Did you all know Pot can cause heart attacks?

The causal link between smoking Marijuana and heart disease has been long established. The act of smoking brings into play some of the same chemicals and compounds that hurt the heart by smoking ciggies. My point is that this has been known for quite some time..and that linking the Coronavirus vaccine...and its alleged side-effects...is ludicrous~

From 2000:

Marijuana can be hard on the heart. In the first hour after smoking pot, a persons risk of a heart attack could rise almost five times, according to a Harvard University researcher.
As baby boomers born in the late 1940s and early 1950s reach the age at which heart disease is the leading cause of sickness and death, “we may see an increase in marijuana-associated heart attacks,” says Murray Mittleman, an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health.
The possible medical uses of the drug are receiving more and more attention. Mittleman thinks such use may be a bad idea for people with heart disease.
The danger exists in the first hour after smoking pot, Mittleman told an American Heart Association meeting in San Diego today (March 2). “It causes the heart rate to increase by about 40 beats a minute,” he says. “Blood pressure increases then abruptly falls when the person stands up. This could precipitate a heart attack.”
Mittleman noted that, as an immediate trigger for heart attack, pot smoking is nearly twice as dangerous as sex for a sedentary person, exercise for a fit male or female, a tantrum of rage, or a bout of anxiety. But its less risky than a spurt of exercise for a couch potato or a snort of cocaine.
Despite the high percentage of people younger than 50 years old who report they use the drug 12.5 percent Mittleman doesnt foresee an epidemic of pot-triggered heart attacks. For a 50-year-old baby boomer without other risk factors, like high blood pressure or high cholesterol, the absolute risk of having a heart attack in the crucial first hour after smoking marijuana is one in 100,000, he say

From 2019

Smoking is the fastest way to feel the effects of marijuana, which is derived from the Cannabis sativa plant. Yet marijuana smoke contains many of the same toxins, irritants, and carcinogens found in cigarette smoke — a known contributor to heart disease as well as cancer.
Marijuana cultivation and use dates back some 6,000 years. However, the cardiovascular and other health effects of cannabis aren't well studied. That's partly because under federal law, cannabis is a Schedule I substance, meaning it has "no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse." That designation places numerous restrictions on researchers, making it difficult to carry out rigorous research on marijuana.
"As a result, everything we're told about what marijuana does or doesn't do should be viewed with a certain amount of caution. This holds equally true for the risks as well as the benefits," says Dr. Kenneth Mukamal, associate professor of medicine at Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

Not good at all if you have a history of heart trouble:
From 2020

There's more evidence that smoking marijuana can be dangerous for people with heart disease, according to two new studies presented recently at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions. But in an unexpected twist, people who use cannabis were less likely to experience sudden kidney failure, the researchers found.
Patients who smoked marijuana and underwent angioplasty to clear blocked arteries were more likely to experience stroke and bleeding after the nonsurgical procedure than those who didn’t use pot, one study found. The second study concluded that patients who had survived a heart attack and used marijuana were more likely than those who did not use cannabis to have a subsequent heart attack. Both studies were released Monday.

For the scientifically minded--from 2019:

Marijuana is the most commonly abused illicit drug in the United States (US) and much of the Westernized World with a steadily increasing prevalence in usage and abuse over the past decade, especially among adolescents. Much of the available data on 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, relates to its neurological effects and anti-emetic properties, with very little on the cardiovascular (CV) effects of THC. Available literature shows that THC has three major effects on the CV and the peripheral vasculature in the form of “cannabis arteritis,” cannabis-induced vasospasms, and platelet aggregation, with an unknown verdict on the relationship between marijuana use and atherosclerosis progression. This manuscript reviews these effects and possible mechanisms of action. Moreover, limitations on current views of marijuana and indirect causes of CV toxicity will be investigated, such as concurrent drug use, lifestyle, and mental health. The effects of marijuana on the CV system are extremely worrisome and likely need more attention due to the growing legalization of cannabis for medicinal and recreational use across the US. As a result, awareness among health care professionals about potential side effects and toxicities associated with acute and chronic exposure of cannabis will increase in importance.

From 2011

A few studies and a number of isolated reports suggest that cannabis has a role in the occurrence of cardiovascular adverse effects, especially in patients with coronary heart disease. Numerous case-control studies have investigated the role of cannabis in the incidence of some types of cancer. Its role has not been ruled out, but it is not possible to determine whether the risk is distinct from that of the tobacco with which it is often smoked. Studies that have examined the influence of cannabis use on the clinical course of hepatitis C are inconclusive. Alcohol remains the main toxic agent that hepatitis C patients should avoid. In practice, the adverse effects of low-level, recreational cannabis use are generally minor, although they can apparently be serious in vulnerable individuals. The adverse effects of cannabis appear overall to be less serious than those of alcohol, in terms of neuropsychological and somatic effects, accidents and violence.

Further reading here..

Hooray, you know how to copy and paste things. These articles are laughable and are an appeal to hypochondriacs. You know why people get lung cancer and heart issues? Lighting plant matter on fire and inhaling it is bad for you. This isn't some secret. You know what most people do after consuming cannabis? Eat junk food, and lots of it. Also, stoners tend to be sedentary and not exercise. So we have lazy, fatasses that don't exercise and you wonder why they have heart issues? Occam's razor, dude. There are many ways to consume cannabis that doesn't involve lighting it on fire, and inhaling it. Oh, and this is all known and there isn't a mass media campaign to censor and cancel people that speak out against it.

Trying to link cannabis to a very sudden rise in youth heart disease/attacks(during a pandemic being fought by an experimental "vaccine" that's never been administered to humans on a mass scale) to Marijuana is delusional thinking.
Hooray, you know how to copy and paste things. These articles are laughable and are an appeal to hypochondriacs. You know why people get lung cancer and heart issues? Lighting plant matter on fire and inhaling it is bad for you. This isn't some secret. You know what most people do after consuming cannabis? Eat junk food, and lots of it. Also, stoners tend to be sedentary and not exercise. So we have lazy, fatasses that don't exercise and you wonder why they have heart issues? Occam's razor, dude. There are many ways to consume cannabis that doesn't involve lighting it on fire, and inhaling it. Oh, and this is all known and there isn't a mass media campaign to censor and cancel people that speak out against it.

Trying to link cannabis to a very sudden rise in youth heart disease/attacks(during a pandemic being fought by an experimental "vaccine" that's never been administered to humans on a mass scale) to Marijuana is delusional thinking.
STFU rookie sock. Yup..I can copy and paste..sadly, it would appear that you can't read. Your attempt to link the vaccine and heart attack via some sort of 'false flag' allegation regarding Marijuana is laughable.

"Very sudden'? Increase? God..what a fucking fool. Please..whatever you do..don't vaxx. I have hopes for our gene pool..they don't include your ilk~
The other things you mention are mostly true based on decades upon decades of research. In all that time, never, not one report has ever emerged about MJ causing heart attacks. But, now, suddenly, during a pandemic that's being fought with an experimental "vaccine" that's being injected into people on a mass scale... an article is posted linking an apple to an orange and you will blindly believe it....why? I'm not trying to be an ass, I'm genuinely curious as to why you'd believe a claim that's days old, with no long term evidence to back it up?
I have one brother. He is a few years older than me. He had a heart attack in his thirties over thirty years ago. Also a large family both parents have and they are all different- some are known to have done drugs and others bypassed those things in their lives. So a little bit of personal knowledge seeing first hand what different people do and want they have gone through.

You are in error about previous studies on it. Not as many studies as on the brain but yes they have studied the effects on the cardiovascular system too.

It may behoove you to not make assumptions on what another person's beliefs or thoughts are without a better scope of that person as a whole. I believe also that the issue being brought up now is to help cover the damages that the jab is doing to younger peoples cardiovascular systems.

One such study example for you with reference links dating back to 2002. I am certain there are earlier studies but I do not feel a need to look all those up. Pot studies being put out into the public sphere cannot explain away young children now having cardiac issues after they get the jab. They can though be informational when people are determine to search it all out and make their own choices of using it or not.

I have one brother. He is a few years older than me. He had a heart attack in his thirties over thirty years ago. Also a large family both parents have and they are all different- some are known to have done drugs and others bypassed those things in their lives. So a little bit of personal knowledge seeing first hand what different people do and want they have gone through.

You are in error about previous studies on it. Not as many studies as on the brain but yes they have studied the effects on the cardiovascular system too.

It may behoove you to not make assumptions on what another person's beliefs or thoughts are without a better scope of that person as a whole. I believe also that the issue being brought up now is to help cover the damages that the jab is doing to younger peoples cardiovascular systems.

One such study example for you with reference links dating back to 2002. I am certain there are earlier studies but I do not feel a need to look all those up. Pot studies being put out into the public sphere cannot explain away young children now having cardiac issues after they get the jab. They can though be informational when people are determine to search it all out and make their own choices of using it or not.

Yup....have been a few cases..another case of taking a statistical rarity...and magnifying it out of proportion.

Can COVID vaccines affect the heart?

For most kids, the vaccine will have no effect on their heart. But health officials are monitoring very rare occurrences of myocarditis and pericarditis after vaccination.
The risk is low, seen in less than 1 in 20,000 vaccinated children ages 12-17 (and even less frequently in other groups) with symptoms usually appearing within one to four days after the second dose.
It’s important to note that while also rare, a COVID-19 infection is more likely to trigger heart inflammation than a vaccine.
I may agree with him....it might be weed LOL:rolleyes:

not the poison jab!


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