Disturbing New Revelations On Shooter: Did The White House Blow it?...

The article presented only facts. You have not presented any facts. What don't you understand about that? Nowhere in the article does it claim that "Obama guided Malik Hasan." My God,did you even bother to actually read the article? The article only stated facts and not opinions. Whether or not you agree with the guy or the site is irrelevant. You have not cited any inaccuracies in the article or backed up your accusation that the article claimed "Obama guided Nidal Malik Hasan." What's worse is you didn't even bother to give your own opinion. You actually chose to give someone else's opinion instead. Just try your own Fact-Check on your 'Facts" and then get back to us. I'll wait.
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Nidal Hasan: Ft. Hood Shooter Participated in Homeland Security Disaster Preparation
The gunman who killed 12 people today at Ft. Hood appears, based on current media reports, to be Army psychiatrist Nidal Hasan who was listed as a participant in a Homeland Security Policy Institute's presidential transition task force last year.

The task force was not officially affiliated with the White House. It was a project of the Homeland Security Policy Institute, an independent thinktank housed at George Washington University, aimed at drafting policy recommendations for the incoming Obama administration.

According to the task force's May 2009 report [pdf], a "Nidal Hasan" from the Uniformed Services University School of Medicine was a task force event participant. Other participants included Senate and House staffers, Department of Homeland Security officials, Defense Department officials, and reporters for Politico, the Washington Post, and the London Times.

Nidal Hasan: Ft. Hood Shooter Participated in Homeland Security Disaster Preparation - Malik nidal hasan - Gawker

there is yet another red flag this guy is not who they say he is he was an agent involved in more than just psychiatrist...the Modus operandi is starting to look classic

The disturbing report on Hasan's advisory role for the White House was reported on WND (World Net Daily) A Free Press for a Free People

Right-Wing Smear Artist Claims Ft. Hood Shooter Advised Obama


WND's Jerome Corsi Claims Fort Hood Shooter Advised Obama [UPDATE]

Well, if you were wondering what paranoiac smear artist would be the first to step out and attempt to name President Barack Obama as the man who guided Nidal Malik Hasan to his murderous rampage at Fort Hood yesterday, the answer -- naturally! -- is Jerome Corsi. Corsi has a long history of lunatic, fact-averse ravings and he fails to disappoint on that regard on the pages of World Net Daily, today, in a piece entitled "Shooter advised Obama transition." Except, of course, he didn't do any such thing.

Corsi hangs his entire allegation on a document produced on May 19, 2009 by The George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute entitled "Thinking Anew, Security Priorities For The Next Administration." In that document, Nidal Hasan is listed, on page 29, as a "Task Force Event Participant." He was one of hundreds of people listed as a "participant." Significantly, Nidal was not the author of the document. He was not a member of the HSPI's "Presidential Transition Task Force." Nor was he a member of the HSPI's "Task Force Staff." He was not a member of the HSPI's Steering Committee or a briefer to the task force.

Also, the activities of the HSPI here do not in anyway constitute official transition advice to the White House, despite the fact that a committee got named the "Presidential Transition Task Force" and the HSPI's activities involved identifying homeland security priorities and offering advice.


Corsi.....now, where have we heard that name before? :eusa_whistle:

I know he has been on all the right wing radio talk shows around here in the past. :lol::cuckoo:

He's still trying to find a venue to appeal a Supreme Court decision not to hear his Obama Not A Citizen lawsuit. That can keep a fella really busy, you know, especially since there isn't one.
The article presented only facts. You have not presented any facts. What don't you understand about that? Nowhere in the article does it claim that "Obama guided Malik Hasan." My God,did you even bother to actually read the article? The article only stated facts and not opinions. Whether or not you agree with the guy or the site is irrelevant. You have not cited any inaccuracies in the article or backed up your accusation that the article claimed "Obama guided Nidal Malik Hasan." What's worse is you didn't even bother to give your own opinion. You actually chose to give someone else's opinion instead. Just try your own Fact-Check on your 'Facts" and then get back to us. I'll wait.

Are you really as stupid as you appear? The writer of the article I posted was not accusing Corsi of ACTUALLY saying "Obama guided Malik Hasan." He was PURPOSELY using exaggeration...

Corsi's article is titled: "Shooter advised Obama transition."

FALSE: He (Hasan) was not a member of the HSPI's "Presidential Transition Task Force." Nor was he a member of the HSPI's "Task Force Staff." He was not a member of the HSPI's Steering Committee or a briefer to the task force.

Also, the activities of the HSPI here do not in anyway constitute official transition advice to the White House, despite the fact that a committee got named the "Presidential Transition Task Force" and the HSPI's activities involved identifying homeland security priorities and offering advice.
Still no facts or anything to back up the accusation that the article claimed "Obama guided Nidal Malik Hasan." Gee go figure. And now it must be time for..."EEEEEEEEETZZ BOOOOOOOOOOSSSSHH AN FOXXXXX NOOOOOOOOZZ!" Yikes!
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Yup he was just a poor stressed out guy who was picked on and then just snapped. Seriously,who could possibly believe that absurd fantasy? Yes it was everything but Radical Islam according to this White House. This cretin was a Radical Islamist who brutally slaughtered our kids in the name of Islam. Now that's the truth and i don't care how this White House spins it.
the fbi gave us wtc 93, okahoma bombing, the rule of the mafia for 50 years, this recent shooting, plus a number of other things. they allow things to happen to further their agenda.
Yea i think he was just another one of those evil "Militia Boogeymen" you hear the Hopey Changey loons always screeching about. All those evil "Militia Boogeymen" yet no one has ever seen even one. Hmm?





American Militia members have killed more American citizens than American members of Islamic radical groups.
The disturbing report on Hasan's advisory role for the White House was reported on WND (World Net Daily) A Free Press for a Free People

Right-Wing Smear Artist Claims Ft. Hood Shooter Advised Obama


WND's Jerome Corsi Claims Fort Hood Shooter Advised Obama [UPDATE]

Well, if you were wondering what paranoiac smear artist would be the first to step out and attempt to name President Barack Obama as the man who guided Nidal Malik Hasan to his murderous rampage at Fort Hood yesterday, the answer -- naturally! -- is Jerome Corsi. Corsi has a long history of lunatic, fact-averse ravings and he fails to disappoint on that regard on the pages of World Net Daily, today, in a piece entitled "Shooter advised Obama transition." Except, of course, he didn't do any such thing.

Corsi hangs his entire allegation on a document produced on May 19, 2009 by The George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute entitled "Thinking Anew, Security Priorities For The Next Administration." In that document, Nidal Hasan is listed, on page 29, as a "Task Force Event Participant." He was one of hundreds of people listed as a "participant." Significantly, Nidal was not the author of the document. He was not a member of the HSPI's "Presidential Transition Task Force." Nor was he a member of the HSPI's "Task Force Staff." He was not a member of the HSPI's Steering Committee or a briefer to the task force.

Also, the activities of the HSPI here do not in anyway constitute official transition advice to the White House, despite the fact that a committee got named the "Presidential Transition Task Force" and the HSPI's activities involved identifying homeland security priorities and offering advice.


Oh crap! I agree with bfrn. I am obviously a liberal.... I just didn't know it.

*CG runs screaming from the thread*
The disturbing report on Hasan's advisory role for the White House was reported on WND (World Net Daily) A Free Press for a Free People

Right-Wing Smear Artist Claims Ft. Hood Shooter Advised Obama


WND's Jerome Corsi Claims Fort Hood Shooter Advised Obama [UPDATE]

Well, if you were wondering what paranoiac smear artist would be the first to step out and attempt to name President Barack Obama as the man who guided Nidal Malik Hasan to his murderous rampage at Fort Hood yesterday, the answer -- naturally! -- is Jerome Corsi. Corsi has a long history of lunatic, fact-averse ravings and he fails to disappoint on that regard on the pages of World Net Daily, today, in a piece entitled "Shooter advised Obama transition." Except, of course, he didn't do any such thing.

Corsi hangs his entire allegation on a document produced on May 19, 2009 by The George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute entitled "Thinking Anew, Security Priorities For The Next Administration." In that document, Nidal Hasan is listed, on page 29, as a "Task Force Event Participant." He was one of hundreds of people listed as a "participant." Significantly, Nidal was not the author of the document. He was not a member of the HSPI's "Presidential Transition Task Force." Nor was he a member of the HSPI's "Task Force Staff." He was not a member of the HSPI's Steering Committee or a briefer to the task force.

Also, the activities of the HSPI here do not in anyway constitute official transition advice to the White House, despite the fact that a committee got named the "Presidential Transition Task Force" and the HSPI's activities involved identifying homeland security priorities and offering advice.


Oh crap! I agree with bfrn. I am obviously a liberal.... I just didn't know it.

*CG runs screaming from the thread*


Right-Wing Smear Artist Claims Ft. Hood Shooter Advised Obama


WND's Jerome Corsi Claims Fort Hood Shooter Advised Obama [UPDATE]

Well, if you were wondering what paranoiac smear artist would be the first to step out and attempt to name President Barack Obama as the man who guided Nidal Malik Hasan to his murderous rampage at Fort Hood yesterday, the answer -- naturally! -- is Jerome Corsi. Corsi has a long history of lunatic, fact-averse ravings and he fails to disappoint on that regard on the pages of World Net Daily, today, in a piece entitled "Shooter advised Obama transition." Except, of course, he didn't do any such thing.

Corsi hangs his entire allegation on a document produced on May 19, 2009 by The George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute entitled "Thinking Anew, Security Priorities For The Next Administration." In that document, Nidal Hasan is listed, on page 29, as a "Task Force Event Participant." He was one of hundreds of people listed as a "participant." Significantly, Nidal was not the author of the document. He was not a member of the HSPI's "Presidential Transition Task Force." Nor was he a member of the HSPI's "Task Force Staff." He was not a member of the HSPI's Steering Committee or a briefer to the task force.

Also, the activities of the HSPI here do not in anyway constitute official transition advice to the White House, despite the fact that a committee got named the "Presidential Transition Task Force" and the HSPI's activities involved identifying homeland security priorities and offering advice.


Oh crap! I agree with bfrn. I am obviously a liberal.... I just didn't know it.

*CG runs screaming from the thread*


Stop laughing. Somebody slipped me some kool aid! I need to lay down in a dark room for several days.
There seems little doubt now that his religion did have a part to play in this. How big a part remains to be known. What is for certain is that the US Government, the FBI, or the Dept of Homeland Security had no fore knowledge or had anything else to do with it other than failure to prevent it.

Conspiracy nuts are once again, NUTS.

did religion play a part in the largest domestic terrorism attack? mcveigh claimed to be a christian...did you post anything like this after that attack?
Yea i think he was just another one of those evil "Militia Boogeymen" you hear the Hopey Changey loons always screeching about. All those evil "Militia Boogeymen" yet no one has ever seen even one. Hmm?





American Militia members have killed more American citizens than American members of Islamic radical groups.

the grand illusion

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ck13yfbOXdQ]YouTube - ATF Given Prior Warning of Oklahoma City Bombing[/ame]

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