DisInformation Attempts by the Enviros!

Do you know what 'Easy Pass' is? No...not a stool softener.
It's a trasponder that allows one to pass through a toll booth without
stopping or paying cash....a real time saver.

I have a good friend who refused to get one because he believes
the government will be tracking him.
OK...so he stops and pays the toll.

If you have doubts about GM foods.....just as my friend does....
don't use the product.

I personally avoid products with GMOs to the maximum extent possible. There are plenty of sources that list products that have GMO components, some that list those that do not have GMO components. What concerns me is the fact that GMOs don't stay where they are supposed to. They can cross-contaminate other crops and there is insufficient information about the consequences.

List Of Foods Containing Gmos | LIVESTRONG.COM

GMO Free Food List ? Nourished Kitchen

Non-GMO Shopping Guide


Just today I heard an interview with an exec from Fairway Market, who mentioned that 3% of grocery products sold are 'organic."

You probably try to use 'organics' as a hedge against GM products....

But the exec went on to state that 30% of families say they use organic products....what ever that is.....

So, it seems for most, organics is something they speak of but don't actually use.....

Most products today are GM....and life expectancy keeps climbing.

Nowadays, even the designation "organic" is suspect. Originally, small, local producers employing simple farming techniques used "organic" to describe produce that was raised without using the same techniques that big agri-business uses. Consumers proved willing to pay premium prices for foodstuffs of superior quality that were raised without massive doses of chemicals, etc. Some unscrupulous sellers began charging "organic" prices for food that was not "organically" produced. Now the government steps in and defines what constitutes "organic" foodstuffs. Of course, big agribusiness has it's filthy paws all over the regulations. Pretty soon, in order to become certified "organic" is an expensive proposition involving lots of paperwork and compliance (most requirements were waived or decreased for larger producers). So, the so-called "organic" produce and other foodstuffs available, particularly in larger chain stores, is a far cry from the healthy food that was originally offered for sale under the designation "organic".

How ?Big Food? Has Taken Over The ?Organic? Market | NHNE Pulse

What's Big Food Doing in the Organic Business? | Care2 Causes

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