DNC Chair Attacked Bush For High Gas Prices

At our county Republican Exec Committee meeting we pledged to gladly pay $5 per gal. to get rid of Obama.

Let the price keep rising.
Bush and the Republicans deregulation led to the speculation that keeps the oil prices high. Republicans know so little about their leaders. How unfortunate.

Post the deregulation skippy. GWs record was 50/50

I'll tell you what. For once, why don't you post proof that I'm wrong? You never have yet. Start now.

I'll tell you what. For once, why don't you post proof that you're right? You never have yet. Start now.
Post the deregulation skippy. GWs record was 50/50

I'll tell you what. For once, why don't you post proof that I'm wrong? You never have yet. Start now.

I'll tell you what. For once, why don't you post proof that you're right? You never have yet. Start now.

See this is the kinda thing that just makes you look like you are insane.

Rdean posts facts all the time to prove what is claimed by Rdean.

when you LIE like this without compunction it just makes everything you say worthless.
That chart shows that in 2002 the price of gas took a huge jump.

That is the year Bush pushed to go to Iraq.

It was a rush to war built on lies and cost you a pretty big sum of money.
Not that you cared it killed thousands of our bravest.
I'll tell you what. For once, why don't you post proof that I'm wrong? You never have yet. Start now.

I'll tell you what. For once, why don't you post proof that you're right? You never have yet. Start now.

See this is the kinda thing that just makes you look like you are insane.

Rdean posts facts all the time to prove what is claimed by Rdean.

when you LIE like this without compunction it just makes everything you say worthless.

Translation: "Leave my boyfriend alone..."
did you take a gander at that chart?

The prices didnt jump on 911, they jumped when it became clear to the world Bush was going after Sadam.

Do you get at all what a JUMP LIKE THAT means?
DNC Chair Attacked Bush For High Gas Prices DNC Chair Attacked Bush For High Gas Prices

Bush and the Republicans deregulation led to the speculation that keeps the oil prices high. Republicans know so little about their leaders. How unfortunate.

You mean Democrat President Bill Clinton deregulated by signing the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000. This was Al Gore & Bill Clinton's way of unleashing Enron & others to create & trade carbon swaps in order to build their green carbon free utopia.

However I believe that oil speculators have now moved beyond US jurisdiction. They lease oil tankers & hoard their oil way out in the ocean out of the view of the regulators, IEA, EIA inventory analyst & other traders. They do the same with grain & other commodities.

rdean = :cuckoo: :dig:
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I'll tell you what. For once, why don't you post proof that I'm wrong? You never have yet. Start now.

I'll tell you what. For once, why don't you post proof that you're right? You never have yet. Start now.

See this is the kinda thing that just makes you look like you are insane.

Rdean posts facts all the time to prove what is claimed by Rdean.

when you LIE like this without compunction it just makes everything you say worthless.

I'll tell you what. For once, why don't you post proof that I'm wrong? You never have yet. Start now.

I'll tell you what. For once, why don't you post proof that you're right? You never have yet. Start now.

See this is the kinda thing that just makes you look like you are insane.

Rdean posts facts all the time to prove what is claimed by Rdean.

when you LIE like this without compunction it just makes everything you say worthless.


Bush and the Republicans deregulation led to the speculation that keeps the oil prices high. Republicans know so little about their leaders. How unfortunate.

I don't see a link proving his claim in this post. That makes you, a liar. As usual.
Inflation adjusted Gasoline Price Chart

why did gas prices suddenly skyrocket in 2002?

Look at the chart.

It more than doubled in six years after Bush went after Sadam.
Then in 2008 it went down a dollar in one year after Bush was gone.

Now Iran threatned to close the gulf to oil traffic and you blame that on Obama.


Truthmatters = :cuckoo: :dig:

Oil prices crashed from $40 down to $27 after we invaded Iraq in March 2003.


Sub-prime loans created massive amounts of money. That is what drove oil, housing & all other commodities higher after that time. Oil price did not crash in 2008 because of Iraq, because we did not pull out of Iraq in 2008. Oil prices did not crash because of Bush leaving office, because Bush was still in office & it was still months before the election. Oil prices crashed because Bush opened the OCS & the sub-prime money creation bubble popped creating massive deflation.

Oil prices have now started to rise after we pulled out of Iraq! After the ethanol tax cut expired & Obama closed the OCS & blocked Canada's oil pipeline.

Truthmatters = :cuckoo: :dig:
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whos talking oil prices Im talking pump prices.

You just proved they gouged us even worse huh?
Gas at the pump prices more than doubled right after Bush proved to the world he was going after Sadam no matter what the facts were.

He was "fixing the facts arround the issue" and prices at the pump responded.

The oil cos made HUGE bank and the fool republican rabble cheered like so many sheeps to the slaughter.

Yet another vivid example of why partisans have ZERO credibility. They NEVER consider how what they are saying looks when the shoe is on the other foot. They attack the other "side" on bullcrap that they themselves have spewed or pulled, and act like it's the first time this has ever happened. Then, when confronted with this painfully obvious fact, they immediately resort to the standard spin, denial and diversion.

Partisans are LIARS. It's what they DO.

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Inflation adjusted Gasoline Price Chart

why did gas prices suddenly skyrocket in 2002?

Look at the chart.

It more than doubled in six years after Bush went after Sadam.
Then in 2008 it went down a dollar in one year after Bush was gone.

Now Iran threatned to close the gulf to oil traffic and you blame that on Obama.


The Media and Dems blamed Bush, when the Gulf was shut down because of Katrina.

When Obama was campaigning in 2008 he said that he wanted gas prices high.
Jan. 2009 when Obama took office, gas was on avg. 1.89. In Jan. 2010 it was 2.71. In Jan. 2010 is was 3.05. Now in Feb. 2012 it's at 3.61. Seems it is going along just fine with what his promise was.
whos talking oil prices Im talking pump prices.

You just proved they gouged us even worse huh?

Gasoline prices also crashed when we invaded Iraq. Wholesale gasoline dropped from $1.25 down to $0.75. Add in the taxes & gas at the pump prices dropped from $1.75 down to $1.25. Now that we have pulled out of Iraq pump price have risen.


Truthmatters = :cuckoo: :dig:
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Gas at the pump prices more than doubled right after Bush proved to the world he was going after Sadam no matter what the facts were.

He was "fixing the facts arround the issue" and prices at the pump responded.

The oil cos made HUGE bank and the fool republican rabble cheered like so many sheeps to the slaughter.

Truthmatters = :cuckoo: :dig:

Gasoline at the pump prices crashed from $1.75 down to $1.25 after we invaded Iraq in March 2003.

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