but attack this graceful, gracious and beautiful woman. But I expect nothing else from them.
Look at this. Melania was at an opiate conference with grade school kids in Baltimore. An epicenter of abuse.

How classless. What kind of teachers would not let students know this is the First Lady, an institution. Respect her like any FL. Would be just as bad if it was Michelle.

Raising a bunch of classless urchins

Think what would happen if white kids had done that to Michelle Obama. :eek:

Most white kids liked the Obamas......probably because most white kids didn't think they were rabid racists....

Most black kids in Baltimore probably feel that Trump is racist and that his wife is guilty by association....and we definitely can't expect our kids to be more mature than adults, since its adults who are doing that and worse...

They think Trump is a racist because their teachers,parents and the LSM tell them he's racist.
Look at this. Melania was at an opiate conference with grade school kids in Baltimore. An epicenter of abuse.

How classless. What kind of teachers would not let students know this is the First Lady, an institution. Respect her like any FL. Would be just as bad if it was Michelle.

Raising a bunch of classless urchins

She's not earned anyone's respect.

I find the nutbag hoard's acceptance of this immigrant with sketchy papers who hasn't mastered the English
language and speaks with a thick accent.....who hasn't demonstrated even a little effort as 1st be
one of the most peculiar things about this presidency.

LOL....she speaks 6 languages.
So you should be pissed that your precious illegals cant speak english after living here for years.
speaking of treating the flotus w/respect...>>>



That’s not true. Good try moron

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Ugly stuff. We should be better than this.

Unfortunately we have a President who contributes to it, while his followers wildly cheer him on.

I hope we hit rock bottom soon.

It never happened. That’s a bullshit comment.

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So......Trump insults the city of Baltimore, calls it rat infested and mocks anyone who would choose to live there.

Then the Trumps are shocked that the First Lady doesn’t get a warm reception in Baltimore

It’s true. Baltimore is a shit hole with animals living there.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Look at this. Melania was at an opiate conference with grade school kids in Baltimore. An epicenter of abuse.

How classless. What kind of teachers would not let students know this is the First Lady, an institution. Respect her like any FL. Would be just as bad if it was Michelle.

Raising a bunch of classless urchins

She's not earned anyone's respect.

I find the nutbag hoard's acceptance of this immigrant with sketchy papers who hasn't mastered the English
language and speaks with a thick accent.....who hasn't demonstrated even a little effort as 1st be
one of the most peculiar things about this presidency.

Shut the fuck up you pathetic hypocrite. You elect that low life Arnold Schwarzenegger to Governor in California. He can barely speak English, took steroids and cheated on his wife. Libtards talk out of both sides of there face Melania has been all class. Your just jealous scum

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What do you expect from Baltimore?
Maybe she should have apologized first?

"First, I want to apologize to the fine people of Baltimore for my husband's comments about this fine city. He can not stop being an asshole. Don't blame me."

Your stupidity shows every time you post. It is a shit hole run by Democrats like most of the other shit hole states. The mutants in Baltimore are to stupid to see it. If you think it’s so lovely why don’t you move there. Don’t worry you only have to say President Trump till 2024.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Look at this. Melania was at an opiate conference with grade school kids in Baltimore. An epicenter of abuse.

How classless. What kind of teachers would not let students know this is the First Lady, an institution. Respect her like any FL. Would be just as bad if it was Michelle.

Raising a bunch of classless urchins

She's not earned anyone's respect.

I find the nutbag hoard's acceptance of this immigrant with sketchy papers who hasn't mastered the English
language and speaks with a thick accent.....who hasn't demonstrated even a little effort as 1st be
one of the most peculiar things about this presidency.

LOL....she speaks 6 languages.
So you should be pissed that your precious illegals cant speak english after living here for years.

Have you ever heard her speak any language other than broken English?

I speak 20 languages. Of course, I can only communicate in two. But I can claim anything when my audience is a bunch of morons.
Look at this. Melania was at an opiate conference with grade school kids in Baltimore. An epicenter of abuse.

How classless. What kind of teachers would not let students know this is the First Lady, an institution. Respect her like any FL. Would be just as bad if it was Michelle.

Raising a bunch of classless urchins

She's not earned anyone's respect.

I find the nutbag hoard's acceptance of this immigrant with sketchy papers who hasn't mastered the English
language and speaks with a thick accent.....who hasn't demonstrated even a little effort as 1st be
one of the most peculiar things about this presidency.

Shut the fuck up you pathetic hypocrite. You elect that low life Arnold Schwarzenegger to Governor in California. He can barely speak English, took steroids and cheated on his wife. Libtards talk out of both sides of there face Melania has been all class. Your just jealous scum

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Moron. Arnold is a Republican. I live in Florida. How do you function?
Look at this. Melania was at an opiate conference with grade school kids in Baltimore. An epicenter of abuse.

How classless. What kind of teachers would not let students know this is the First Lady, an institution. Respect her like any FL. Would be just as bad if it was Michelle.

Raising a bunch of classless urchins

She's not earned anyone's respect.

I find the nutbag hoard's acceptance of this immigrant with sketchy papers who hasn't mastered the English
language and speaks with a thick accent.....who hasn't demonstrated even a little effort as 1st be
one of the most peculiar things about this presidency.

LOL....she speaks 6 languages.
So you should be pissed that your precious illegals cant speak english after living here for years.

Have you ever heard her speak any language other than broken English?

I speak 20 languages. Of course, I can only communicate in two. But I can claim anything when my audience is a bunch of morons.
I've heard her speak Slovenian which I can partly understand. Unlike most Americans, most educated Europeans can speak English and often other languages besides their own
Look at this. Melania was at an opiate conference with grade school kids in Baltimore. An epicenter of abuse.

How classless. What kind of teachers would not let students know this is the First Lady, an institution. Respect her like any FL. Would be just as bad if it was Michelle.

Raising a bunch of classless urchins

They missed the Be Best memo.
Look at this. Melania was at an opiate conference with grade school kids in Baltimore. An epicenter of abuse.

How classless. What kind of teachers would not let students know this is the First Lady, an institution. Respect her like any FL. Would be just as bad if it was Michelle.

Raising a bunch of classless urchins

She's not earned anyone's respect.

I find the nutbag hoard's acceptance of this immigrant with sketchy papers who hasn't mastered the English
language and speaks with a thick accent.....who hasn't demonstrated even a little effort as 1st be
one of the most peculiar things about this presidency.

LOL....she speaks 6 languages.
So you should be pissed that your precious illegals cant speak english after living here for years.

Have you ever heard her speak any language other than broken English?

I speak 20 languages. Of course, I can only communicate in two. But I can claim anything when my audience is a bunch of morons.

Sure ya do.
How about you look up how many languages the wookie speaks?
Look at this. Melania was at an opiate conference with grade school kids in Baltimore. An epicenter of abuse.

How classless. What kind of teachers would not let students know this is the First Lady, an institution. Respect her like any FL. Would be just as bad if it was Michelle.

Raising a bunch of classless urchins

She's not earned anyone's respect.

I find the nutbag hoard's acceptance of this immigrant with sketchy papers who hasn't mastered the English
language and speaks with a thick accent.....who hasn't demonstrated even a little effort as 1st be
one of the most peculiar things about this presidency.

LOL....she speaks 6 languages.
So you should be pissed that your precious illegals cant speak english after living here for years.

Have you ever heard her speak any language other than broken English?

I speak 20 languages. Of course, I can only communicate in two. But I can claim anything when my audience is a bunch of morons.
I've heard her speak Slovenian which I can partly understand. Unlike most Americans, most educated Europeans can speak English and often other languages besides their own

That is 2. How about the other 4?

And let’s be honest. She SHOULD be more proficient at English. She has been here for years.

My Japanese wife is far more accomplished at our language than the the FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES.

Come on. She’s lazy. You know it.
Look at this. Melania was at an opiate conference with grade school kids in Baltimore. An epicenter of abuse.

How classless. What kind of teachers would not let students know this is the First Lady, an institution. Respect her like any FL. Would be just as bad if it was Michelle.

Raising a bunch of classless urchins

She's not earned anyone's respect.

I find the nutbag hoard's acceptance of this immigrant with sketchy papers who hasn't mastered the English
language and speaks with a thick accent.....who hasn't demonstrated even a little effort as 1st be
one of the most peculiar things about this presidency.

LOL....she speaks 6 languages.
So you should be pissed that your precious illegals cant speak english after living here for years.

Have you ever heard her speak any language other than broken English?

I speak 20 languages. Of course, I can only communicate in two. But I can claim anything when my audience is a bunch of morons.
I've heard her speak Slovenian which I can partly understand. Unlike most Americans, most educated Europeans can speak English and often other languages besides their own

That is 2. How about the other 4?

And let’s be honest. She SHOULD be more proficient at English. She has been here for years.

My Japanese wife is far more accomplished at our language than the the FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES.

Come on. She’s lazy. You know it.

You have no idea of Melania's proficiency in English. The only thing you heard was an accent. BTW, I thought you were a fag for some reason.
She's not earned anyone's respect.

I find the nutbag hoard's acceptance of this immigrant with sketchy papers who hasn't mastered the English
language and speaks with a thick accent.....who hasn't demonstrated even a little effort as 1st be
one of the most peculiar things about this presidency.

LOL....she speaks 6 languages.
So you should be pissed that your precious illegals cant speak english after living here for years.

Have you ever heard her speak any language other than broken English?

I speak 20 languages. Of course, I can only communicate in two. But I can claim anything when my audience is a bunch of morons.
I've heard her speak Slovenian which I can partly understand. Unlike most Americans, most educated Europeans can speak English and often other languages besides their own

That is 2. How about the other 4?

And let’s be honest. She SHOULD be more proficient at English. She has been here for years.

My Japanese wife is far more accomplished at our language than the the FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES.

Come on. She’s lazy. You know it.
You have no idea of Melania's proficiency in English. The only thing you heard was an accent. BTW, I thought you were a fag for some reason.

Please. I’ve heard her speak. She’s not fluent.

You weird idiots think every real man who has compassion for others and isn’t a homophobe is gay.

It is a defense mechanism for you.
LOL....she speaks 6 languages.
So you should be pissed that your precious illegals cant speak english after living here for years.

Have you ever heard her speak any language other than broken English?

I speak 20 languages. Of course, I can only communicate in two. But I can claim anything when my audience is a bunch of morons.
I've heard her speak Slovenian which I can partly understand. Unlike most Americans, most educated Europeans can speak English and often other languages besides their own

That is 2. How about the other 4?

And let’s be honest. She SHOULD be more proficient at English. She has been here for years.

My Japanese wife is far more accomplished at our language than the the FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES.

Come on. She’s lazy. You know it.
You have no idea of Melania's proficiency in English. The only thing you heard was an accent. BTW, I thought you were a fag for some reason.

Please. I’ve heard her speak. She’s not fluent.

You weird idiots think every real man who has compassion for others and isn’t a homophobe is gay.

It is a defense mechanism for you.
What's compassion have to do with it? You just come off as a faggot but maybe you're just a garden-variety snowflake afterall.

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