Discussing Islam: politics, or religion?

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Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
There are rules for where to post different topics on the forum, but it gets more complicated when discussing Islam. The problem here, is that the right sees Islamic discussion as a political topic, while the left views it as a religious topic. Lefties and righties do not agree on this, and they probably never will. The moment that righties are required to post Islam threads under a religion heading, the thread automatically becomes political, since it would have to be lefty authority used to force what we believe is political into a religion category. The same problem would come up if lefties were to be required to post Islam threads in a political section. Lefties believe Islam is only religion with no political ideology attached, so it would seem that lefties would need all Islam threads would need to be posted in religion heading.

I am kinda new here, so I do not know yet if the admin here favors lefties or righties, although I am aware that every forum admin does favor one side or the other. I posted this in the politics section, since Islam is one of the hottest political topics in today's political landscape, so I guess we will see where this goes.
There are rules for where to post different topics on the forum, but it gets more complicated when discussing Islam. The problem here, is that the right sees Islamic discussion as a political topic, while the left views it as a religious topic. Lefties and righties do not agree on this, and they probably never will. The moment that righties are required to post Islam threads under a religion heading, the thread automatically becomes political, since it would have to be lefty authority used to force what we believe is political into a religion category. The same problem would come up if lefties were to be required to post Islam threads in a political section. Lefties believe Islam is only religion with no political ideology attached, so it would seem that lefties would need all Islam threads would need to be posted in religion heading.

I am kinda new here, so I do not know yet if the admin here favors lefties or righties, although I am aware that every forum admin does favor one side or the other. I posted this in the politics section, since Islam is one of the hottest political topics in today's political landscape, so I guess we will see where this goes.

Since you are kinda new here, I'll try to explain.

First...read the rules please. There is much enlightenment within.

If you have questions about placement of topics - Announcements and Feedback is the appropriate forum to post those, or simply PM one of the staff.

What you, or righties or lefties "believe" has little to do with thread placement.

Politics is for discussion of American politics - as it says: "Discuss government policies and candidates..."

Islam in and of itself is not a political issue what makes it "political" is what aspect you are discussing.

If your topic has to do with specific policies - for example Trump's travel ban and muslims or states imposing anti-Sharia laws - that could fall under Politics.
If you're discussing something in Islamic theology or beliefs - that could fall under "Religion".
If you're discussing events in a particular country invoving Muslims - that could fall under one of our regional boards such as MidEast General or Europe or it could fall under Current Events.

There are a broad variety of places to put a thread on Islam and it all depends on what you are discussing.

In addition (you'll realize this when you read the rules) - we have different "zones" for rules. Politics, Religion, Race, IP and Environment all operate under Zone 2 rules (because they tend to be very inflammatory discussions with a lot of trolling) -

"Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum / Religion & Ethics Forum / Environment Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.

I'm closing the thread because this discussion does not belong in Politics but feel free to PM one of us if you have further questions.
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