DNC Obama Mafia: Top government positions were SOLD


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Demoncrat = Thief = Corruption
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Email leaks: Top government positions were SOLD to those who funneled money to the DNC

Countless ambassadorships and top government positions sold under Obama

Matthew Barzun isn't the only one buying his way into the government. In fact, a new leak by WikiLeaks reveals that at least 24 top government positions were appointed based on donor status. Over 55 pledgers to Obama scrambled to donate large sums of money to buy positions within the government. Tony West paid over a million dollars to be appointed deputy attorney general on March 9, 2012, the very same day his money was recorded in the DNC's ledger. Charlie Rivkin pledged over 2.5 million to Obama's "nonprofit" in exchange for swiftly becoming assistant secretary of state and ambassador to France. Robert Roche pledged over 1 million to Obama, and was quickly put on the Advisory Committee for Trade Policy.

Email leaks: Top government positions were SOLD to those who funneled money to the DNC

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