Did Ol' Joe Save Medicare?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by Dad29 Dad29: Did Ol' Joe Save Medicare?

No, Ol' Joe, serial liar, did NOT save Medicare.

...Asked about Medicare reform, the vice president said, “Look, I was there when we did that with Social Security in 1983. I was one of eight people sitting in the room that included Tip O’Neill negotiating with President Reagan. We all got together and everybody said, as long as everybody’s in the deal, everybody’s in the deal, and everybody is making some sacrifice, we can find a way.”

...On “Meet the Press” on April 29, 2007, then-Sen. Biden made a similar claim, saying he was “one of five people — I was the junior guy — in the meeting with Bob Dole and George Mitchell when we put Social Security on the right path for 60 years.”

Maybe he was there to get water for the real players, but....

...according to the historical record, Biden was not one of the small group of people in “the room,” or in “the meeting” — nor was he even a key player in reforms. --Breitbart quoting Jake Tapper/ABC News

Maybe he was looking for another biography to cadge.

Any post based on Breitbart is invalid. Not a single thing from that site or its dead alcoholic founder is true.
I don't know much about these claims or these meetings, but I think Medicare is beyond saving. Simply put, Medicare patients are using more money than they put in. Even if every person paid $100,000 into SS during their career, it would run out pretty quickly if they each used $150,000

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