Do Our Genes Determine Our Political Leanings?


Trump/Vance Ticket-- Too Big to Rig
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
I have always wondered just why I have chosen to have few friends while in school and in adulthood. My best friends were always one in a pack of acquaintances, while I chose only one or two to be good friends with. That continues to this day, as I prefer only one friend or just myself. I guess [and of course there are exceptions], if there is anything to this article, it is because I am a Conservative.

"A friend to many is a friend to none?"

A snip from the article:

"It is the crucial interaction of two factors -- the genetic predisposition and the environmental condition of having many friends in adolescence -- that is associated with being more liberal,” according to the study.

Scientists Find 'Liberal Gene' | NBC San Diego
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there are conservative genes as well.

A many year long study proved that whiney children grow up to be republicans.
I wasn't allowed to whine. I was told to shut up.
My name is masquerade and I'm a conservative.

I wasn't allowed to either. :) The article does mention Conservatives, but not many will read it before responding It is a short article for those with limited attention spans such as myself...:lol:
It makes sense that people who know how to be friendly with more than just one or two people are more liberal minded.

They are more likely able to see the other guys point of view.

I was not one of these people for sure.

I had few friends in high school.

I worked and hung out with older friends away from high school.
In my opinion, genetics do not play a role in political ideology. For the scientists to suggest that a subjective ideological belief is found in one's genes, is laughable (in a bad way).
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The man did the study and there are always those who refuse science

One of Professor Block’s studies drew particular notice in the news media. Published in The Journal of Research in Personality in 2006, it found that subjects who at 3 years old had seemed thin-skinned, rigid, inhibited and vulnerable tended at 23 to be political conservatives. On the other hand, 3-year-olds characterized as self-reliant, energetic, somewhat dominating and resilient were inclined to become liberals.

Pundits’ responses to the study ranged from enthusiastic approval to caustic dismissal, depending on the politics of the critic
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In my opinion, genetics do not play a role in political ideology. For the scientists to suggest that a subjective ideological belief is found in one's genes, is laughable (in a bad way).

I tend to agree. Probably just coincidental. Just as there is supposed "proof" that alcoholism is inherited. I don't believe that for one minute. Alcoholics tend to choose to believe.Too bad, as it relieves them of personal accountability..
Our genes may determine how we react to certain things, but they can not determine what we experience.

I believe we react to "certain things" based upon our choices, which could be determined by our gene pool, combined with life's experiences....It's a combo deal...:lol:
In my opinion, genetics do not play a role in political ideology. For the scientists to suggest that a subjective ideological belief is found in one's genes, is laughable (in a bad way).

I tend to agree. Probably just coincidental. Just as there is supposed "proof" that alcoholism is inherited. I don't believe that for one minute. Alcoholics tend to choose to believe.Too bad, as it relieves them of personal accountability..

I seriously doubt that the study has been peer reviewed. The article conveniently makes no mention of the study nor do the scientist define what they mean by "Liberal."

In my opinion, pseudo science like this seeks to promote more of the "its not my fault. I was born this way" excuse.
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Our genes may determine how we react to certain things, but they can not determine what we experience.

Maybe you dont understand what this science is saying.

Predisposition to a trait that IS influenced by experience.

The insecure child sees the world as a threat.

The conservatives see the world as a threat.

The outgoing child has MORE diverse experiences with more people.

They see the other guys point of view as a non threat.
Our genes may determine how we react to certain things, but they can not determine what we experience.

Maybe you dont understand what this science is saying.

Predisposition to a trait that IS influenced by experience.

The insecure child sees the world as a threat.

The conservatives see the world as a threat.

The outgoing child has MORE diverse experiences with more people.

They see the other guys point of view as a non threat.

When did you become omniscient?
Our genes may determine how we react to certain things, but they can not determine what we experience.

Maybe you dont understand what this science is saying.

Predisposition to a trait that IS influenced by experience.

The insecure child sees the world as a threat.

The conservatives see the world as a threat.

The outgoing child has MORE diverse experiences with more people.

They see the other guys point of view as a non threat.

Interesting hypothesis.

What of the Liberal who feels threatened by the Tea Partier?
Our genes may determine how we react to certain things, but they can not determine what we experience.

Maybe you dont understand what this science is saying.

Predisposition to a trait that IS influenced by experience.

The insecure child sees the world as a threat.

The conservatives see the world as a threat.

The outgoing child has MORE diverse experiences with more people.

They see the other guys point of view as a non threat.

You're an excellent example of genes determining your "Political Leanings."


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