Did the media REALLY want Obama to go there?


Feb 14, 2011
They're mourning Obama not bringing up the 47% -- doing their best to get the knocks in that they thought Obama should have made.

But if Obama had brought up that video he could have been nailed with his own race-hustling video. Or Romney could have just cleared the air about the mistake he made with the numbers and what he really meant.

Maybe Obama was too smart for that.

And I guess it was smart. The media are pushing the 47% meme without needing to allow for the rebuttal Romney would have made. So add that small win to Obama's dismal performance last night.
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the question is did the left want this debate, real answer no, because Romney did the two things Obama was not prepared for, Romney went after Obama and Romney treated Obama as the press will not do and thats question him and go after him.
the question is did the left want this debate, real answer no, because Romney did the two things Obama was not prepared for, Romney went after Obama and Romney treated Obama as the press will not do and thats question him and go after him.

And this guy is just outraged. He didn't get his tingle. And he is mad and by God, he's not going to take it anymore. "The ONLY real debate is happening RIGHT HERE on this network, MSNBC"! And I don't know why Obama won't LISTEN to US!

What a freaking dweeb!

They're mourning Obama not bringing up the 47% -- doing their best to get the knocks in that they thought Obama should have made.

But if Obama had brought up that video he could have been nailed with his own race-hustling video. Or Romney could have just cleared the air about the mistake he made with the numbers and what he really meant.

Maybe Obama was too smart for that.

And I guess it was smart. The media are pushing the 47% meme without needing to allow for the rebuttal Romney would have made. So add that small win to Obama's dismal performance last night.

You're exactly right. It's a really flimsy meme, and the LAST thing they could afford was to give Romney an opportunity to rebut it.
Yeah these guys want to go after non issues......they dont want to touch OBama's record with a 10 ft pole
What I'm wondering now is whether we're going to start seeing a few media rats jumping off Obama's sinking ship. :eusa_eh:
These people have got to be thinking about their careers going... (excuse the pun)... forward. If I'm a liberal journalist in the tank for Obama today, I'm thinking how far down that path am I willing to go?... how ridiculous will I look when the guy gets his ass handed to him?... what will be left for me if I become a caricature?
i dont understand race hustling....
the facts were white gop responded to quicker to white areas for aid. this is nothing new, this is just how white people are. The repsonse time was faster for white areas unlike black ones. blacks are always taught they will never be equal as whites. this is called the brutal truth in life.
the question is did the left want this debate, real answer no, because Romney did the two things Obama was not prepared for, Romney went after Obama and Romney treated Obama as the press will not do and thats question him and go after him.

And Obama isn't used to that. He even asked for intervention to protect him.

Classic. What a whiny piece of shit he is.
They're mourning Obama not bringing up the 47% -- doing their best to get the knocks in that they thought Obama should have made.

But if Obama had brought up that video he could have been nailed with his own race-hustling video. Or Romney could have just cleared the air about the mistake he made with the numbers and what he really meant.

Maybe Obama was too smart for that.

And I guess it was smart. The media are pushing the 47% meme without needing to allow for the rebuttal Romney would have made. So add that small win to Obama's dismal performance last night.

Excellent point. Obama is so used to the media carrying the water for him that he knows they'll pick up the slack when he fails. He did fail miserably last night and the media was in shock. Looks like after a good night's sleep, they came back in swinging this morning.

Obama seems to fall apart when challenged, which is why he didn't broach certain subjects. His expertise is in reading TOTUS and he can't handle engaging in a real exchange, so waited for the bulldogs in the media to launch their one-sided debate.
Obama doesn't want the nation to know how many people don't pay income tax. Although we already do know.

If democrats really cared about the middle class or the poor they would lower state taxes, property, sales, junk food, cigarettes, gasoline, all the many taxes that everyone pays.

California has been run by dems for 4 decades and guess what's on the ballot? 2 tax hikes.
i dont understand race hustling....
the facts were white gop responded to quicker to white areas for aid. this is nothing new, this is just how white people are. The repsonse time was faster for white areas unlike black ones. blacks are always taught they will never be equal as whites. this is called the brutal truth in life.

Uh that's because you dont know that facts, go ahead and tell us the situation.

I do know Nawlins got more government aid than 9/11 and Andrew combined
i dont understand race hustling....
the facts were white gop responded to quicker to white areas for aid. this is nothing new, this is just how white people are. The repsonse time was faster for white areas unlike black ones. blacks are always taught they will never be equal as whites. this is called the brutal truth in life.

Uh that's because you dont know that facts, go ahead and tell us the situation.

I do know Nawlins got more government aid than 9/11 and Andrew combined

its was the response time to give out aid lol
After the ass whupping obama got last night does anyone think that Romney was not prepared to open up a howitzer if obama brought up the 47%?
Now, when Obama's unique ability to apologize is most needed, he forgets how.

His hard-core leftist base is waiting patiently for him to bow in their direction and grovel but, so far, he seems too dazed to do even that which he does best.
Now, when Obama's unique ability to apologize is most needed, he forgets how.

His hard-core leftist base is waiting patiently for him to bow in their direction and grovel but, so far, he seems too dazed to do even that which he does best.

He's not going to apologize for anything! Not to us anyway....now if we were from another country he probably would! Lol!

But he IS already making excuses....not for himself (he can't), but for what we saw in Romney last night........

President Obama and his campaign moved into damage-control mode Thursday after being battered by Mitt Romney on the debate stage the night before, arguing that Romney gained the edge by pretending to be someone he's not -- and saying the campaign will "make adjustments" going forward.
Obama campaign conducts damage control in wake of debate | Fox News
i dont understand race hustling....
the facts were white gop responded to quicker to white areas for aid. this is nothing new, this is just how white people are. The repsonse time was faster for white areas unlike black ones. blacks are always taught they will never be equal as whites. this is called the brutal truth in life.

I guess I don't understand race hustling either. I never heard the phrase until NOW. But here is the fact that you obviously missed about response or no response. Look at this photo.


Those are New Orleans school buses that could have been used to transport all the black people that wanted to leave (which WEREN'T VERY MANY) to safety. But Ray Nagin the BLACK MAYOR of N.O. and the democrat governor of Louisiana, Kathleen Blanco let them sit there and fill up with WATER. And here is a link to the devastation of that sorry ass city that has KNOWN FOR YEARS what the result of a devastating hurricane would be and chose instead, TO DO NOTHING....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT IT. AND DEMOCRATS RAN THE DAMN PLACE.

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The 47% line has been Obama's campaign line when he gives his speeches and he uses it to rile his dependent base. That is all it's good for. Polls actually showed that it didn't upset people and if the liberals would wake up, they'd see that the working people of this country are a bit tired of carrying so many people.

The liberal media isn't really angry at Obama for not bringing it up. Now, they are just pandering to theie base, who are the only ones who listen to them anyway.
Obama doesn't want the nation to know how many people don't pay income tax. Although we already do know.

If democrats really cared about the middle class or the poor they would lower state taxes, property, sales, junk food, cigarettes, gasoline, all the many taxes that everyone pays.

California has been run by dems for 4 decades and guess what's on the ballot? 2 tax hikes.

That is the democrat creed. All they know is to TAX and SPEND...or borrow money from China.:mad:

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