Do conservatives ever wonder WHY liberalism is prevalent in higher education?

It's Communist Goal #17:
Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
Pretty simple.
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

Uhmmmmm . . . no, it's because liberals can always be found sucking on the government tit. The graduates of the schools of liberal arts and social sciences all go to work in government. It would be surprising to find people opposed to big government in such a trade.
Now Frankie boy, I am not an intellectual, a blue collar millwright on the factory floor. And I currently have over 100 credits toward a degree. Now most of what I have taken is science or math, and I have yet to see anything remotely political in any of the instruction I have had at the university. I am also one of those lazy liberals, I work a minimum of 40 hrs a week, sometimes as much as 45. Down from the 60 to 80 I worked up to five years ago. Oh yeah, and before the year is out, I will be 70.

Just a typical lazy liberal.
Do liberals ever wonder why liberalism does so poorly in the real world?

Really? You boys really did well from 2001 to 2009. Two wars that have turned out badly, and economic meltdown that almost matched that of 1929. Failed to go after the murderer of 3000 Americans on American soil. That was left up to President Obama. Not only that, it was left up to our President to try undo the damage that was done by the Bush Admin. while you fellows tried everything in your power to destroy the American economy.
Do liberals ever wonder why liberalism does so poorly in the real world?

Really? You boys really did well from 2001 to 2009. Two wars that have turned out badly, and economic meltdown that almost matched that of 1929. Failed to go after the murderer of 3000 Americans on American soil. That was left up to President Obama. Not only that, it was left up to our President to try undo the damage that was done by the Bush Admin. while you fellows tried everything in your power to destroy the American economy.

Nice talking points credit rating downgraded, more debt added in four years than the eight before that unemployment at or near ten percent if you added those who have dropped out of the workforce threw a hardline but pro american leader under the bus in Egypt for the radical Morsi and the the Muslim Brotherhood Benghazi fast and furious solyndra. You fellows haven't shown you could fix a flat tire much less a economy.
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

Because those who those who can't...teach?:confused:

Sorry, SayIt...didn't see you beat me to
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Do liberals ever wonder why liberalism does so poorly in the real world?

Really? You boys really did well from 2001 to 2009. Two wars that have turned out badly, and economic meltdown that almost matched that of 1929. Failed to go after the murderer of 3000 Americans on American soil. That was left up to President Obama. Not only that, it was left up to our President to try undo the damage that was done by the Bush Admin. while you fellows tried everything in your power to destroy the American economy.

Did you miss the whole invasion of Afghanistan thing, Old? Sorry but it's been four and a half years since Sparky McClueless took office and he's STILL trying to figure out how to get the economy going again. 2001 to 2009 were the good ole days compared to 2009 to 2013.
Most of the intelligentsia are de facto government employees. They're smart enough to know which side their bread is buttered on.
Do conservatives ever wonder WHY liberalism is prevalent in higher education?

It's the nature of an open mind to move forward.

Sure, like yours. It's impossible to be intellectual and biased at the same time. Facts don't lie or lean left or right, facts are facts. Liberals claim to be intellectuals, but cannot handle statements of fact coming from the other side. That's intellectually dishonest. It's impossible to have an open mind when you continuously reject facts unless they support your own political worldview.

Knock it off, Lakhota.
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

That's a pretty simplistic viewpoint.

All you're doing is showing how ignorant you are by saying your political views make you more intellectual and thus more intelligent.

In other're a Archie Bunker.

Ask yourself why you have to demean what you don't believe in. Is it to convince yourself that you're not lying to yourself? Generally, someone who is sure of themselves doesn't have to spend all of their time belittling opposing viewpoints.
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I've noticed that many of the so called "professors" have little to no real world experience in the areas that they bloviate in. Their experiences are based on books and not much more.

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