Do Jihadists have a point?

Jan 12, 2012
Do Jihadists have a point?

Jihadists rebel because they see God reward Satan for rebellion.

The facts, as I understand them from scriptures, indicate that Satan rebelled in heaven, was crowned as the first Morning Star, was intentionally placed to enlighten Eve with her God given powers, then Eve enlightened Adam.

Satan was given dominion of the world and that is also what I. S. wants.

The world is moving towards a one world government. No question as all one needs do is look at the rapprochement of all of the various countries, one to the other.

I S thinks it can oust the oligarchic, --- some think democratic, --- control that the world is now under, to one where Allah rules.

Unfortunately, Allah is not about and I do not think he will show up soon, --- and that is the only possible thing that will bring the oligarchs or democracies to bend the knee.

I. S. and all home grown terrorists know this deep down and that means that they are basically suicidal and insane. One of Canada’s home grown Jihadist was thrown out of his mosque and yet even with all we knew of him, he still slipped in to do his evil deed.

I. S. and all home grown terrorists know, thought or free thinking cannot be stopped. They know this from their own thinking. They, stupidly, think they can control the world by doing just that same kind of thought control. It is unfortunate that we cannot legislate this type of stupidity away.

Sorry Jihadist scum, Christianity already tried that, --- and failed, --- as Gnostic Christians like me are still around and are strong.

If I were speaking directly to a real Jihadist, I would have this to say;

“Satan was rewarded for challenging oppression and tyranny. A just cause.

You have no just cause, and unfortunately, as the spearhead of a religion that would deny mankind freedom of thought, you will become as redundant as Christianity is today.

That is how the world rewards those of your ilk.

Christians hated Gnostic Christians enough to decimate us because we would not bend the knee to those who would demand that we think as they did.

The world will have the same answer for you when we kill you.

We do not want to kill you, however, if you do not repent; you will die by the sword.

Free thinking is now too big to fail. Even you are not immune and cannot prevent yourself nor others from doing it. Recognize this, friend, before you die needlessly and harm others for being angry with yourself”

More to the point -- does the mass media that invents and inflates "Jihadism" have a point?

Actually they do --- it sells.
More to the point -- does the mass media that invents and inflates "Jihadism" have a point?

Actually they do --- it sells.

Mass media invents jihadism?

Typical liberal, deny agency to every group except western white males, everyone in the world is victimized by them, they invent jihadism and paint Muslims with it.
More to the point -- does the mass media that invents and inflates "Jihadism" have a point?

Actually they do --- it sells.
Damned right it sells, it is a tragic part of human nature that craves a bloodbath, no real point to it. There are a lot of people in this world just wanting, begging for a superior moral rationalization from some authority to justify committing wholesale violence for a higher purpose. No human population is immune, the bloodthirsty beast lies within us all waiting for our rational mind to construct the key that lets it out of it's cage.
More to the point -- does the mass media that invents and inflates "Jihadism" have a point?

Actually they do --- it sells.

Mass media invents jihadism?

Typical liberal, deny agency to every group except western white males, everyone in the world is victimized by them, they invent jihadism and paint Muslims with it.
Yes, what were the periodic outbursts of Islamic fundamentalism before the mass media gave them an international stage? Minor tribal skirmishes at best.
More to the point -- does the mass media that invents and inflates "Jihadism" have a point?

Actually they do --- it sells.

It is quite possible that the Jihadists are funded by the West. We have vast armies that need to be justified and without an enemy, real or invented, they cannot justify themselves.

a better question;

do I care if those pukes have a point ?

F'Em ...
More to the point -- does the mass media that invents and inflates "Jihadism" have a point?

Actually they do --- it sells.

It is quite possible that the Jihadists are funded by the West. We have vast armies that need to be justified and without an enemy, real or invented, they cannot justify themselves.


The oil we buy from that region helps fund those groups..

That is no big secret..
More to the point -- does the mass media that invents and inflates "Jihadism" have a point?

Actually they do --- it sells.

It is quite possible that the Jihadists are funded by the West. We have vast armies that need to be justified and without an enemy, real or invented, they cannot justify themselves.


The oil we buy from that region helps fund those groups..

That is no big secret..

ISIS has their own mini- refineries ... they don't need our oil $ ... they sell at discount rates to the global market.
More to the point -- does the mass media that invents and inflates "Jihadism" have a point?

Actually they do --- it sells.

It is quite possible that the Jihadists are funded by the West. We have vast armies that need to be justified and without an enemy, real or invented, they cannot justify themselves.


The oil we buy from that region helps fund those groups..

That is no big secret..

ISIS has their own mini- refineries ... they don't need our oil $ ... they sell at discount rates to the global market.

And the far left thinks there is only one of these groups in existence..
Do jihadists have a point? As much as I dislike many of their customs, beheaddings for sleights, rapes/subjegation of women etc., their extremes see this extreme as a fighting point. The bottom line is the more bizarre behaviors that can be justified within any society, under any "good intentions" [civil rights or in islam the Koran's more extreme passages], the more you're going to have the patenly insane clashing with each other.

Do we have a point about extremes in islam. Yes. Certainly.

Do they have a point about extremes in the West. Yes. Certainly.

It's like two crazy bullet trains careening towards each other at top speed...


And trust me, "the devil" is behind all of it. People whipped in a frenzy can be such a delicious banquet when they clash..
More to the point -- does the mass media that invents and inflates "Jihadism" have a point?

Actually they do --- it sells.

It is quite possible that the Jihadists are funded by the West. We have vast armies that need to be justified and without an enemy, real or invented, they cannot justify themselves.


The oil we buy from that region helps fund those groups..

That is no big secret..

True but you will note that no one is going after the money men.

It almost looks like the U.S. is funding both sides of the fight just to keep the oil flowing.

Do jihadists have a point? As much as I dislike many of their customs, beheaddings for sleights, rapes/subjegation of women etc., their extremes see this extreme as a fighting point. The bottom line is the more bizarre behaviors that can be justified within any society, under any "good intentions" [civil rights or in islam the Koran's more extreme passages], the more you're going to have the patenly insane clashing with each other.

Do we have a point about extremes in islam. Yes. Certainly.

Do they have a point about extremes in the West. Yes. Certainly.

It's like two crazy bullet trains careening towards each other at top speed...


And trust me, "the devil" is behind all of it. People whipped in a frenzy can be such a delicious banquet when they clash..

Thanks for this.

It does take 2 but we only see the 1.

Rather hard to make peace that way.


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