Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

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In Canada, we PUNISH governments that don't work on our behalf. You don't. You believe their lies and re-elect them.

No Democrat has ever crashed the economy. Economic crashes are impoverishing working people, and enriching the wealthy.

There are ZERO open questions. I looked at the videos and what I saw were poll workers going about their business while some voice-over guy TELLS me that taking ballots out of boxes and running them through counting machines multiple time is "cheating".

The companies who build these machines say that the ballots are run through the counting machines more than once to ensure that all of the barcodes in the stack are read and counted. Once the bar code is entered, it isn't counted again. Multiple run throughs are needed to catch the ones that are missed the first time. Manual counts have confirmed that the machine counts are CORRECT.

Donald Trump claimed for months before the 2020 election that the courts would be deciding this election. The Secretaries of State of every state in the nation took it upon themselves to ensure that THEIR results would withstand court scrutiny. Nobody wanted the embarassment of have their state's results overturned as having been "rigged".

The Department of Homeland Security ensured that there was a paper ballot for every vote cast. Donald Trump brought in a 3rd Party election oversight group from Europe. The FBI and the DOJ were tasked with investigating every single report of election irregularites reported.

EVERYONE responsible for safety and security in the 2020 election reported that it was the most honest and fair election in American history. Trump's threats that it would be decided in the Courts scared everybody straight, and while there were 200 cases of voting irregularites, there were none involving enough votes, to change the results of ANY election.

There are NO open questions whatseover, except, why has Donald Trump not been prosecuted for attempting to overthrow the federal government on January 6th?
Your analysis doesn’t matter, you have no voice in this, none.
Your analysis doesn’t matter, you have no voice in this, none.

You're at loggerheads and nothing is being done. You need to look for solutions, different ways of doing things.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Nothing you are currently doing is working and nothing has been working since Clinton was in office and Republicans sent a Special Prosecutor after him for 6 1/2 years, and then impeached Clinton over a lie about a blow job.

Now you're complaining about "lawfare", when your criminal President is arrested, tried and found guilty of committing crimes. Trump was a criminal when you elected him. Nothing changed once he got into the White House, he just got more open about it.

Yes we DO have a say about it. We can and will stop doing business with the USA. All over the world, you will become a pariah nation, if you put that crook back into power.
I voted 'Yes', but only in the likes of never saying 'never'. So it's not to be taken as anything that would affect the over-all unemployment figure. I see government job creation as like this:

Inside the government there is the bureaucracy.
While outside the government there is the burden to produce paperwork required to feed that government bureaucracy.
You're at loggerheads and nothing is being done. You need to look for solutions, different ways of doing things.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Nothing you are currently doing is working and nothing has been working since Clinton was in office and Republicans sent a Special Prosecutor after him for 6 1/2 years, and then impeached Clinton over a lie about a blow job.

Now you're complaining about "lawfare", when your criminal President is arrested, tried and found guilty of committing crimes. Trump was a criminal when you elected him. Nothing changed once he got into the White House, he just got more open about it.

Yes we DO have a say about it. We can and will stop doing business with the USA. All over the world, you will become a pariah nation, if you put that crook back into power.
Doubt it seriously…

Anyway, I suggest you worry more about President Zoolander and leave our elections to us Karen.
You're at loggerheads and nothing is being done. You need to look for solutions, different ways of doing things.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Nothing you are currently doing is working and nothing has been working since Clinton was in office and Republicans sent a Special Prosecutor after him for 6 1/2 years, and then impeached Clinton over a lie about a blow job.

Now you're complaining about "lawfare", when your criminal President is arrested, tried and found guilty of committing crimes. Trump was a criminal when you elected him. Nothing changed once he got into the White House, he just got more open about it.

Yes we DO have a say about it. We can and will stop doing business with the USA. All over the world, you will become a pariah nation, if you put that crook back into power.
LOL, good one. Bribem is the one that can't come up with solutions...moron.
Another stupid Conservative meme

Read the Constitution. We the People established the Government. The Government is us.

We get to decide what that Government will do and what services they provide. If not, we vote them out.

Those services provide JOBS and help the economy.

So Yes, the government creates jobs
The government creates government jobs, private industry creates the majority of jobs. Government policies may or may not make private job creation easy and profitable, but the free market is the real source of all income and all government funding.

you misunderstand the role of government, it does not own us, it works for us.
Even when you did, there was NOTHING amiss. Your Cyber Ninjas said Biden won.

Trump has said that the only way he loses is if it's rigged. Even though there is ZERO evidence of anyone trying to rig the election, other than Trump.

There never were enough resources. It is like trying to find needles in a haystack. Percentage wise, very few fraudulent votes were needed to give Biden the win in 2020. This is the beauty of the scam for Democrats and why they don’t want to go back to pre-COVID rules , much less make voting even more secure by requiring ID. The best way to prevent fraud is to verify on the front end as votes are placed, not attempt to verify millions of signatures, making sure they appear on the voter registration, that they haven’t voted more than once and making sure the person whose signature is on the ballot is actually the person who signed the ballot(as in requiring id). Everybody knows this, including Democrats, but they aren’t interested in securing the election any more than they are interested in securing the border. Maybe you are naive enough to believe they want to secure both.
Each government charges itself with a list of functions which are outlined in general terms in its constitution (or charter), and additional specific functions defined by laws.

The fact that fulfilling those required functions requires people to do it (i.e., jobs) is a happy circumstance, possibly made better when the function is contracted out, but NO GOVERNMENT PROGRAM OR AGENCY should be maintained merely because it creates employment. When it gets to that stage it should be killed, sunset, or phased out - jobs be damned.

Consider Operation Head Start, a program created in 1965 as part of Johnson's War on Poverty. In basic and gross terms, it was intended to provide poor (Black) children with an enhanced pre-school cultural environment, which was expected to reduce or eliminate the dreaded Achievement Gap between "minorities" and everybody else. It creates lots of jobs for mainly Black babysitters. Study after study has concluded that it has no academic benefit beyond third or fourth grade. In sum, it is a failure. But it will NEVER be abandoned because it creates a lot of jobs for poor women, and it also gives them free babysitting services.

Apparently this worthless jobs phenomenon is something that that Milei fellow picked up in Argentina. They had tens of thousands of government workers who were in fact superfluous, and he set them all adrift, saving their taxpayers a mountain of money.

I personally had a worthless job with Department of Defense from 1975 to 1980. 80% of the agency I worked for (Defense Logistics Agency) could have been eliminated and within 90 days nobody would have even noticed it was gone. Which is why I left it.
The government creates government jobs, private industry creates the majority of jobs. Government policies may or may not make private job creation easy and profitable, but the free market is the real source of all income and all government funding.

you misunderstand the role of government, it does not own us, it works for us.
The Government invests heavily in the private sector.
There would be no Defense Industry without the Government.
Why is it with all the Partisan Drones, that when they party holds the White House they never disagree with the claim that their POUTS created X amount of jobs, but as soon as the other party gets in they are all like "govt does not create jobs"?
The Government invests heavily in the private sector.
There would be no Defense Industry without the Government.
very true as to DOD. How about the auto industry, oil industry, food production, energy production, clothing, shingles, bricks, lumber, general medicine, retail, tires, shoes, stoves, washers, refrigerators, etc. Private industry and the profit motive is what makes our economy work, not government largess and gifts.

tell me, how does the economy benefit when the govt gives food stamps to illegals, SS to illegals, luxury hotel rooms to illegals, free flights to illegals, free medical to illegals, free schooling to illegals. Next, why does the Biden government do more for illegals than american citizens, especially veterans? Answer: the dems have convinced themselves that they can turn illegals into dem voters, that is all the open border BS has ever been about and if you are honest you know that.
very true as to DOD. How about the auto industry, oil industry, food production, energy production, clothing, shingles, bricks, lumber, general medicine, retail, tires, shoes, stoves, washers, refrigerators, etc. Private industry and the profit motive is what makes our economy work, not government largess and gifts.

tell me, how does the economy benefit when the govt gives food stamps to illegals, SS to illegals, luxury hotel rooms to illegals, free flights to illegals, free medical to illegals, free schooling to illegals. Next, why does the Biden government do more for illegals than american citizens, especially veterans? Answer: the dems have convinced themselves that they can turn illegals into dem voters, that is all the open border BS has ever been about and if you are honest you know that.
The claim was that the Government does not create jobs
They do
Other than direct employment, Government policies can make it easier for the private sector to expand and make it more profitable to not send jobs overseas
What kind of Government creates jobs and which doesn’t

An Austerity Government that does the least amount to get by is not creating jobs.

Governments that invest in infrastructure, defense, education, healthcare are creating jobs
You're at loggerheads and nothing is being done. You need to look for solutions, different ways of doing things.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Nothing you are currently doing is working and nothing has been working since Clinton was in office and Republicans sent a Special Prosecutor after him for 6 1/2 years, and then impeached Clinton over a lie about a blow job.

Now you're complaining about "lawfare", when your criminal President is arrested, tried and found guilty of committing crimes. Trump was a criminal when you elected him. Nothing changed once he got into the White House, he just got more open about it.

Yes we DO have a say about it. We can and will stop doing business with the USA. All over the world, you will become a pariah nation, if you put that crook back into power.
The swamp found a crime for a man looking to be President. And they are so emboldened they did. The prog Party are more akin to locusts then workier ants. They consume everything in their way at will when they are in power. And they would not exist without those worker ants. Hope and change is here and it will be terrorism carnage and despair as the years move on. If this existed when the space age started, we would still be trying to put a human into space.
Our state govt provides jobs for road construction workers many of whom are making well north of $60 per hour. That's decent pay. Not great but decent.

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