Did wash. post publish dubious russia story to distract from Seth Rich bombshell


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The Washington Post published its dubious story on President Trump leaking classified information to the Russians less than an hour after the bombshell news broke that murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich was in contact with Wikileaks and that DC Police were ordered to cover it up.

Did Wash Post Publish Dubious Russia Story to Distract From Seth Rich Bombshell?

DC Police ordered to cover-up revelation that Rich was in contact with Wikileaks

The US is notorious for pitting blame on everyone and anything when it is they who are more guilty than any other group out there. The Shadow Gov. is not your friend sheep. ==========


Report: Seth Rich 'Leaked Thousands of Internal Emails to WikiLeaks'
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So he was a spy in the DNC and worked for the RNC and now they are saying the RNC maybe killed him to keep him quiet, is that what the private investigator is getting at?

I do not doubt it. I am still curious about the Attorney General and his aid who both committed suicide, of MO. They seem to quiet their own even, I find it suspicious, yes I do.
As Trump just admitted he did pass classified info the Russians, it will be interesting to see how Mindwars spins being tossed under the bus by DearLeader. Probably the same way he always reacts, by licking DearLeader's boots with even more fervor.
But keep in mind U.S. officials unfamiliar with intelligence sometimes make such mistakes. For example, in 2014, the Obama White House accidentally revealed the name of the CIA Station Chief in Afghanistan to the press. The Obama White House also reportedly revealed sensitive intelligence to the media concerning the Stuxnet virus to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program and details of the Usama bin Laden raid. Where was the outrage by the mainstream media and Congressional Democrats over these leaks?

Senator Dianne Feinstein accidently leaked classified sensitive information on drone strikes in 2009 during a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing. Nothing happened to her.

And of course there is Senator Patrick Leahy who deliberately leaked classified information to hurt President Reagan in 1987. As a result, he was thrown off the Senate Intelligence Committee and earned the nickname “Leaky Leahy.”<<

Press is creating another tempest in a tea cup

and they don't proof read their article for error in a rush to go to print
Seth Rich "bombshell?" :laugh:

Yah know you are a real card LOL................. a smart ass yah gotta love bhaahhahh.
Ya a "private eye" said he found proof on a laptop he's never seen :rofl:

Its either at the police station or the FBI has it. :lol:
And Drudge made it his headline for hours! These motherfuckers are getting DESPERATE!

Matt Drudge? Who is longterm friends with Laura Ingraham and her brother, Kellyanne Conway and her husband who represented Paula Jones with Ken Star , Breibart, and Dave Bossie who started Citizens? That MATT DRUDGE? Oh goodness, they know a secret. Same players, except for A. Breibart.
Link in org. post up top

The Democratic National Committee staffer who was gunned down on July 10 on a Washington, D.C., street last July just steps from his home had leaked thousands of internal emails to WikiLeaks, law enforcement sources told Fox News.

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