Dems, who is the most to blame?

Who is the most to blame for the ills of the country?

  • Bush, Sr.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sarah Palin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ted Cruz

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Over the years Dims seem to pick on the same old names as they point to the source of our ills.

So let's settle this once and for all. Who is the main culprit?
Reaganism. As I tell my foreign friends, he knew not what he was doing, though. And probably never would imagine the chumps would still be pushing the same policies that have been killing us since about 1986...see sig.
The culprits are the relatively unknown group of oil billionaires, bankers and defense contractors who give those men you mentioned their orders.
The culprits are the relatively unknown group of oil billionaires, bankers and defense contractors who give those men you mentioned their orders.

Thank God we overcame them the last 8 years.

The culprits are the relatively unknown group of oil billionaires, bankers and defense contractors who give those men you mentioned their orders.

Thank God we overcame them the last 8 years.

View attachment 46283
We're starting to, takes time. Greedy idiot megarich Pubs suck. Brilliant at obstruction and misleading/fear mongering the dupes.
Over the years Dims seem to pick on the same old names as they point to the source of our ills.

So let's settle this once and for all. Who is the main culprit?
Every single politician that's served in Washington since JFK. No exceptions. There're all guilty in one way or another. Neither party, nor none of the elected office holders, can wash their hands of the mess we're in today. What we're seeing and experiencing today in this country, has been an on-going process covering many decades of "The Selling Of America". If one was to trace back to the roots of our present day social and economic woes, they would find that they all have roots as early as the 50's and 60's. Our problems did not start last year, 5 years ago, 20 years ago, nor 40 years ago. They started shortly after WWII, and have gotten progressively worse since.

If anyone is to blame, it's the voters that continue to elect the crooks to office, election after election, yet expecting a different result. The voters have allowed "The Washington Brotherhood" to become an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. We, the citizens of this once great nation, have become nothing more than a source of votes and tax revenue to "The Washington Brotherhood". We've basically lost, given up, our power, and we're now controlled by the politicians that we've entrusted with our well-being, and the well-being of this once great nation.

Over the years Dims seem to pick on the same old names as they point to the source of our ills.

So let's settle this once and for all. Who is the main culprit?
Your poll is faulty because if one is going to blame the country's ills on someone, it has to be "someones" such as Congress and the people who put them there and failed to pay attention to what Congress was doing and failed to raise their voices about it.
Over the years Dims seem to pick on the same old names as they point to the source of our ills.

So let's settle this once and for all. Who is the main culprit?
Every single politician that's served in Washington since JFK. No exceptions. There're all guilty in one way or another. Neither party, nor none of the elected office holders, can wash their hands of the mess we're in today. What we're seeing and experiencing today in this country, has been an on-going process covering many decades of "The Selling Of America". If one was to trace back to the roots of our present day social and economic woes, they would find that they all have roots as early as the 50's and 60's. Our problems did not start last year, 5 years ago, 20 years ago, nor 40 years ago. They started shortly after WWII, and have gotten progressively worse since.

If anyone is to blame, it's the voters that continue to elect the crooks to office, election after election, yet expecting a different result. The voters have allowed "The Washington Brotherhood" to become an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. We, the citizens of this once great nation, have become nothing more than a source of votes and tax revenue to "The Washington Brotherhood". We've basically lost, given up, our power, and we're now controlled by the politicians that we've entrusted with our well-being, and the well-being of this once great nation.

View attachment 46284
Our ills go back to the inception of Congress (history is a grand thing)
Over the years Dims seem to pick on the same old names as they point to the source of our ills.

So let's settle this once and for all. Who is the main culprit?
Every single politician that's served in Washington since JFK. No exceptions. There're all guilty in one way or another. Neither party, nor none of the elected office holders, can wash their hands of the mess we're in today. What we're seeing and experiencing today in this country, has been an on-going process covering many decades of "The Selling Of America". If one was to trace back to the roots of our present day social and economic woes, they would find that they all have roots as early as the 50's and 60's. Our problems did not start last year, 5 years ago, 20 years ago, nor 40 years ago. They started shortly after WWII, and have gotten progressively worse since.

If anyone is to blame, it's the voters that continue to elect the crooks to office, election after election, yet expecting a different result. The voters have allowed "The Washington Brotherhood" to become an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. We, the citizens of this once great nation, have become nothing more than a source of votes and tax revenue to "The Washington Brotherhood". We've basically lost, given up, our power, and we're now controlled by the politicians that we've entrusted with our well-being, and the well-being of this once great nation.

View attachment 46284
Our ills go back to the inception of Congress (history is a grand thing)
Modern day ills.
I blame the true budget hawks for dying out.

Now all you hear is "defund this department, defund that department", because the politicians are too lazy too go through the budget to find waste and misappropriation.
I find it interesting that the left avoid participating in most polls on this site. Not really sure why.

Most polls I see on this site are constructed of inane loaded question or apples/oranges bullshittery. There's little point in participating in them at all.

In this one the best response would have been "Joey Votto".
Over the years Dims seem to pick on the same old names as they point to the source of our ills.

So let's settle this once and for all. Who is the main culprit?
Every single politician that's served in Washington since JFK. No exceptions. There're all guilty in one way or another. Neither party, nor none of the elected office holders, can wash their hands of the mess we're in today. What we're seeing and experiencing today in this country, has been an on-going process covering many decades of "The Selling Of America". If one was to trace back to the roots of our present day social and economic woes, they would find that they all have roots as early as the 50's and 60's. Our problems did not start last year, 5 years ago, 20 years ago, nor 40 years ago. They started shortly after WWII, and have gotten progressively worse since.

If anyone is to blame, it's the voters that continue to elect the crooks to office, election after election, yet expecting a different result. The voters have allowed "The Washington Brotherhood" to become an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. We, the citizens of this once great nation, have become nothing more than a source of votes and tax revenue to "The Washington Brotherhood". We've basically lost, given up, our power, and we're now controlled by the politicians that we've entrusted with our well-being, and the well-being of this once great nation.

View attachment 46284
Our ills go back to the inception of Congress (history is a grand thing)
Modern day ills.
1! The OP did not say "modern day" ills
2) Ills do not happen over night under a new administration. The very first Congress was made up of wealthy land/factory owners that voted accordingly to their pocket books. Our "ills" came with the formation of our government and has evolved into a full blown disease. If you say, ok, only the ills since Reagan... what about the ills he inherited, not just what he did. Ok, the ills since Carter, wait, he also inherited ills, plus what he did. Ok, since Ford... wait now, he was short term and inherited ills. Ok, ok, ok, since Nixon...really? Do we need to go there. Ok, since Johnson... ewww, next. Ok, since Kennedy--show some respect (yeah, he inherited ills and left a few). Jesus Christ... no can't blame him. Ok, since Eisenhower... Truman... etc etc. Every president inherits ills from the past administration and adds to it. Every Congress inherits ills from past Congress' and adds to it. How can one possibly understand politics or government if one does not know their history? It is so easy to say Democrats suck or Republicans suck... which this is another reason why we have "ills" because the people would rather sling mud like politicians than learn something or use critical thinking. Class is dismissed.

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