Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

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Pot meet kettle. Let me guess, you believe Biden wants to secure the border and that Russia wants Trump elected as President.

I think Biden fucking sucks and should be no where near the White House even as a guest.

Where they fuck have you been?
We the citizens exercise our power over the Govt by voting out those that do not do what we the people want them to do.

Or that is how it should happen, but the powers that be have 2/3 of the nation convinced the other side is so evil that they have to vote for their side no matter what.

The system cannot work when 2/3 of the voters put party before country, which is what is happening today

The results of this is that members of congress win reelection at a greater than 90% rate and we are stuck choosing between the two most flawed individuals to ever run against each other for POTUS.
So, on the one hand you want the people to vote, but when they vote in a way you disapprove of, then you want to whine that the system is flawed…
yeah, he pretty much did. He said he would accept them if they were legit, which in Trump talk means he won.

Remember this is the guy that said the only legit polls were the ones that favored him.
Do you think when Biden looses in November, that there’ll be no challenges?
So, on the one hand you want the people to vote, but when they vote in a way you disapprove of, then you want to whine that the system is flawed…

It is not really the system that is flawed, it is the people that put party before country that are flawed.
Do you think when Biden looses in November, that there’ll be no challenges?

I think there will be the sort of stuff we say in 2016, a few recounts and a some whining.

I do not think there will be an attack on the capital building to stop it from happening.

I do not think Biden will go the next 4 years claiming he was cheated.
Do you think when Biden looses in November, that there’ll be no challenges?

I didn’t see Al Gore try to steal the election and he only lost by 500 votes

Gore was Vice President.
How would Republicans react if Gore threw out the Electoral Votes of Florida because he considered them fraudulent?
No he didn't. He said if he accepts it's "fair and legal" and he's already said that if he doesn't win, it's rigged.

Last time, it was fair and legal, and he denies simply that it was. He didn't say he would accept the results at all at the debate. It's all weasel wording.

No "if's", no "and's" and no "buts". Yes or no - and he refuses to say "yes". Anything less than an "unequivocal "Yes", is unacceptable.
Bull shit.

Last election has many open questions.

You’re just clinging to false narrative…
I think there will be the sort of stuff we say in 2016, a few recounts and a some whining.

I do not think there will be an attack on the capital building to stop it from happening.

I do not think Biden will go the next 4 years claiming he was cheated.
Why not?

There were riots when Trump won.
Hillary still whines that her shot was stolen.
Bull shit.

Last election has many open questions.

You’re just clinging to false narrative…

No there are not
50 states certified the election results as official

There is nothing “open” or pending legal decision

The only thing that remains open is criminal charges against Trump for fake electors, pressuring election officials and attacking Congress
Too freaking bad. People make their own choices, and you can’t stand that.

Of course I can, am I doing anything to stop you from putting your party before your country?

Or are you such a snowflake that me taking about it bothers you?
He tried…
Gore went to the courts to challenge Florida. When he lost, he accepted the decision

Would you support Gore, as Vice President, to overturn the EVs of Florida as fraudulent?
Governments that do not create jobs are those that practice austerity and do the minimum possible

Governments that are willing to invest in infrastructure, good schools, police….create jobs
Government is supposed to be responsible to the people, so vote, and I will too.

That’s how it works

In Canada, we PUNISH governments that don't work on our behalf. You don't. You believe their lies and re-elect them.

No Democrat has ever crashed the economy. Economic crashes are impoverishing working people, and enriching the wealthy.
Bull shit.

Last election has many open questions.

You’re just clinging to false narrative…

There are ZERO open questions. I looked at the videos and what I saw were poll workers going about their business while some voice-over guy TELLS me that taking ballots out of boxes and running them through counting machines multiple time is "cheating".

The companies who build these machines say that the ballots are run through the counting machines more than once to ensure that all of the barcodes in the stack are read and counted. Once the bar code is entered, it isn't counted again. Multiple run throughs are needed to catch the ones that are missed the first time. Manual counts have confirmed that the machine counts are CORRECT.

Donald Trump claimed for months before the 2020 election that the courts would be deciding this election. The Secretaries of State of every state in the nation took it upon themselves to ensure that THEIR results would withstand court scrutiny. Nobody wanted the embarassment of have their state's results overturned as having been "rigged".

The Department of Homeland Security ensured that there was a paper ballot for every vote cast. Donald Trump brought in a 3rd Party election oversight group from Europe. The FBI and the DOJ were tasked with investigating every single report of election irregularites reported.

EVERYONE responsible for safety and security in the 2020 election reported that it was the most honest and fair election in American history. Trump's threats that it would be decided in the Courts scared everybody straight, and while there were 200 cases of voting irregularites, there were none involving enough votes, to change the results of ANY election.

There are NO open questions whatseover, except, why has Donald Trump not been prosecuted for attempting to overthrow the federal government on January 6th?

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