Disposing of Another Reason To Vote Obama.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Although candidate Obama ran to become President of ‘all the people,” propping his campaign with promises. “In November 2008 Barak Obama was elected president by the people to serve all the people in governing our great nation.” Barak Obama Campaign Promises

a. “We remember that, despite candidate Barack Obama’s promises to the American people that he would reach across the aisle to seek bipartisanship and consensus,…” Con: Obamacare is unpopular and expensive | PennLive.com

2. How did he begin? “President Obama listened to Republican gripes about his stimulus package during a meeting with congressional leaders Friday morning - but he also left no doubt about who's in charge of these negotiations. "I won," Obama noted matter-of-factly, according to sources familiar with the conversation.” Obama to GOP: 'I won' - Jonathan Martin and Carol E. Lee - POLITICO.com

a. “But when the conversation got down to other specifics, it was clear that some of the Republican ideas were clearly non-starters with the new president – “Ibid.

3. In the end, after all of Obama’s whining about GOP obstructionism and its refusal to compromise or even negotiate in good faith, once a debt-ceiling deal was reached, the White House bragged that it had strong-armed Republicans into capitulating. “The President stood firm and forced Republicans to back down, preventing them from using the prospect of default as leverage again in six months by ensuring that any additional debt limit increases will not be needed until 2013.” Responding To Representative Ryan | The White House

4. Even the President’s advisers have been dragged along: “But now, the famously panic-proof strategist appears to have answered the appeals of his party and finally set the president on a more partisan — and unPlouffian — course.” For a top Obama adviser, a new strategy and old doubts - The Washington Post

5. “Obama deliberately set out on a course to cast himself as a president not of all the people, but only of those whose cause he championed or who had the good sense to side with him.” David Limbaugh, “The Great Destroyer,” p.72.

a. “A Washington Post story from earlier this week reports, “There is a noticeably more aggressive, confrontational President Obama roaming the country these days, …Obama has essentially given up on his governing responsibilities (at which he has shown himself to be terribly inept) in lieu of a fierce and near constant attack on his political opponents….[And] has become the most intentionally divisive president we’ve seen in quite some time.” Obama the Divider « Commentary Magazine

b. “Each day, it seems, he and/or his supporters are seeking to divide us. The rhetoric employed by the president and his allies is meant to fan the flames of resentment, to turn Americans against one another, and to stoke up feelings of envy, grievances, and rage.” Ibid.

6. Washington (CNN) - Which president, in recent history, had the most polarizing second year in office? …The answer: President Obama, according to a fresh analysis. Gallup compared Obama's second year approval numbers – from January 2010 to January 2011 – against figures from the second year of other presidents. It reports that an average of 81 percent of Democrats approved of the president, while only 13 percent of Republicans approved, on average. That's a 68 percentage point gap in party ratings - higher than the gap faced by any other president in his second year.” Analysis: Obama’s second year is the most polarizing since Eisenhower – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

a. “Obama was clearly trending toward record-setting territory in just his second year, in stark contrast to the conciliatory image on which he’d campaigned.” David Limbaugh, Op.Cit,, p. 74.

"...promises to the American people that he would reach across the aisle to seek bipartisanship and consensus,…"
"...in stark contrast to the conciliatory image on which he’d campaigned.”

Obama voters, remember this in November:

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."
When you goal is to spread the wealth, you are not going to work with those who see wealth getting spread through different mechanisms.
when you reach out and have your outreached hand spit on you still reached out.

your party said right from the get go

your biggest priority was to make him a one termer.
when you reach out and have your outreached hand spit on you still reached out.

your party said right from the get go

your biggest priority was to make him a one termer.

I believe you missed this:

2. How did he begin? “President Obama listened to Republican gripes about his stimulus package during a meeting with congressional leaders Friday morning - but he also left no doubt about who's in charge of these negotiations. "I won," Obama noted matter-of-factly, according to sources familiar with the conversation.” Obama to GOP: 'I won' - Jonathan Martin and Carol E. Lee - POLITICO.com

a. “But when the conversation got down to other specifics, it was clear that some of the Republican ideas were clearly non-starters with the new president – “Ibid.
Wow...this is heavy stuff

Obama promisises bipartisanship and cooperation, the Republicans say "Fuck you, we won't do a thing to work with you"

So we use it as a reason to vote against Obama

Nice OP PC
Wow...this is heavy stuff

Obama promisises bipartisanship and cooperation, the Republicans say "Fuck you, we won't do a thing to work with you"

So we use it as a reason to vote against Obama

Nice OP PC

You could not be less intellectually honest bud. Real Compromise requires Both sides to actually be willing to Give, Compromise is not giving the other side a couple things they want, but attaching it to something they very much do not want as the only way to get it.

You guys can keep trying to say it was only Republicans that did not want to work together all you want, but that is pure Horse shit.

In fact Obama and the Dems were so unwilling to Compromise in the end they had to resort to Massive Kick backs, Bribes, basically to Buy off a couple Republicans and get it passed.

Only Complete Partisan Hacks like yourself don't understand that with the Near Super Majorities the Dems had, it would not have taken Much Real Geniun Compromise to get a the Republican Votes needed to pass Bills.

Us more Grounded, Less Partisan People understand that only NEITHER side being willing to Compromise could ever lead to a Party with so many Seats not getting anything it wanted.

But feel free to live in your Partisan Shielded alternative reality.
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Wow...this is heavy stuff

Obama promisises bipartisanship and cooperation, the Republicans say "Fuck you, we won't do a thing to work with you"

So we use it as a reason to vote against Obama

Nice OP PC

You could not be less intellectually honest bud. Real Compromise requires Both sides to actually be willing to Give, Compromise is not giving the other side a couple things they want, but attaching it to something they very much do not want as the only way to get it.

You guys can keep trying to say it was only Republicans that did not want to work together all you want, but that is pure Horse shit.

In fact Obama and the Dems were so unwilling to Compromise in the end they had to resort to Massive Kick backs, Bribes, basically to Buy off a couple Republicans and get it passed.

Only Complete Partisan Hacks like yourself don't understand that with the Near Super Majorities the Dems had, it would not have taken Much Real Geniun Compromise to get a the Republican Votes needed to pass Bills.

Us more Grounded, Less Partisan People understand that only NEITHER side being willing to Compromise could ever lead to a Party with so many Seats not getting anything it wanted.

But feel free to live in your Partisan Shielded alternative reality.

In healthcare, Obama offered to scrap universal healthcare right off the bat.....COMPROMISE. Obama abandoned the Government Option........COMPROMISE. Obama met with Republicans and asked, "What do we need to do to get you to vote for this bill?.......COMPROMISE

Republicans, to a man, replied "Tear it up and start over" NO COMPROMISE
Wow...this is heavy stuff

Obama promisises bipartisanship and cooperation, the Republicans say "Fuck you, we won't do a thing to work with you"

So we use it as a reason to vote against Obama

Nice OP PC

Oblamo "promising bipartisanship" is VERY different than Oblamo "practicing bipartisanship"... He is the most "my way, or the highway" President this country has ever seen, and the fact that because Republicans refuse to play ball with Oblamo that it is somehow their fault, is quite frankly.... Ridiculous. The divider in chief has many reasons to be voted out in November... This is just one more reason -on and ever expanding list.
Wow...this is heavy stuff

Obama promisises bipartisanship and cooperation, the Republicans say "Fuck you, we won't do a thing to work with you"

So we use it as a reason to vote against Obama

Nice OP PC

Is that what you read in the OP?


See what happens when you let that eye-glass prescription run out?
Uh ok....I mean why bother..

So sorry you stumbled into this thread....

.....it was meant for thinking individuals.

No, it was meant for people who think like you and are already against Obama. Or did you think your revelation would make Democrats see the error of their ways?

It was a reminder of who folks voted for, and who they got.

There will be lots of former Obama voters who vote Republican this time.....just as there were for Bush in 2004.

Bush got 11.5 million more votes the second time he ran.

The more insightful Democrats know when they've made a mistake.
I thinking the "I won" statement along with "get to the back of the bus" and "they can't have the keys" just might have p*ssed off a couple of people.

His idea of compromise is only spending 1 trillion instead of 1.2 trillion.

I have never heard a president call the opposing party the enemy or terrorists. Another first by Obama & Company.
So sorry you stumbled into this thread....

.....it was meant for thinking individuals.

No, it was meant for people who think like you and are already against Obama. Or did you think your revelation would make Democrats see the error of their ways?

It was a reminder of who folks voted for, and who they got.

There will be lots of former Obama voters who vote Republican this time.....just as there were for Bush in 2004.

Bush got 11.5 million more votes the second time he ran.

The more insightful Democrats know when they've made a mistake.

Except you would have to break through partisan delusion to get democrats to even consider your premise.

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