Dillo Does Crawford

Got someone to take a pic of yours truly looking across the street at camp looney. Cops were lined up between the lines---If you stood on the road or that gravel driveway my right foot is on-it was off to jail. Saw 2 of em get hauled off. Stayed here about two hours and although hot as hell it was a blast---the cops were acting like mods telling ya what you could an couldn't yell. Bizarre yelling, singing and insults, all the while trying not to cross that imaginary line. oooooooooo and the BLACK HELICOPTERS were there and I can prove it!
Cindy herself was miles back in a posh tent with AC when she wanted it. These folks were just her idiot cannon fodder yelling the same old mantras. I thought our side singing "Jesus Loves You" was quite impressive ! :funnyface


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    $front lines in Crawford.JPG
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Stephanie said:
Great to see ya made it down there, make's me wish I could of been there...
Report's I'm hearing,there were about 3,000 support the troop's people :salute: Ted Nugents wife's name is Shemane Nugent...I'm really ticked off, there's hardly been any coverage about this, I've been listening to fox news all afternoon, almost nothing.... :mad:

Thats probably closer but folks came and went all day long and some are staying for a vigil later-----all I know was it was a hell of a lot of folks and we weren't fricken BUSSED in like the other lazy MO FOS. :banana2:
For you going there, and standing up for us, in saying we support our troops... I heard Cnn do a piece on the event, and they said,about all the people comming in today as, not those who support the troop's, but they called everybody who came as, those who support the war :bs1:.......................Grrrrreeeewww..... We support the troops... God keep our troops safe, and God bless America..... :thanks: dillo you :rock:
Almost forgot about the bikers----LOTS of mighty nice rides showed up!


  • $nice bikes.JPG
    $nice bikes.JPG
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dilloduck said:
Almost forgot about the bikers----LOTS of mighty nice rides showed up!

I could see myself riding on the back of that baby.. yeeha. :laugh:
Dillo...are you a 'short' guy? I'm just saying in that pic of your back...I'd guess you to be about 5'5" tall.


Great job - Would have been a great chance to pass out USMB Business cards.

-=d=- said:
Dillo...are you a 'short' guy? I'm just saying in that pic of your back...I'd guess you to be about 5'5" tall.


Great job - Would have been a great chance to pass out USMB Business cards.


:happy2: :happy2: :happy2:
-=d=- said:
Dillo...are you a 'short' guy? I'm just saying in that pic of your back...I'd guess you to be about 5'5" tall.


Great job - Would have been a great chance to pass out USMB Business cards.

Close---5' 8" and shrinking.

I was trying to think of doing something to get USMB some special attention but thing were so hot and hectic I was lucky to come out with some pics.

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