Do Not Give The Pope Ideas!


Sep 23, 2010
Americans hold a view of Taqiyya the Liar that will never soften. A majority of Americans want his head on a platter without actually impeaching him. (My greatest fear is that he will resign so Biden can run in 2016 as a sitting president.) Let’s face it, the Democrat bench is so shallow it barely qualifies as a bench.​


The final sentence in this satirical article might start the pope to thinking Democrats need all of the divine help they can get:

But do you think an interfaith appeal, from a senior religious official Obama respected, might convince him to resign like Boehner?

The Pope should return in 2016 to meet with Justices Kennedy, Roberts, Sotomayor

The Pope should return in 2016 to meet with Justices Kennedy, Roberts, Sotomayor

Pope Calls for Church that is far More Decentralized
Saturday, October 17, 2015 - Pope Francis has called for a Catholic Church that is far more decentralized, where the laity play a greater role, bishops conferences take care of certain problems and even the papacy is rethought.
Francis issued the call during a ceremony Saturday marking the 50th anniversary of the institution of the Synod of Bishops, a consultative body formed during the Second Vatican Council that was intended precisely to encourage more collegiality in the running of the church by inviting bishops to offer their advice to Rome.

Over the past five decades, the synod has been little more than a talk-fest. Francis has sought to re-energize it, and the contentious meeting underway at the Vatican, in which conservative and progressive bishops are squaring off over ministering to families, has been the result.

Pope Calls for Church that is far More Decentralized - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

See also:

Pope's family synod: No changes, but everything has changed
Oct 19,`15 -- It's now quite certain that Pope Francis' big summit on family issues won't endorse any changes to church doctrine on the church's teaching about homosexuality or whether civilly remarried Catholics can receive Communion. And yet, it seems, everything has changed.
From the crucial role African bishops have played in the debate, to calls to remove "intrinsically disordered" from the church's language on gays, to the freedom bishops now enjoy to speak their minds on once-taboo issues, Francis' synod on the family has at the very least shaken up the church for years to come. And if Francis has his way, there's more ahead. Francis delivered a sleeper bombshell of a speech over the weekend kicking off the final week of the synod in which he called for nothing less than a revolution in the concept of the Catholic Church itself. He said it's not a top-down organization with the pope in charge but rather an inverted pyramid where the summit - the pope - is underneath and in service to the "holy faithful people of God" who are its base.

He called for a "healthy decentralization" of authority on certain problems from Rome to local bishops' conferences, and said the papacy itself should be rethought, with the pope guiding the church but really just one bishop among many, one Catholic among many. "It's a very delicate moment, where you realize that the relationship between the church and the world is at stake," the Rev. Antonio Spadaro, a Jesuit close to Francis, said as the synod entered its third and crucial week. The 270 synod "fathers" are hammering out a final document to submit to Francis on Saturday conveying a host of proposals for how the church can better minister to Catholic families today. They will vote paragraph by paragraph on the text, amending what has been a near-universally scorned draft working document.

What Francis does with the final paper is up to him: He can use it as a basis for a document of his own, he can ignore it, or he can publish it as a synod document. During Round One of the bishops' family meeting last year, Francis not only published the final document in full, he published the three paragraphs that didn't receive the necessary votes to pass - those that dealt with the vexing issues of ministering to gay Catholics and civilly remarried Catholics. The key question of Round Two has been how the bishops would pick up those two outstanding issues, after Francis called for a more merciful, less doctrinaire approach. Francis has shown a far more pastoral attitude to gays, famously saying "Who am I to judge" about a purportedly gay priest. But church teaching holds that while gays themselves should be treated with dignity and respect, homosexual acts are "intrinsically disordered."

Rather than accuse Obama of being a secret Muslim blinded by Marxist ideology, perhaps the way for Congress to save our nation is to invoke the 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution dealing with presidential disabilities. This amendment allows Congress to review whether or not the president is able to discharge the powers and duties of his office. If it is determined that he is not, then he can be replaced. A case can be made that he is so affected by previous drug use that he is just not capable of comprehending reality. As a former member of the “Choom Gang” of heavy marijuana users, Obama seems indifferent to the facts on the ground concerning the Muslim terrorist threat.

Is Our Stoner President Mentally Impaired?
By Cliff Kincaid
December 8, 2015

Is Our Stoner President Mentally Impaired?

I’d leave the guy in there if he was in a coma:
(My greatest fear is that he will resign so Biden can run in 2016 as a sitting president.)

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