Dims have gone full blown socialist


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Democrats continue to line up behind Bernie Sanders’ health care bill

This is the next big great entitlement that will be forced down our throats, a single payer health care system.

That's right everyone, we will soon be forced to accept this single payer system by the same people that lied to us about Obamacare, in that it will lower premiums and we could keep our doctors and our health care coverage as before. The same liars and sociopaths will force this down our collective throats even though the ink on Obamacare is not even dry yet.


Not to fear, the GOP will be right behind them offering to repeal it and come to our rescue once voters realize they will soon be treated like the poor veterans in Arizona who were put on secret death lists cuz they were too sick and too expensive to treat.


But let's face it, voters are rubes in both parties.

I've always enjoyed this video. Here we see that Dims refuse to denote a difference between socialism and the democrat party, yet they all don't want to be called a socialist because it's a derogatory word. Soon the term Progressive will be equally derogatory, unless we are already there.

I give the right credit, they have trained their followers well. Say Socialism and the right hides in the closet. But consider these two recent weather events, I don't see conservatives, libertarians, or other idealogical stooges coming to the rescue, I see government, that bad socialistic entity that helps even when you believe the free market is god. LOL Anyone see the ideologues helping older people have a nice life? No, oh I see social security doing that. Nice huh, Ok righties start whining....
It's hard not to be a socialist when comparing Canadian to American health care. That's why Republicans need to fix "Obamacare" rather than repeal it, thus inviting the next Democrat president and Democrat congress to impose full-blown socialized medicine.

But, what do we all know about Republicans? They are useless.
my personal opinion------americans are not ready for the problems that arise in systems of
'socialized' medicine-------we EXPECT BETTER
Government run single payer healthcare has been estimated to cost $32 TRILLION dollars just over 10 years, its DEAD ON ARRIVAL.
Government run single payer healthcare has been estimated to cost $32 TRILLION dollars just over 10 years, its DEAD ON ARRIVAL.

But that is the Progressive way. Just keep printing money cuz it's all "free".

What could possibly go wrong?
I give the right credit, they have trained their followers well. Say Socialism and the right hides in the closet. But consider these two recent weather events, I don't see conservatives, libertarians, or other idealogical stooges coming to the rescue, I see government, that bad socialistic entity that helps even when you believe the free market is god. LOL Anyone see the ideologues helping older people have a nice life? No, oh I see social security doing that. Nice huh, Ok righties start whining....

Where are the conservatives and libertarians? They are not the ones in power who are printing money hand over fist out of thin air and throwing it around to get their way.

Instead, conservatives and other political foes are hunted down by the IRS and dealt with accordingly..
Every first world country on earth uses it! Must not be that bad. BEtter then the failure we have right now.

Maybe you should educate yourself on issues before posting?

And looking at world history, most men have either been a slave or fought in wars abroad.

Then came the American Revolution. I would rather have a little strange than the average.
Government run single payer healthcare has been estimated to cost $32 TRILLION dollars just over 10 years, its DEAD ON ARRIVAL.

You are stupid. The US healthcare system already costs far more than any socialist medical care system in the world.

If the US could duplicate Canada's socialist system, it would cut our healthcare costs in half while at the same time providing universal coverage. With a conservative in charge, Canada's healthcare costs could easily be reduced (increased co-pays, no paying for sex changes or cosmetic surgery, etc.).
Government run single payer healthcare has been estimated to cost $32 TRILLION dollars just over 10 years, its DEAD ON ARRIVAL.

But that is the Progressive way. Just keep printing money cuz it's all "free".

What could possibly go wrong?

Exactly the idea the old Bolsheviks had back in the day....that lead to so much suffering in the collapsed, bankrupt Soviet Union.

Exactly the idea the fools in Venezuela had a few years back. Now that they have run out of other people's money, they are eating their own dogs.

Democrats, Progressives, Socialists, Bolsheviks, Fools---whats the difference....just keep the free shit coming.

What failure son? America has worked beautifully for my family for generations.

Don't get me wrong, the Progressive system works, just like the other myriad of collectivist systems do like Nazism and Communism etc.

Reagan warned us that Medicare would lead to socialized medicine.

He was right.

Now that the system is in place, the government will keep adding to it until they completely take it over. There is no going back now. The GOP not even dare repeal Obamacare.

This post is not to generate political activism because none will help. The decision was made long ago. No, this is just to warn people of what is to come.
Government run single payer healthcare has been estimated to cost $32 TRILLION dollars just over 10 years, its DEAD ON ARRIVAL.

But that is the Progressive way. Just keep printing money cuz it's all "free".

What could possibly go wrong?

Exactly the idea the old Bolsheviks had back in the day....that lead to so much suffering in the collapsed, bankrupt Soviet Union.

Exactly the idea the fools in Venezuela had a few years back. Now that they have run out of other people's money, they are eating their own dogs.

Democrats, Progressives, Socialists, Bolsheviks, Fools---whats the difference....just keep the free shit coming.


The Progressive system will also go belly up due to the massive debt. My guess is that this is a manufactured crisis to create a global economic system that is controlled by a global government entity.

Crisis is how collectivists operate. After all, people don't like change and just want to be left alone to live their lives in peace, so to get them to want change you have to make them beg for change by making their lives hell.

Herbert Hoover said it the best.

"Every collectivist revolution rides in on a Trojan horse of 'emergency'.
It was the tactic of Lenin, Hitler, and Mussolini. In the collectivist
sweep over a dozen minor countries of Europe, it was the cry of men
striving to get on horseback. And 'emergency' became the justification
of the subsequent steps. This technique of creating emergency is the
greatest achievement that demagoguery attains."
Democrats continue to line up behind Bernie Sanders’ health care bill

This is the next big great entitlement that will be forced down our throats, a single payer health care system.

That's right everyone, we will soon be forced to accept this single payer system by the same people that lied to us about Obamacare, in that it will lower premiums and we could keep our doctors and our health care coverage as before. The same liars and sociopaths will force this down our collective throats even though the ink on Obamacare is not even dry yet.


Not to fear, the GOP will be right behind them offering to repeal it and come to our rescue once voters realize they will soon be treated like the poor veterans in Arizona who were put on secret death lists cuz they were too sick and too expensive to treat.


But let's face it, voters are rubes in both parties.

Lol, yay Trump!
She is just awful.

Just fucking awful.

Look at her not able to answer a simple question.

She lies to her server about whether she wants coffee with breakfast.
Democrats continue to line up behind Bernie Sanders’ health care bill

This is the next big great entitlement that will be forced down our throats, a single payer health care system.

That's right everyone, we will soon be forced to accept this single payer system by the same people that lied to us about Obamacare, in that it will lower premiums and we could keep our doctors and our health care coverage as before. The same liars and sociopaths will force this down our collective throats even though the ink on Obamacare is not even dry yet.


Not to fear, the GOP will be right behind them offering to repeal it and come to our rescue once voters realize they will soon be treated like the poor veterans in Arizona who were put on secret death lists cuz they were too sick and too expensive to treat.


But let's face it, voters are rubes in both parties.

Lol, yay Trump!

And what is Trump going to do other than cut deals with the Dims?

That is all he can do and all that will be done.
Democrats continue to line up behind Bernie Sanders’ health care bill

This is the next big great entitlement that will be forced down our throats, a single payer health care system.

That's right everyone, we will soon be forced to accept this single payer system by the same people that lied to us about Obamacare, in that it will lower premiums and we could keep our doctors and our health care coverage as before. The same liars and sociopaths will force this down our collective throats even though the ink on Obamacare is not even dry yet.


Not to fear, the GOP will be right behind them offering to repeal it and come to our rescue once voters realize they will soon be treated like the poor veterans in Arizona who were put on secret death lists cuz they were too sick and too expensive to treat.


But let's face it, voters are rubes in both parties.

Lol, yay Trump!

And what is Trump going to do other than cut deals with the Dims?

That is all he can do and all that will be done.

Why does he have to make deals? Obama diddnt have to, why should Trump? The answer is, Trump is doing exactly as he intended to. Still better then it be stupid old blonde, but more honesty would be nice.

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