Difference Between The Republicans And The Democrats?

is integrity demonstrated by fixing the primary for the chosen candidate? by creating a fake dossier about your oponent? about giving your candidate debate questions in advance? by using super delegates to overrule the regular state delegates making their votes meaningless? by "if you like your plan you can keep it"? by "we landed under sniper fire'? by "I never sent classified data on my private server'?

BTW, stormy daniels is not president, she is stripping at a cheap bar in Virginia for tips in her garters, and her lawyer is going to jail for a long time.

9,100 plus lies is what you claim demonstrates integrity. Spare me your chicken winger bullshit.

I get it. you cant support your claim so like all libtardians you throw bullshit instead. Go away and come back when you can post like an adult.

Except I supported my comments. Trump has told over 9,100 documented lies. So maybe you go away and come back when you are mature enough to deal with the truth.

you have not supported anything, all you have done is recite bullshit talking points like a stupid brainwashed parrot.

Facts are not talking points son. Trump has told over 9,100 lies and they are documented.
Provide an itemized list of all of these so-called lies then.

I've discovered in the past many of these "lies" were a simply a matter of opinion.
Go buy yourself a tin foil hat and some Sebastian Gorka DVDS.

can't deal with the truth, can you? you lefties amuse me with your constant obozo love and ignorant blabber.

I am dealing with the truth and this is not it.

Prove it, dolt.

Everything you said is a lie. The fact there were no indictments and that it was already determined that Trump was not spied on is proof.

I never lie.

Republicans can point out their integrity, Democrats quite the opposite.

  1. 1.
    the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
    "he is known to be a man of integrity"
    synonyms: honesty, uprightness, probity, rectitude, honor, honorableness, upstandingness, good character, principle(s), ethics, morals, righteousness, morality, nobility, high-mindedness, right-mindedness, noble-mindedness, virtue, decency, fairness, scrupulousness, sincerity, truthfulness, trustworthiness
    "I never doubted his integrity"
  2. 2.
    the state of being whole and undivided.
    "upholding territorial integrity and national sovereignty"
    synonyms: unity, unification, wholeness, coherence, cohesion, undividedness, togetherness, solidarity, coalition
    "internal racial unrest threatened the integrity of the federation" Google

Integrity.....as when Republicans told Nixon he had to go, while Democrats shield curs like Obama and Clinton.
Be serious. In one party there are folks with integrity, and the Democrats are the other.
Irony Alert! Your example of GOP integrity revolves around a Republican, the first and only President ever to resign the office under a cloud of scandal.

Republicans can point out their integrity, Democrats quite the opposite.

  1. 1.
    the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
    "he is known to be a man of integrity"
    synonyms: honesty, uprightness, probity, rectitude, honor, honorableness, upstandingness, good character, principle(s), ethics, morals, righteousness, morality, nobility, high-mindedness, right-mindedness, noble-mindedness, virtue, decency, fairness, scrupulousness, sincerity, truthfulness, trustworthiness
    "I never doubted his integrity"
  2. 2.
    the state of being whole and undivided.
    "upholding territorial integrity and national sovereignty"
    synonyms: unity, unification, wholeness, coherence, cohesion, undividedness, togetherness, solidarity, coalition
    "internal racial unrest threatened the integrity of the federation" Google

Integrity.....as when Republicans told Nixon he had to go, while Democrats shield curs like Obama and Clinton.
”Difference Between The Republicans And The Democrats?”
Republicans are an Americans First Party
Democrats are a Mexico First Party

Republicans believe Americans have a right to sovereignty
Democrats hate that Americans have a right to sovereignty

Republicans love and respect patriotism, American culture, tradition and heritage
Democrats hate patriotism, American culture, tradition and heritage

Republicans are a ‘work hard for your own shit’ Party
Democrats are a ‘give me free shit’ Party

Republicans are a ‘be accountable’ Party
Democrats are a ‘hate accountability’ Party

Republicans are a ‘celebrate and champion America’s Best’ Party
Democrats are a ‘celebrate and champion our lowest grade’ Party

Republicans know men have penises
Democrats believe women can have penises

Republicans believe birth control is a pill
Democrats believe birth control is an action conducted by abortionists

Republicans believe an impaired society is a less productive society
Democrats believe all drugs should be legal and easier for children to obtain

Republicans believe Americans should be held to a high standard
Democrats hate standards and expectations

Republicans push family and core values, decency and morality
Democrats hate values, decency and morality
”Difference Between The Republicans And The Democrats?”
Republicans are an Americans First Party
Democrats are a Mexico First Party

Republicans believe Americans have a right to sovereignty
Democrats hate that Americans have a right to sovereignty

Republicans love and respect patriotism, American culture, tradition and heritage
Democrats hate patriotism, American culture, tradition and heritage

Republicans are a ‘work hard for your own shit’ Party
Democrats are a ‘give me free shit’ Party

Republicans are a ‘be accountable’ Party
Democrats are a ‘hate accountability’ Party

Republicans are a ‘celebrate and champion America’s Best’ Party
Democrats are a ‘celebrate and champion our lowest grade’ Party

Republicans know men have penises
Democrats believe women can have penises

Republicans believe birth control is a pill
Democrats believe birth control is an action conducted by abortionists

Republicans believe an impaired society is a less productive society
Democrats believe all drugs should be legal and easier for children to obtain

Republicans believe Americans should be held to a high standard
Democrats hate standards and expectations

Republicans push family and core values, decency and morality
Democrats hate values, decency and morality

Yep that about sums it up.

Integrity.....as when Republicans told Nixon he had to go, while Democrats shield curs like Obama and Clinton.
Kind of like when the Dems told Al Franken he had to go, while the GOP shields curs like Trump, Moore, Cavanaugh, Thomas, and Cain.

“President Trump’s statement that Herman Cain is ‘a truly outstanding individual’ is a message that the president of the United States is willing to ignore the allegations of a number of women who alleged that Herman Cain either sexually harassed them or had an affair with them,” said Gloria Allred, a lawyer who represented two of Mr. Cain’s accusers. “This message is an insult to women and should be condemned by the Republican Party and all those who care about respect and dignity for women.”
As I was saying, before I had to answer all the posts in my in-box,-....
...most folks know by now that Obama was behind the fake Russia Collusion scam. Inadvertent proof of same is the email that Hussein had Susan Rice send herself….send herself……to make the case that he was in no way guilty….meaning, he knew he’d be targeted.

Such an obvious ‘plausible deniability’ attempt by the snake. As usual for the corrupt party, they circle the wagons rather than admit the truth.

5. “Rice sent the email in question to herself on January 20, 2017
— the day of President Donald Trump's inauguration. The email memorialized a January 5 meeting she attended which involved Obama, then-Vice President Joe Biden, then-FBI Director James Comey, and then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates.

…a short conversation that included a discussion of the Steele dossier and its claims, Rice wrote, according to the Grassley-Graham letter: "President Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities 'by the book'.

Trump's loyalists pointed to the newly-revealed Rice email as evidence of the Obama administration's close involvement in the Russia investigation and interference in the FBI's work.”
Republicans set their sights on Susan Rice as they investigate the FBI and Obama administration

6. In short….’the honorable Dear Leader’ would never allow his subordinates to do anything underhanded’…..would he?

This by the same culprit that Obama had used previously to spread lies:
“…Susan Rice made her whirlwind tour on five Sunday news show appearances to specifically and emphatically blame an Internet video for the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the American diplomatic mission in Benghazi,…. these protests are rooted in an Internet video, … Her job was not to tell the truth, but to put lipstick on the Obama administration's Benghazi pig.”
Emails Show Susan Rice Prepped To Lie By White House | Investor's Business Daily

She did the bidding of the most prodigious liar ever to infest the White House, and her CYA email was just one more ‘job.’
”Difference Between The Republicans And The Democrats?”
Republicans are an Americans First Party
Democrats are a Mexico First Party

Republicans believe Americans have a right to sovereignty
Democrats hate that Americans have a right to sovereignty

Republicans love and respect patriotism, American culture, tradition and heritage
Democrats hate patriotism, American culture, tradition and heritage

Republicans are a ‘work hard for your own shit’ Party
Democrats are a ‘give me free shit’ Party

Republicans are a ‘be accountable’ Party
Democrats are a ‘hate accountability’ Party

Republicans are a ‘celebrate and champion America’s Best’ Party
Democrats are a ‘celebrate and champion our lowest grade’ Party

Republicans know men have penises
Democrats believe women can have penises

Republicans believe birth control is a pill
Democrats believe birth control is an action conducted by abortionists

Republicans believe an impaired society is a less productive society
Democrats believe all drugs should be legal and easier for children to obtain

Republicans believe Americans should be held to a high standard
Democrats hate standards and expectations

Republicans push family and core values, decency and morality
Democrats hate values, decency and morality
Republicans are an America First Party
Democrats are an Americans First Party

Republicans believe Americans have a right to sovereignty
Democrats believe that Americans are members of the global community

Republicans love and respect patriotism, American culture, tradition and heritage
Democrats hate ultra-nationalists, 'American' culture, tradition and heritage that divides Americans

Republicans are a ‘work hard for your own shit’ Party
Democrats are a ‘leave no American behind’ Party

Republicans are a ‘be accountable’ Party
Democrats are a ‘be compassionate’ Party0

Republicans are a ‘celebrate and champion America’s Best’ Party
Democrats are a ‘make American better’ Party

Republicans know men have penises
Democrats believe people are complex and not all fit a single mold

Republicans believe birth control is a pill
Democrats believe birth control is an decision made by a mother

Republicans believe an impaired society is a less productive society
Democrats believe in personal responsibility so some drugs should be legal and easier for adults to obtain

Republicans believe Americans should be held to a high standard
Democrats believe standards and expectations should be set by society not a single religion

Republicans push family and core values, decency and morality
Democrats believe values, decency and morality are not based on a single religion
Integrity.....as when Republicans told Nixon he had to go, while Democrats shield curs like Obama and Clinton.
Kind of like when the Dems told Al Franken he had to go, while the GOP shields curs like Trump, Moore, Cavanaugh, Thomas, and Cain.

“President Trump’s statement that Herman Cain is ‘a truly outstanding individual’ is a message that the president of the United States is willing to ignore the allegations of a number of women who alleged that Herman Cain either sexually harassed them or had an affair with them,” said Gloria Allred, a lawyer who represented two of Mr. Cain’s accusers. “This message is an insult to women and should be condemned by the Republican Party and all those who care about respect and dignity for women.”

Yeah I don't know how Cain was able to deal with those skanks after Bill Clinton got done with them....sloppy seconds...ewwww.

”Difference Between The Republicans And The Democrats?”
Republicans are an Americans First Party
Democrats are a Mexico First Party

Republicans believe Americans have a right to sovereignty
Democrats hate that Americans have a right to sovereignty

Republicans love and respect patriotism, American culture, tradition and heritage
Democrats hate patriotism, American culture, tradition and heritage

Republicans are a ‘work hard for your own shit’ Party
Democrats are a ‘give me free shit’ Party

Republicans are a ‘be accountable’ Party
Democrats are a ‘hate accountability’ Party

Republicans are a ‘celebrate and champion America’s Best’ Party
Democrats are a ‘celebrate and champion our lowest grade’ Party

Republicans know men have penises
Democrats believe women can have penises

Republicans believe birth control is a pill
Democrats believe birth control is an action conducted by abortionists

Republicans believe an impaired society is a less productive society
Democrats believe all drugs should be legal and easier for children to obtain

Republicans believe Americans should be held to a high standard
Democrats hate standards and expectations

Republicans push family and core values, decency and morality
Democrats hate values, decency and morality
Republicans are an America First Party
Democrats are an Americans First Party

Republicans believe Americans have a right to sovereignty
Democrats believe that Americans are members of the global community

Republicans love and respect patriotism, American culture, tradition and heritage
Democrats hate ultra-nationalists, 'American' culture, tradition and heritage that divides Americans

Republicans are a ‘work hard for your own shit’ Party
Democrats are a ‘leave no American behind’ Party

Republicans are a ‘be accountable’ Party
Democrats are a ‘be compassionate’ Party0

Republicans are a ‘celebrate and champion America’s Best’ Party
Democrats are a ‘make American better’ Party

Republicans know men have penises
Democrats believe people are complex and not all fit a single mold

Republicans believe birth control is a pill
Democrats believe birth control is an decision made by a mother

Republicans believe an impaired society is a less productive society
Democrats believe in personal responsibility so some drugs should be legal and easier for adults to obtain

Republicans believe Americans should be held to a high standard
Democrats believe standards and expectations should be set by society not a single religion

Republicans push family and core values, decency and morality
Democrats believe values, decency and morality are not based on a single religion

Awesome...so exactly what I said but repackaged and polished with spin?
Be serious. In one party there are folks with integrity, and the Democrats are the other.

Most folks know by now that Obama was behind the fake Russia Collusion scam. Inadvertent proof of same is the email that Hussein had Susan Rice send herself….send herself……to make the case that he was in no way guilty….meaning, he knew he’d be targeted.

Such an obvious ‘plausible deniability’ attempt by the snake. As usual for the corrupt party, they circle the wagons rather than admit the truth.

Let’s go over the details.

1.Evidence abounds that Hussein Obama was behind the Mueller-Russia Fiasco, and if you want to see a dramatic example of the difference between members of the two parties…..watch and learn:

Nixon was put on the grill by honorable members of his own party. “The most famous sentence [Republican Senator] Howard Baker ever uttered was his immortal line about Watergate: “What did the president know, and when did he know it?”

[Baker] was the ranking Republican on the special Senate committee convened to investigate the 1972 break-in at Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office building.

President Richard Nixon had conspired to cover up White House involvement in that break-in early after its discovery. But the country did not know that at the time. Baker didn’t either.

…Baker continued to press, not for Nixon’s advantage, but for the truth. His careful and detailed questioning won him widespread national attention and praise.” Howard Baker: the real story of his famous Watergate question

2. Now….which curs….er, Democrat officials, …are demanding full disclosure as to why Hussein’s fingerprints are all over the scurrilous attack on President Trump???

"Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe
There are new texts allegedly showing that the Obama White House, the CIA, the FBI, and top Democrats colluded at the outset of the Russia probe.

...coordination between former President Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, then-Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, and CIA Director John Brennan —which they say would “contradict” the Obama administration’s public stance about its hand in the process."


"Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation"


3. You may recall the email that Susan Rice wrote….to herself…..to cover Obama’s rear end.

“The email — which apparently memorializes a meeting with former President Obama, former FBI Director James Comey and former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates — was revealed earlier this month by Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).

The meeting touched on whether the Obama administration should withhold certain information about the FBI investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election from the Trump administration.

Grassley and Graham have raised questions about why Rice would send herself "such an unusual email purporting to document a conversation involving President Obama and his interactions with the FBI regarding the Trump/Russia investigation." Susan Rice attorney denies message she sent herself on Trump's inauguration was 'unusual'

The email, by a documented liar for Obama, is an attempt to soften what Obama knew would become public knowledge: that he got his troops together to produce the Russia Spygate Fiasco.

The email….next.

I thought the answer was the GOP eats with cutlery, and walk erect. But what the hell do I know.
Difference Between The Republicans And The Democrats?.

That's simple.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

And no, I'm not kidding. They are the scummiest scumbag pieces of shit to ever exist on the Planet

ALL of them. Not just the politicians. The scumbag voters that put them in Office are every bit as bad, maybe worse.

The politicians are just hired guns doing a job. The voters?? They're the real scumbags
Difference Between The Republicans And The Democrats?.

That's simple.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

And no, I'm not kidding. They are the scummiest scumbag pieces of shit to ever exist on the Planet

ALL of them. Not just the politicians. The scumbag voters that put them in Office are every bit as bad, maybe worse.

The politicians are just hired guns doing a job. The voters?? They're the real scumbags

When I become queen of this once great nation, I plan to nominate you as attorney general.

And I have my platform prepared...

Difference Between The Republicans And The Democrats?.

That's simple.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

And no, I'm not kidding. They are the scummiest scumbag pieces of shit to ever exist on the Planet

ALL of them. Not just the politicians. The scumbag voters that put them in Office are every bit as bad, maybe worse.

The politicians are just hired guns doing a job. The voters?? They're the real scumbags

When I become queen of this once great nation, I plan to nominate you as attorney general.

And I have my platform prepared...


I accept,


Sorry, tried to find a younger Queen.

Difference Between The Republicans And The Democrats?.

That's simple.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

And no, I'm not kidding. They are the scummiest scumbag pieces of shit to ever exist on the Planet

ALL of them. Not just the politicians. The scumbag voters that put them in Office are every bit as bad, maybe worse.

The politicians are just hired guns doing a job. The voters?? They're the real scumbags

When I become queen of this once great nation, I plan to nominate you as attorney general.

And I have my platform prepared...


I accept,


Sorry, tried to find a younger Queen.


Be aware.....she can move in any direction:

Yep, the democrats' House of Cards is getting very shaky, maybe Barr will be able to knock it down?

What happens when you learn that he can't? When it is shown nothing Trump claims is true?

Release of the Mueller Report today....the one you've been counting on for two years.

Grief counselorss will be available, but bring your own tissues.

We aren't going to see the Mueller report. We are going to see a bunch of different colored markings and selected passages Barr decides to show us.

This is the limit of your intellectual capacity.

Just repeat bullshit from the media.

Back to the kiddy table for you.

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