Did we shut down America with false statistics? YES!

Notice we haven't regular flu death in a year?
I did notice that. Why?
That's why we tell employees to stay home if they are sick.
No silly, because under Trump. If you committed suicide, but had covid. You died of covid on your death certificate. Now we have Biden and they are counting people that only die from covid as covid deaths. So soon the media will be saying Biden cured covid and you will be praising him. Sad.
The whole thing was a stupid hoax.
Must be a good one to infect 30,000,000 and kill 500,000+
Closer to 80mil
Opera Snapshot_2021-03-11_183634_www.worldometers.info.png
The whole thing was a stupid hoax.
Must be a good one to infect 30,000,000 and kill 500,000+
Closer to 80mil
View attachment 466597
Dummy not every case has been documented. Research further. Or do you believe every case has been documented as that would not make any sense.
Despite what your former asshole-in=chief said, Covid is real.

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