Diversity is a Weakness, Not a Strength---A Thread By Steve McGarrett, American Patriot.


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
True diversity is only possible by keeping nations and races separated and not by mixing them together. Liberals stand for false diversity that ends in the destruction of the white race and the downfall of our cultures. It doesn't matter, if they act out of self-hate or just stupidity, the outcome is the same.

Diversity is a Weakness, Not a Strength
What makes this a current event?
The fact that the diversity cult has permeated every level government, and is the driving force behind most of the leftist agenda.
white liberals are the ones permeating every level of American society, using the term "diversity is just one of their tactics...they do not want us [Americans] to be able to identify them as the problem in America so they use minorities who trust them as fronts to take the government for itself...if we mount a steady non-stop attack on "WHITE LIBERALS" instead of falling for the minority diversion they put up, they will be easily defeated...just take a look at who this countries real problem is here on this board and you will see the true anti-American culprits across this country
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What makes this a current event?
The fact that the diversity cult has permeated every level government, and is the driving force behind most of the leftist agenda.

Still not really a current event. Did the "diversity cult" permeate "every level [sic] government" in the last few days? ;)
Its on ongoing problem...
As are racists.
Problem for who...?
What makes this a current event?
The fact that the diversity cult has permeated every level government, and is the driving force behind most of the leftist agenda.

Still not really a current event. Did the "diversity cult" permeate "every level [sic] government" in the last few days? ;)
Its on ongoing problem...
As are racists.
Problem for who...?

Steve MCGarrett. He isn't smart or talented enough to compete with all those black, brown or Asian folk in the job market, and women?? He'll be unemployed for the rest of his life. He had enough trouble holding a job when he only had to compete against other white males for work.
True diversity is only possible by keeping nations and races separated and not by mixing them together. Liberals stand for false diversity that ends in the destruction of the white race and the downfall of our cultures. It doesn't matter, if they act out of self-hate or just stupidity, the outcome is the same.

Diversity is a Weakness, Not a Strength

Then go live where there is no diversity. The US started out brown and is now a huge conglomerate - the source of our strength.

YOU are the weak link in our chain.

What makes this a current event?
The fact that the diversity cult has permeated every level government, and is the driving force behind most of the leftist agenda.

Still not really a current event. Did the "diversity cult" permeate "every level [sic] government" in the last few days? ;)
Its on ongoing problem...
As are racists.
Problem for who...?
Everyone but themselves.
The fact that the diversity cult has permeated every level government, and is the driving force behind most of the leftist agenda.

Still not really a current event. Did the "diversity cult" permeate "every level [sic] government" in the last few days? ;)
Its on ongoing problem...
As are racists.
Problem for who...?

Steve MCGarrett. He isn't smart or talented enough to compete with all those black, brown or Asian folk in the job market, and women?? He'll be unemployed for the rest of his life. He had enough trouble holding a job when he only had to compete against other white males for work.
If you chose any other poster this would be a problem...lol
Diversity is why America was sentenced to 8 years of Obama which clearly destroyed what it meant to be American

I have no problem with diversity. When things are done for the sake of "diversity" rather than the merit of people there in lies a problem.

None of you stupid white fuckers who believe there is something genetically inferior about everyone else except you, are any better than the chinks who believe they are superior and certainly appear to be when it comes to academics but not driving or the coons who kick white asses at sports but can't sign their own paychecks yet believe they're "oppressed", or the beaners who work hard all day long but can't drink more than a few beers without raping a 12 year old girl, but believe Americans are the cause of their problems while they still speak the language of the nation that wiped out their culture.

You're all assholes.

We are one human race, and if left alone with minimal governance and the means to defend ourselves most people perform well. Some people are genetic garbage but that transcends all ethnic groups and skin colors. No one is superior or inferior because of ancestry. Black kids who grow up in ghettos can still achieve greatness, it's hard but some do, while black kids who grow up more affluent regularly stay affluent. Some rich white kids become meth heads and die in trailer parks.

Get over yourself. You are only better than someone else when you achieve more than they do. Otherwise you've got work to do, but you're too busy being an imbecile online.

True diversity is only possible by keeping nations and races separated and not by mixing them together. Liberals stand for false diversity that ends in the destruction of the white race and the downfall of our cultures. It doesn't matter, if they act out of self-hate or just stupidity, the outcome is the same.

Hey, guy, here's the thing, "White People" are a relatively recent thing. The human race changes all the time....

But it's so fun to watch you guys try to pretend you understand science.
I have no problem with diversity. When things are done for the sake of "diversity" rather than the merit of people there in lies a problem.

None of you stupid white fuckers who believe there is something genetically inferior about everyone else except you, are any better than the chinks who believe they are superior and certainly appear to be when it comes to academics but not driving or the coons who kick white asses at sports but can't sign their own paychecks yet believe they're "oppressed", or the beaners who work hard all day long but can't drink more than a few beers without raping a 12 year old girl, but believe Americans are the cause of their problems while they still speak the language of the nation that wiped out their culture.

You're all assholes.

We are one human race, and if left alone with minimal governance and the means to defend ourselves most people perform well. Some people are genetic garbage but that transcends all ethnic groups and skin colors. No one is superior or inferior because of ancestry. Black kids who grow up in ghettos can still achieve greatness, it's hard but some do, while black kids who grow up more affluent regularly stay affluent. Some rich white kids become meth heads and die in trailer parks.

Get over yourself. You are only better than someone else when you achieve more than they do. Otherwise you've got work to do, but you're too busy being an imbecile online.

The black rage is strong in this one.

In what non-white country are you free to achieve your goals? Which country recognizes your basic GOD given rights?

No, we are NOT one race, and all cultures are not equal. Most countries are hell holes their citizens risk their lives to get out of.

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