Do you, a free person, see Muslim females as slaves?


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
Do you, a free person, see Muslim females as slaves?

In the more right wing of Islam, females are what I would call slaves. I am prompted to think in that term because if I were a Muslim man living under Sharia, I can buy myself a few child brides. There is also little stopping me from doing the same, --- where Muslims live under Sharia law, --- in new adopted countries in the free world. Slavery returns to the West.

Fraternité, if I may remind the English speakers, means a fiduciary relationship to all other people. Slave is appropriate here. Fraternité and honesty also forces that I must look at Muslim females as slaves.

Do I, as a free man, have any responsibility to free these Muslim women, who inadvertently help propagate slavery by their lack of revolt against it?

The West also helps propagate slavery by allowing it into the West.

If I, as a free man hold a responsibility, as a free person, do you?

How much tolerance should tolerant nations give to a huge slave trading religion and government system?


I've met many Muslim women, and they were practically all empowered and independent.
Just "muslem females"? Left wing hypocrites seem to consider all genetic women as slaves. For some reason left wing men seem to want to protect freakazoid pretend women from embarrassment at the expense of real women are at risk in the ladies room. Maybe the majority of left wing men would rather copulate with fake and medically altered freakazoid "women" rather than risk relationships with the real thing. Who benefits most from abortion? It surely ain't the poor girl or woman who had to endure the process and the aftermath similar to PTSD of being forced by a boyfriend or husband to hire a technician to kill the life within her. The dirty little secret is that the faction that benefits from abortion is (mostly) liberal men who have all their responsibilities eliminated at the stroke of a scalpel.
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Muslim men can purchase a 10 year old girl for his bride for a few sheep. Case closed. Yes Muslim women fit the definition of slave. And so called "women's groups" share the blame for allowing this atrocity to continue without so much as a sign at their pussy hat parade.
Restricted Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & America values! Islam is the ONLY religion on earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion & state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!
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I've met many Muslim women, and they were practically all empowered and independent.
It depends on the country or region of the country. For example, in Russia there is Tatarstan, where many Muslims live, women are absolutely free in their actions, and the other part of Russia is Chechnya, where the "laws of religions" are stronger.

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