Dilemma. Your thoughts?


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
I put an ad in a town 6 hours north of me, up in the Sierra's and I got a response. Actually, I got two responses..both quite nice. But one was up for sale and we didn't want to move there only to move again when it sold. The ad is for a room to rent for a couple of months so we can look at the rentals available and not such long distance to view them. 12 hour drives just to go look is out of the question...so why not just rent a room on a temp basis? But not temp to where we are there only a month and then out we go because it is listed for sale!

The other lady seems perfect. She is alone, a senior, and said my ad was exactly what she was looking for in housemates...3 months, 6 months, didn't matter to her...she could use the company AND the help with her furkids, of which she has 6 of. Small furkids..all little dogs. It is also a very large house and she said another couple living there would not make her feel so lonely. We would have the upstairs bedroom with a private bath...rent would be 550 per month, utilities included. She gave me the address and I looked it up on zillow and WOWZER! This is a beautiful home!

We chatted on the phone after giving each other our cell numbers and it was pleasant chitchat. She leaves often to visit family in another town and sometimes is gone a week, so she wants someone there to make sure the 6 little ones have fresh water every day although they have a doggie door and have full access to the HUGE grounds that are completely fenced in, but she does not want them alone during her absence. There is a lower abode underneath the house, originally a rec room built by the previous owner...HUGE...and a young man lives down there but does not help her, which he promised he would do. He also has two small children he gets custody of every other weekend and during the summer. She said his children are quiet and well mannered so they are no problem, but he works all the time and does not pick up doggie poo or is there to keep her dogs company when she is gone..which is why she let him move in in the first place. She also said he was looking to move soon.

All this is NOT the dilemma. The Dilemma is....she does dog fostering as well as having her own 6 little dogs. And she just got, this past friday, two new foster dogs. Pit bulls. TWO. She has no clue to their temperament except "the younger one is very headstrong" and she will not allow either of the two near her 6 little dogs. I asked her where she keeps them..does she have a kennel? She said she keeps them in the laundry room at night, lets them run loose in the property during the day. The 6 little ones have a blocked off area of their own.

I told her I loved all dogs and animals, but pit bulls scare the bejesus out of me and my concern is Karma, who is old and timid already. I wouldn't want to put a 3 year old child anywhere near 2 unknown pit bulls, much less my 12 year old dog. She said if I had to do laundry, she would put them outside. I said I would prefer to go to the laundry mat because that flimsy glass door to the laundry room is not going to stop two big strong pits if they have a mind to get thru it.

I know Pits have a bad rap..but they have it for a reason. And these two are unknowns, personality wise.

I'm leary. Very leary. Not for me...I can take care of myself. Its Karma I am worried about.

Sigh. What are your thoughts on this?

She invited us to come up and look at the room and spend the night if we wish, since it is such a long drive and we said we would get a motel but she insisted we stay in the room to "get a feel" of the house. To be honest, I would be scared to death to leave the room. What if she accidentally leaves the laundry room door open and they are loose in the house? omg. I shudder thinking of it. But I also LOVE that house and the lady herself!

What would you do if you were me?
I put an ad in a town 6 hours north of me, up in the Sierra's and I got a response. Actually, I got two responses..both quite nice. But one was up for sale and we didn't want to move there only to move again when it sold. The ad is for a room to rent for a couple of months so we can look at the rentals available and not such long distance to view them. 12 hour drives just to go look is out of the question...so why not just rent a room on a temp basis? But not temp to where we are there only a month and then out we go because it is listed for sale!

The other lady seems perfect. She is alone, a senior, and said my ad was exactly what she was looking for in housemates...3 months, 6 months, didn't matter to her...she could use the company AND the help with her furkids, of which she has 6 of. Small furkids..all little dogs. It is also a very large house and she said another couple living there would not make her feel so lonely. We would have the upstairs bedroom with a private bath...rent would be 550 per month, utilities included. She gave me the address and I looked it up on zillow and WOWZER! This is a beautiful home!

We chatted on the phone after giving each other our cell numbers and it was pleasant chitchat. She leaves often to visit family in another town and sometimes is gone a week, so she wants someone there to make sure the 6 little ones have fresh water every day although they have a doggie door and have full access to the HUGE grounds that are completely fenced in, but she does not want them alone during her absence. There is a lower abode underneath the house, originally a rec room built by the previous owner...HUGE...and a young man lives down there but does not help her, which he promised he would do. He also has two small children he gets custody of every other weekend and during the summer. She said his children are quiet and well mannered so they are no problem, but he works all the time and does not pick up doggie poo or is there to keep her dogs company when she is gone..which is why she let him move in in the first place. She also said he was looking to move soon.

All this is NOT the dilemma. The Dilemma is....she does dog fostering as well as having her own 6 little dogs. And she just got, this past friday, two new foster dogs. Pit bulls. TWO. She has no clue to their temperament except "the younger one is very headstrong" and she will not allow either of the two near her 6 little dogs. I asked her where she keeps them..does she have a kennel? She said she keeps them in the laundry room at night, lets them run loose in the property during the day. The 6 little ones have a blocked off area of their own.

I told her I loved all dogs and animals, but pit bulls scare the bejesus out of me and my concern is Karma, who is old and timid already. I wouldn't want to put a 3 year old child anywhere near 2 unknown pit bulls, much less my 12 year old dog. She said if I had to do laundry, she would put them outside. I said I would prefer to go to the laundry mat because that flimsy glass door to the laundry room is not going to stop two big strong pits if they have a mind to get thru it.

I know Pits have a bad rap..but they have it for a reason. And these two are unknowns, personality wise.

I'm leary. Very leary. Not for me...I can take care of myself. Its Karma I am worried about.

Sigh. What are your thoughts on this?

She invited us to come up and look at the room and spend the night if we wish, since it is such a long drive and we said we would get a motel but she insisted we stay in the room to "get a feel" of the house. To be honest, I would be scared to death to leave the room. What if she accidentally leaves the laundry room door open and they are loose in the house? omg. I shudder thinking of it. But I also LOVE that house and the lady herself!

What would you do if you were me?
You had me until the pit bulls came up. While I do understand that often it's as much the owners as the animals, what does she know about the previous origins of those pits? You also understand that dogs have been bred for specific purposes for a long time. For example: my Great Pyrenees is wonderful with my goats but she HATES being inside anything. Would I consider placing even a "well-behaved" pit in my goat pens? No f**in' way! And an elderly woman who has even the faintest idea about dogs should never, ever have taken in two pits of indeterminable background.
I know you aren't in a good place right now, but if part of the deal is that you will be responsible for any animals, I would at least float the idea that you have some say in what animals are considered. Six little pooches are one thing, most other dogs, OK, but I would think twice about pits. Seriously, pits were bred for one purpose, to fight and kill other dogs.
If I were you, I'd go look. Play the hotel stay by ear and see how things look. I would let her know that you have some personal reservations about the pits, and explain why. If the situation looks reasonable otherwise, maybe come to some accommodation with the pit situation, as well.
Good luck!
I am not around during the day here as I used to be because I am always on the prowl..hunting for a roof. Twice, I put Karma in harms way during my hunting. One was....she fell down stairs because she has never seen them before and it never crossed my mind she would not understand how to get down them although she got up them just fine. She was not hurt, but it scared her and scared me more when I reached her at the bottom where she tumbled all the way down.

The second time was meeting a nice lady in the town next to me. Really nice lady. We all liked her immediately. The room was nice too. Not a great neighborhood but not the worst. Problem was...she had a german shepherd that wanted to eat karma. It took all that lady's strength to keep that growling snapping snarling spittle sharp toothed huge dog from tearing karma apart. I got in front of Karma, then MrG picked her up and I was the only thing keeping her from being hurt really bad. The lady was very apologetic and tried to pass it off as her dog just wanting to "play". That was not play and she knew it, but she was embarrassed so I let her live in her lalaland belief it was innocent play. Playing dogs do not exhibit that kind of behavior.

I promised Karma I would always put her best interests first and I meant it. We are living in a van and an RV both, because nobody will rent to us with a dog that weighs over 20 lbs. Thats how much we love our dog. No karma, no room. Ok. Van it is, then.
I am fearful of those two pits. They could be the sweetest dogs on earth..just like karma...not trained to maim and kill...then again, nobody knows except the previous owner of the pits just what their temperament is, either. And why did this person give them up for fostering to begin with? The lady did not know. She just took them in.

My gut says....swallow the pain of not getting in that lovely home or enjoying that beautiful yard, and continue to keep Karma safe.
But I worry about that old lady too. Alone, with two strange pits in her laundry room.
I am not around during the day here as I used to be because I am always on the prowl..hunting for a roof. Twice, I put Karma in harms way during my hunting. One was....she fell down stairs because she has never seen them before and it never crossed my mind she would not understand how to get down them although she got up them just fine. She was not hurt, but it scared her and scared me more when I reached her at the bottom where she tumbled all the way down.

The second time was meeting a nice lady in the town next to me. Really nice lady. We all liked her immediately. The room was nice too. Not a great neighborhood but not the worst. Problem was...she had a german shepherd that wanted to eat karma. It took all that lady's strength to keep that growling snapping snarling spittle sharp toothed huge dog from tearing karma apart. I got in front of Karma, then MrG picked her up and I was the only thing keeping her from being hurt really bad. The lady was very apologetic and tried to pass it off as her dog just wanting to "play". That was not play and she knew it, but she was embarrassed so I let her live in her lalaland belief it was innocent play. Playing dogs do not exhibit that kind of behavior.

I promised Karma I would always put her best interests first and I meant it. We are living in a van and an RV both, because nobody will rent to us with a dog that weighs over 20 lbs. Thats how much we love our dog. No karma, no room. Ok. Van it is, then.
I am fearful of those two pits. They could be the sweetest dogs on earth..just like karma...not trained to maim and kill...then again, nobody knows except the previous owner of the pits just what their temperament is, either. And why did this person give them up for fostering to begin with? The lady did not know. She just took them in.

My gut says....swallow the pain of not getting in that lovely home or enjoying that beautiful yard, and continue to keep Karma safe.
But I worry about that old lady too. Alone, with two strange pits in her laundry room.
Agreed! Go with your gut on this one, Gracie. Tough luck, but Karma will probably be better off for you decision. Pits can be sweet, but they are naturally inclined to certain behaviors, regardless of how sweet they might be. How many times are there reports of the sweetest, nicest pits who kill their owner's children, or elderly family members, or the neighbor's dogs, cats, or children?
This is what I sent her:

Hi again, **********!

You have a lovely home! And the stairs do look "doable" for our knees to climb! I think Karma will LOVE exploring the yard area because it is pretty big! I saw pics of it on Zillow, so I know what it looks like inside, sans furniture, before you bought it.
It is just beautiful.
We are thinking around the middle of January would be a good time to come visit and meet you and the rest of your little furkids...and of course see if the pit bulls can smell my fear or not. They are the only breed that scares me, I'm sorry to say. Once those jaws lock on, there is no removing them and you don't know their personalities yet so you made a wise decision to keep them separate from your little ones until you find forever homes for them. Personally, ******** and I adore little dogs but Karma was an exception. She is such a sweetheart with a loving soul. I had to have her at 8 weeks old. Here is a pic of her when she was just a wee one:

This is her buddy, Moki...who we had to put down less than 2 months ago (cancer):

And this is Pretties the Cat, when she first met Karma:

And after awhile, they were best buddies, until Pretties passed away:

And this used to be my back yard before I had to move. I did so much improvement to the landlords house and loved living there for 12 wonderful years..only to lose it. It makes me sad all that I lost.

Now the only furbaby we have left is Karma. Being around six of your own little ones will be so wonderful and may pull her out of her shell. She got timid and fearful after Moki died and I think she is still grieving the loss of him since it has not been so long ago that he died in my arms at the vets office and Karma with us so she would know he was gone from this world...and she is missing the cat as well, which is probably why she is my shadow. All those she loved went away and I can't tell her why or where they went.

Anyway, we do look forward to meeting you, and thank you for your hospitality in saying we can stay in the bedroom overnight. We would be more than happy to pay for that honor too. The extra dollars could pay your gas to wherever you go when you need someone to be with the little ones when you are wanting to get away! And, if that young man downstairs does move, then we will be your pet sitters!

The only problem I am leary of are the pit bulls. I know it is a bad rap they have, reputation wise, but aggressive breeds just make me very nervous so I hope your fostering of them finds them homes soon. I have to be honest and say that, because that is the only thing that I can see that makes me hesitant. I do not fear for me. I can take care of myself. But two of them...and my old dog and your 6 little ones...it's a very stressful thing to worry about, especially since you just got them and everything is new to them as well. They might see Karma as intruding on their new territory.
So, with that in mind, I have a lot of thinking to do. I so want to meet you and rent your room and help you out in the yard, pet sit, cook for you if you wish, be housekeeper, maybe start painting again and ******** fixing the downstairs with light timers for future renters if the young man moves out since you said he doesn't know how to turn off lights when not home...but those two dogs are making me nervous just thinking about them so assisting you with them is something I probably cannot do. I love all animals...but only two species I truly fear. Bears and Pit Bulls. Oh, and dentists. HAHAHAHAHA!!! But bears are not in a laundry room not far from my precious old Karma. See the dilemma I am having?

Anyway...I will call you in a week after all our doctors appointments and we can talk more, ok? And thank you so much for reaching out to us.
I am not around during the day here as I used to be because I am always on the prowl..hunting for a roof. Twice, I put Karma in harms way during my hunting. One was....she fell down stairs because she has never seen them before and it never crossed my mind she would not understand how to get down them although she got up them just fine. She was not hurt, but it scared her and scared me more when I reached her at the bottom where she tumbled all the way down.

The second time was meeting a nice lady in the town next to me. Really nice lady. We all liked her immediately. The room was nice too. Not a great neighborhood but not the worst. Problem was...she had a german shepherd that wanted to eat karma. It took all that lady's strength to keep that growling snapping snarling spittle sharp toothed huge dog from tearing karma apart. I got in front of Karma, then MrG picked her up and I was the only thing keeping her from being hurt really bad. The lady was very apologetic and tried to pass it off as her dog just wanting to "play". That was not play and she knew it, but she was embarrassed so I let her live in her lalaland belief it was innocent play. Playing dogs do not exhibit that kind of behavior.

I promised Karma I would always put her best interests first and I meant it. We are living in a van and an RV both, because nobody will rent to us with a dog that weighs over 20 lbs. Thats how much we love our dog. No karma, no room. Ok. Van it is, then.
I am fearful of those two pits. They could be the sweetest dogs on earth..just like karma...not trained to maim and kill...then again, nobody knows except the previous owner of the pits just what their temperament is, either. And why did this person give them up for fostering to begin with? The lady did not know. She just took them in.

My gut says....swallow the pain of not getting in that lovely home or enjoying that beautiful yard, and continue to keep Karma safe.
But I worry about that old lady too. Alone, with two strange pits in her laundry room.
Agreed! Go with your gut on this one, Gracie. Tough luck, but Karma will probably be better off for you decision. Pits can be sweet, but they are naturally inclined to certain behaviors, regardless of how sweet they might be. How many times are there reports of the sweetest, nicest pits who kill their owner's children, or elderly family members, or the neighbor's dogs, cats, or children?

What about that recent story of the man adopting a Rottie and the same day he got it home, it killed him in his own living room? Imagine TWO pits doing that.

My gut says no. I can't take the chance. I just can't.
MrG said he doesn't want to take the chance either, even though it is only until springtime we would be there. He is not fond of the pits either, being in the house but locked behind a glass door.
I am not around during the day here as I used to be because I am always on the prowl..hunting for a roof. Twice, I put Karma in harms way during my hunting. One was....she fell down stairs because she has never seen them before and it never crossed my mind she would not understand how to get down them although she got up them just fine. She was not hurt, but it scared her and scared me more when I reached her at the bottom where she tumbled all the way down.

The second time was meeting a nice lady in the town next to me. Really nice lady. We all liked her immediately. The room was nice too. Not a great neighborhood but not the worst. Problem was...she had a german shepherd that wanted to eat karma. It took all that lady's strength to keep that growling snapping snarling spittle sharp toothed huge dog from tearing karma apart. I got in front of Karma, then MrG picked her up and I was the only thing keeping her from being hurt really bad. The lady was very apologetic and tried to pass it off as her dog just wanting to "play". That was not play and she knew it, but she was embarrassed so I let her live in her lalaland belief it was innocent play. Playing dogs do not exhibit that kind of behavior.

I promised Karma I would always put her best interests first and I meant it. We are living in a van and an RV both, because nobody will rent to us with a dog that weighs over 20 lbs. Thats how much we love our dog. No karma, no room. Ok. Van it is, then.
I am fearful of those two pits. They could be the sweetest dogs on earth..just like karma...not trained to maim and kill...then again, nobody knows except the previous owner of the pits just what their temperament is, either. And why did this person give them up for fostering to begin with? The lady did not know. She just took them in.

My gut says....swallow the pain of not getting in that lovely home or enjoying that beautiful yard, and continue to keep Karma safe.
But I worry about that old lady too. Alone, with two strange pits in her laundry room.
Agreed! Go with your gut on this one, Gracie. Tough luck, but Karma will probably be better off for you decision. Pits can be sweet, but they are naturally inclined to certain behaviors, regardless of how sweet they might be. How many times are there reports of the sweetest, nicest pits who kill their owner's children, or elderly family members, or the neighbor's dogs, cats, or children?

What about that recent story of the man adopting a Rottie and the same day he got it home, it killed him in his own living room? Imagine TWO pits doing that.

My gut says no. I can't take the chance. I just can't.
Rotties are greatly a matter of nurture-vs-nature. I've had a rottie and my best buddy adopts rotties every time one dies. Rottweilers were not originally bred to kill other animals, they were actually herding dogs used in Europe to move animals from field to market and to protect the herds in the field. Pit bulls, on the other hand, were bred for the purpose of killing other dogs, but they'll settle on killing anything else. Unfortunately, Rotts have attracted the attention of people who would raise and train them to be violent and dangerous.
Gracie you and your husband just sound like the perfect tenants. And just who she needs in her life.

Considering the pits are only temporary, I would take the drive and sell yourselves as tenants and even help her find a new foster home for the pits.

I would also stress to her that the other tenants children could be at risk and she would personally be liable if the pits attacked the children and she could lose everything. Her home. Everything.

Gracie, no matter how this turns out and I do hope and pray that it works out well for you and your husband, please warn her about having those pits under these circumstances. For her sake.

Don't get me wrong. I adore pits. Always have. But even I'm nervous at the scenario you've described. I don't get a warm and fuzzy at all.
To be honest...as soon as she said Pit Bulls...Got Friday...keeping away from my little ones...the red flag went up. Big time.
And to be more honest, even if I didn't have Karma..I would not want to rent a room in a house with pits any more than I would want to rent a home with a bear owned by a dentist! lol
And I will try to warn her, but...that is a bit intrusive since I don't even know her. Instead of her being the little old cat lady...she is the little old dog lady but made a mistake in taking on two dogs that outweigh her and can kill her if they were so inclined.

Maybe she will find a home for them before the end of january. Maybe not. And maybe she wants company more than two pits and chooses us over them and finds someone else to foster them. I don't know. But as long as they are in her house...I won't be. And neither will Karma.

I feel bad for the guy with the 6 and 7 year old. The kids are not there yet or met the dogs since she just got them last friday and this is not his weekend to get them.

What a scarey situation.
Something MrG just said...something to think about:

6 little dogs. She is gone often. She wants help with her animals. Young man living in a beautiful home (at least what I saw of it before she bought it)...wanting to move. Why would he want to move? Smell?
Something MrG just said...something to think about:

6 little dogs. She is gone often. She wants help with her animals. Young man living in a beautiful home (at least what I saw of it before she bought it)...wanting to move. Why would he want to move? Smell?
Did she mention when he indicated he wanted to move? Maybe after she decided to invite two pitbulls into the place, and he does have two young children...

Smell? She did mention he didn't pick up poop...maybe.
I put an ad in a town 6 hours north of me, up in the Sierra's and I got a response. Actually, I got two responses..both quite nice. But one was up for sale and we didn't want to move there only to move again when it sold. The ad is for a room to rent for a couple of months so we can look at the rentals available and not such long distance to view them. 12 hour drives just to go look is out of the question...so why not just rent a room on a temp basis? But not temp to where we are there only a month and then out we go because it is listed for sale!

The other lady seems perfect. She is alone, a senior, and said my ad was exactly what she was looking for in housemates...3 months, 6 months, didn't matter to her...she could use the company AND the help with her furkids, of which she has 6 of. Small furkids..all little dogs. It is also a very large house and she said another couple living there would not make her feel so lonely. We would have the upstairs bedroom with a private bath...rent would be 550 per month, utilities included. She gave me the address and I looked it up on zillow and WOWZER! This is a beautiful home!

We chatted on the phone after giving each other our cell numbers and it was pleasant chitchat. She leaves often to visit family in another town and sometimes is gone a week, so she wants someone there to make sure the 6 little ones have fresh water every day although they have a doggie door and have full access to the HUGE grounds that are completely fenced in, but she does not want them alone during her absence. There is a lower abode underneath the house, originally a rec room built by the previous owner...HUGE...and a young man lives down there but does not help her, which he promised he would do. He also has two small children he gets custody of every other weekend and during the summer. She said his children are quiet and well mannered so they are no problem, but he works all the time and does not pick up doggie poo or is there to keep her dogs company when she is gone..which is why she let him move in in the first place. She also said he was looking to move soon.

All this is NOT the dilemma. The Dilemma is....she does dog fostering as well as having her own 6 little dogs. And she just got, this past friday, two new foster dogs. Pit bulls. TWO. She has no clue to their temperament except "the younger one is very headstrong" and she will not allow either of the two near her 6 little dogs. I asked her where she keeps them..does she have a kennel? She said she keeps them in the laundry room at night, lets them run loose in the property during the day. The 6 little ones have a blocked off area of their own.

I told her I loved all dogs and animals, but pit bulls scare the bejesus out of me and my concern is Karma, who is old and timid already. I wouldn't want to put a 3 year old child anywhere near 2 unknown pit bulls, much less my 12 year old dog. She said if I had to do laundry, she would put them outside. I said I would prefer to go to the laundry mat because that flimsy glass door to the laundry room is not going to stop two big strong pits if they have a mind to get thru it.

I know Pits have a bad rap..but they have it for a reason. And these two are unknowns, personality wise.

I'm leary. Very leary. Not for me...I can take care of myself. Its Karma I am worried about.

Sigh. What are your thoughts on this?

She invited us to come up and look at the room and spend the night if we wish, since it is such a long drive and we said we would get a motel but she insisted we stay in the room to "get a feel" of the house. To be honest, I would be scared to death to leave the room. What if she accidentally leaves the laundry room door open and they are loose in the house? omg. I shudder thinking of it. But I also LOVE that house and the lady herself!

What would you do if you were me?

Hey Gracie -- I've missed you. Here's my 2 cents. The fact that are fostered pit bulls, doesn't bother me. This lady's JUDGEMENT bothers me. Locking TWO large dogs in a laundry room most of the day when you already have your elderly hands full of 6 other tiny furballs and can't cope -- is just bad judgement. And stashing them there ain't gonna make them MORE sociable.

Also having a previous "border" who is not living up to his part of the bargain is a sign of not being in real control of her environment. Sounds shaky.. And you could end up with more drama than you need.

WE --- want to be all the drama you can handle. Don't go looking for MORE !!!! We'll feel jilted.
Good points, Flacal.

She takes on more than she can handle. What else is she not handling well? Or can't handle well?
MrG says he keeps smelling the house without even seeing it. She said she leaves for long periods of time. Who picks up the poo when she is gone? That young man isn't.

And...you are right. Two pits, locked in a small laundry room. Who cleans THAT up?

No. Just...no.

I think she is the typical lonely old cat lady...but instead has dogs. And if she did get the two pits forever homes...what will be next? Two more dogs? She has six. I have one. That is 7 dogs. Adding the two pits if they stay...that is 9 dogs.
I want to know what idiot gave her the two pits to foster.

This is a recipe for disaster. Granted my catahoulas were well bred and with fabulous dispositions I bred them large for the cold and would never ever have considered selling to a young couple with young children.

Jim Dandy could knock me on my ass in a heartbeat just when he wanted kissies and hugs when I wasn't paying attention :lol:. Cripes when you have powerful beasts they come with a great responsibility.

This is just so wrong. Only a very select few would be able to handle two foster pits. Not an old lady.

An old lady + 6 small dogs + young children + 2 background unknown pitbulls = potential nightmare scenario.

I put an ad in a town 6 hours north of me, up in the Sierra's and I got a response. Actually, I got two responses..both quite nice. But one was up for sale and we didn't want to move there only to move again when it sold. The ad is for a room to rent for a couple of months so we can look at the rentals available and not such long distance to view them. 12 hour drives just to go look is out of the question...so why not just rent a room on a temp basis? But not temp to where we are there only a month and then out we go because it is listed for sale!

The other lady seems perfect. She is alone, a senior, and said my ad was exactly what she was looking for in housemates...3 months, 6 months, didn't matter to her...she could use the company AND the help with her furkids, of which she has 6 of. Small furkids..all little dogs. It is also a very large house and she said another couple living there would not make her feel so lonely. We would have the upstairs bedroom with a private bath...rent would be 550 per month, utilities included. She gave me the address and I looked it up on zillow and WOWZER! This is a beautiful home!

We chatted on the phone after giving each other our cell numbers and it was pleasant chitchat. She leaves often to visit family in another town and sometimes is gone a week, so she wants someone there to make sure the 6 little ones have fresh water every day although they have a doggie door and have full access to the HUGE grounds that are completely fenced in, but she does not want them alone during her absence. There is a lower abode underneath the house, originally a rec room built by the previous owner...HUGE...and a young man lives down there but does not help her, which he promised he would do. He also has two small children he gets custody of every other weekend and during the summer. She said his children are quiet and well mannered so they are no problem, but he works all the time and does not pick up doggie poo or is there to keep her dogs company when she is gone..which is why she let him move in in the first place. She also said he was looking to move soon.

All this is NOT the dilemma. The Dilemma is....she does dog fostering as well as having her own 6 little dogs. And she just got, this past friday, two new foster dogs. Pit bulls. TWO. She has no clue to their temperament except "the younger one is very headstrong" and she will not allow either of the two near her 6 little dogs. I asked her where she keeps them..does she have a kennel? She said she keeps them in the laundry room at night, lets them run loose in the property during the day. The 6 little ones have a blocked off area of their own.

I told her I loved all dogs and animals, but pit bulls scare the bejesus out of me and my concern is Karma, who is old and timid already. I wouldn't want to put a 3 year old child anywhere near 2 unknown pit bulls, much less my 12 year old dog. She said if I had to do laundry, she would put them outside. I said I would prefer to go to the laundry mat because that flimsy glass door to the laundry room is not going to stop two big strong pits if they have a mind to get thru it.

I know Pits have a bad rap..but they have it for a reason. And these two are unknowns, personality wise.

I'm leary. Very leary. Not for me...I can take care of myself. Its Karma I am worried about.

Sigh. What are your thoughts on this?

She invited us to come up and look at the room and spend the night if we wish, since it is such a long drive and we said we would get a motel but she insisted we stay in the room to "get a feel" of the house. To be honest, I would be scared to death to leave the room. What if she accidentally leaves the laundry room door open and they are loose in the house? omg. I shudder thinking of it. But I also LOVE that house and the lady herself!

What would you do if you were me?

Run another ad. I have been acquainted with 2 pit bulls. One was a nice and friendly dog. The other one had to be muzzled when anybody beside the owner was around.
I am not around during the day here as I used to be because I am always on the prowl..hunting for a roof. Twice, I put Karma in harms way during my hunting. One was....she fell down stairs because she has never seen them before and it never crossed my mind she would not understand how to get down them although she got up them just fine. She was not hurt, but it scared her and scared me more when I reached her at the bottom where she tumbled all the way down.

The second time was meeting a nice lady in the town next to me. Really nice lady. We all liked her immediately. The room was nice too. Not a great neighborhood but not the worst. Problem was...she had a german shepherd that wanted to eat karma. It took all that lady's strength to keep that growling snapping snarling spittle sharp toothed huge dog from tearing karma apart. I got in front of Karma, then MrG picked her up and I was the only thing keeping her from being hurt really bad. The lady was very apologetic and tried to pass it off as her dog just wanting to "play". That was not play and she knew it, but she was embarrassed so I let her live in her lalaland belief it was innocent play. Playing dogs do not exhibit that kind of behavior.

I promised Karma I would always put her best interests first and I meant it. We are living in a van and an RV both, because nobody will rent to us with a dog that weighs over 20 lbs. Thats how much we love our dog. No karma, no room. Ok. Van it is, then.
I am fearful of those two pits. They could be the sweetest dogs on earth..just like karma...not trained to maim and kill...then again, nobody knows except the previous owner of the pits just what their temperament is, either. And why did this person give them up for fostering to begin with? The lady did not know. She just took them in.

My gut says....swallow the pain of not getting in that lovely home or enjoying that beautiful yard, and continue to keep Karma safe.
But I worry about that old lady too. Alone, with two strange pits in her laundry room.

I would go with you're gut. At 12 yrs old, Karma is vulnerable. That one old lady sounds like she has a lot of dogs...I actually love pits, but you have no way of knowing what sort of screening she does, how dog saavy she is and if she travels a lot it's just you, Mr. G, the two pits and 6 littles and Karma. To many uncertainties.

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