Do Masks Work?

Ok smart arse. Tell me why exactly you won't wear one? Give the links from the CDC and others.
Don't go into a hate filled rant of democrats and Fauci. Just the justifiable facts.
See how good you are now dickhead.
I've written in this thread multiple times now, the print on the box of masks says, does not protect against wuhan 19. Now you prove the manufacturer of the product wrong. go!!!
You really don't think people study real world data?
HappyJoy what is the objective of the study that you're so desperately trying to sell here?
What's the criteria they're using to support the effort?
Then where's their data they're comparing their results at?
I put it to you, I'm the only one doing the thinking in this debate.
so you have proof that the writing on the manufacturers mask boxes is wrong? The masks do protect against wuhan 19? cool, then post that data. Come on thinking dude.
I've provided studies with real world use and I've provided a link that explains the box warning. You won't look at any of it because of what? A single sentence. Moron.
No study can supercede the reality of how masks perform in the real world. Any studies that claim masks do something besides what they really do in the real world can be nothing more than political agenda and propaganda.

Watch how masks work in the real world:

No, that's actually not true. Read my links.

You really don't think people study real world data?

Not necessarily. Studying data often times happens in the real world because you can't duplicate events that take place in a lab. Like a pandemic for example.

Did you hurt yourself trying to twist out of that one?

All of these "studies" you have cited occurred in controlled settings, thus putting to lie your claims about the real world. Of course to those like you, the real world is where everything you do, think or say is controlled by those that have power over you.

That being said, your title of chief moron and village idiot remains yours.
What do you want me to consider? Your opinion? Fuck you, bring something to the table.
About as thoughtful of a response as you can make. When losing a discussion, resort to profanity and try to change it.

Well, to sink to your level, continue to be the happy little asshole moron that you prefer to be and continue to let those with a slightly less warped brain tell you what to do and say.
Ok smart arse. Tell me why exactly you won't wear one? Give the links from the CDC and others.
Don't go into a hate filled rant of democrats and Fauci. Just the justifiable facts.
See how good you are now dickhead.
My, my. You must realize you are losing when you resort to name calling. Is that the best you have?

Then you return to demanding what you are incapable of acknowledging as facts something that you refuse to even consider. Anything that a idiot like you does not approve of is not justifiable, to you.

Exactly why I refuse to wear a mask? First I never said that I will not wear a mask. That is your lie number one.

Second, I resist because they don't work. Just because someone tells you differently (noting that they have something to gain by saying so) does not make it true. All of the lying studies that they make up are just to convince fools like you to do as they tell you to do.

Now it is time for you and your kind, the sheep, to try to make up some more lies about me and those that can still think independently

See how good you are now, ballsucker.
My reply indicates no such thing. I never made a comment about it if you read it again dickhead.
You made three outrageous claims with nothing to support one of them yet you suggest its me who has ridiculous thinking ?
I put it to you, I'm the only one doing the thinking in this debate.
You're coming from the usual hate filled brain dead Republican doctrine but it's me that's not thinking??
You4e not the smartest on here.
You really should get your ego checked, not to mention the rest of your head to see if there is any brain activity at all.

That and realize that you don't know everything and most of what you claim to know is false. This is easily provable by your violent reaction when anyone points out how wrong you are, proving that you are incapable of rational or even intelligent thought.

BTW, moron, I never claimed to be the smartest one here. You bestowed that title on me. But coming from the stupidest one here, it means nothing. Just like all of your posts.
You really should get your ego checked, not to mention the rest of your head to see if there is any brain activity at all.

That and realize that you don't know everything and most of what you claim to know is false. This is easily provable by your violent reaction when anyone points out how wrong you are, proving that you are incapable of rational or even intelligent thought.

BTW, moron, I never claimed to be the smartest one here. You bestowed that title on me. But coming from the stupidest one here, it means nothing. Just like all of your posts.

Thank you for your free analysis of my mental capacity but coming from a source which has been compromised since birth, it's very hard to adopt it with any sincerity.

Next time, don't try to be clever. You don't have the smarts dopey.
Stick to the subject discussed or piss off.
mask mask mask........and if you didn't read it the first time....mask....

i can think of more ppe than just a mask......

in fact, i can think of more means of transmission than solely airborne

what say you?;)


mask mask mask........and if you didn't read it the first time....mask....

i can think of more ppe than just a mask......

in fact, i can think of more means of transmission than solely airborne

what say you?;)

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we know masks don't work. the manufacturer states so on the outside of the boxes they sell. cannot protect against wuhan.
Thank you for your free analysis of my mental capacity but coming from a source which has been compromised since birth, it's very hard to adopt it with any sincerity.

Next time, don't try to be clever. You don't have the smarts dopey.
Stick to the subject discussed or piss off.
Just another example of how incompetent you and your alleged thinking process truly are.

As for sincerity, you really should not use words that you don't know the meaning of. Stick with things like "oh yeah" or "your dumb". These seem more natural to one like you.
Just another example of how incompetent you and your alleged thinking process truly are.

As for sincerity, you really should not use words that you don't know the meaning of. Stick with things like "oh yeah" or "your dumb". These seem more natural to one like you.

You don't like it when I take the Mickey out if you. You don't have the smarts boy.
You don't like it when I take the Mickey out if you. You don't have the smarts boy.
You know, you really should stop when you are behind. It only gets worse for you with your every post.

You continue with your insipid posts, having zero facts to back them up and expose your stupidity.

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