Did you survive the great American sequestration or the last depression inducing govt shutdown?

Yeah......these are the adjectives the left would like you to believe we're accurate in their descriptions.

Oddly enough even as bad as our economy was prior to those two situations they didn't even register as a blip on the radar or a speed bump on the road.

Yet many republicans are shying away from their promises to stop Obamacare & Amnesty citing that Americans will blame them.

I am sick of having cowards represent me..... Fuck your god damn reelection. You are there to represent ME not your career.

Just one more reason we need term limits.
Yeah we do need term limits.

As for the shutdown, it affected the credit rating for the US so thanks to these stupid mutherfuckers, we're paying a higher interest rate on our national debt. So yeah, it affected me. It affected everybody who pays taxes.
What is the point of the OP? Nobody died in the last government shutdown so let's have another?
our credit rating was downgraded, we lost 24 billion in the economy, the world lost trust in our Congress, ALL VERY BAD THINGS for our Nation.

The 24 Billion is a fabricated nuimber.

Much of it was money we were spending already...just on something different. You lefties are duped all the time.

How has our credit rating downgrade hurt you ?

Answer: It hasn't.
Yeah......these are the adjectives the left would like you to believe we're accurate in their descriptions.

Oddly enough even as bad as our economy was prior to those two situations they didn't even register as a blip on the radar or a speed bump on the road.

Yet many republicans are shying away from their promises to stop Obamacare & Amnesty citing that Americans will blame them.

I am sick of having cowards represent me..... Fuck your god damn reelection. You are there to represent ME not your career.

Just one more reason we need term limits.
Yeah we do need term limits.

As for the shutdown, it affected the credit rating for the US so thanks to these stupid mutherfuckers, we're paying a higher interest rate on our national debt. So yeah, it affected me. It affected everybody who pays taxes.

It raised nothing.
Yeah......these are the adjectives the left would like you to believe we're accurate in their descriptions.

Oddly enough even as bad as our economy was prior to those two situations they didn't even register as a blip on the radar or a speed bump on the road.

Yet many republicans are shying away from their promises to stop Obamacare & Amnesty citing that Americans will blame them.

I am sick of having cowards represent me..... Fuck your god damn reelection. You are there to represent ME not your career.

Just one more reason we need term limits.
So what is it you want? People to die? What have you brought to this country? Where would you be without government help? Does that make you a worthless parasite? Should you have been refused help? Hypocrite much?
More horses**t from the left.

I still have not read any horror stories.

Where are they.

Just like the corps from the 47,000 who die every year from a lack of health insurance.

Guess what ? They don't exist.

It's just a bogus number that was produced to make points when they wanted to pass Obummercare.

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