Did Obama Policies Cause This Latest Flare-up In The Middle East?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

The media is giving Obama credit for a Arab-Israeli truce this weekend, but should they? After all, who is partly responsible for the Arab Spring in the first place. Who helped Libya gain it's independence from yet another dictator? Who helped Egypt free itself from the yoke of slavery from one leader only to be replaced by yet another, only this one is a top dog in the Muslim Brotherhood?

How can Obama take credit for some flimsy cease-fire when he helped cause the aggression in the first place. Who has been helping arm Hamas which stated that their goal isn't a Palestinian state anymore but the complete takeover of all of Israel, as if that wasn't their plans all along. The PLO just wants a return to 1967 borders, and the turnover of Jerusalem to the Palestinians. That's the moderate view.

Rest assured, Obama will repeat this as an example of a foreign policy victory, but wasn't it caused by his policies in the first place?


After Israel, Hamas reach Gaza cease-fire, both sides claim victory - The Washington Post
Of course Barack Obama caused the Arab Spring! The hopes, dreams and aspirations of the People of Tunisia and Libya and Egypt and Yemen and Syria mean absolutely nothing! They're all just clay in the hands of our Master Globalist Potter....right?

Ya know, it may come as a shock to some of you Obamaphobes and right-wing True Believers, but there really are people out there who take the principles of self-government found in our Declaration of Independence to heart, who dare to dream of self-rule, of freedom, of liberty rather than a lifetime under the heavy hand of a tyrant. And some of them even have the courage to act in the face of repression, to take the violent, bloody steps sometimes necessary to live as free men and women.

Yet, you would deny them those unalienable rights which come from our Creator in the name of expediency and party politics. You'd turn your back on the Will of those People instead of helping them achieve their dreams, as the French did for us during our revolution. You'd say to them, "You don't deserve to have what we have; you deserve to continue living under a brutal dictator." George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin must be rolling over in their graves to see how mean-spirited and evil-minded YOUR America has become. YOUR America would subvert the guiding principles of our nation for crass, selfish reasons. Thank God YOUR type of American isn't in charge right now.

Worse, while you would short-circuit and actively oppose someone else exercising their God-given right to self-government, you claim it for yourself in a fit of pique over loosing the election! Self-rule is bad for the Egyptians, but good enough for you because you're sore losers who now want to secede?

Does the hypocrisy of the right know no bounds?
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obama's policies didn't cause the flare up in the middle east. The middle east will always be a basket case. It's like Hati. The dominant religion causes the people to think and act in destructive ways. In the middle east, it's islam. In Haiti its a mixture of Catholocism and voodoo. obama just chose to be on the wrong side of every flare up in the middle east.
lol, the Obama-haters are now going to attack the President for allegedly helping Morsi,

because Morsi is starting to act like Mubarak,

the guy the Obama-haters wanted to keep in power.

You guys never miss a chance to look ridiculous.
obama's policies didn't cause the flare up in the middle east. The middle east will always be a basket case. It's like Hati. The dominant religion causes the people to think and act in destructive ways. In the middle east, it's islam. In Haiti its a mixture of Catholocism and voodoo. obama just chose to be on the wrong side of every flare up in the middle east.

Democracy was the wrong side?
Is it not true that all presidents since WWII have pushed democracy worldwide?

Promoting Democracy: The Whys and Hows for the United States and the International Community

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lol, the Obama-haters are now going to attack the President for allegedly helping Morsi,

because Morsi is starting to act like Mubarak,

the guy the Obama-haters wanted to keep in power.

You guys never miss a chance to look ridiculous.

Yeah...but see? That's because Mubarak wasn't a Muslim and Morsi is.

Oh...wait. Mubarak WAS a Sunni Muslim, but he wasn't what you might call a "fundamentalist" about it and Morsi is.

So..what we have here is fundamentalist Evangelical Republican's supporting the back-slidden, semi-religious Muslim over a fellow true believer.

Hmmmm. You're right. They DON'T ever miss a chance to look ridiculous, do they?:D
lol, the Obama-haters are now going to attack the President for allegedly helping Morsi,

because Morsi is starting to act like Mubarak,

the guy the Obama-haters wanted to keep in power.

You guys never miss a chance to look ridiculous.

Yeah...but see? That's because Mubarak wasn't a Muslim and Morsi is.

Oh...wait. Mubarak WAS a Sunni Muslim, but he wasn't what you might call a "fundamentalist" about it and Morsi is.

So..what we have here is fundamentalist Evangelical Republican's supporting the back-slidden, semi-religious Muslim over a fellow true believer.

Hmmmm. You're right. They DON'T ever miss a chance to look ridiculous, do they?:D

I suspect that if the Mubarak side had held onto power, the Obama-haters would have found a way to blame the President for not giving enough help to the forces of democratic reform.
Obamination caused the chaos between Hamas and Israel because he kicked Mubarack out of office.

Mubarak used to regulate the arms flowing from Egypt to Hamas, now it's an open highway of more and bigger weapons ending up with Hamas.

Liberals are idiots that cause wars, then blame the US military, Israel, etc for the war.
Dumbfuck....Murbarak was our ally and more friendly to Israel than the Iranian plant currently in charge of Egypt.

The only options in Egypt are a pro-western dictator or a pro-Iranian dictator that is also an islamic nutjob.

lol, the Obama-haters are now going to attack the President for allegedly helping Morsi,

because Morsi is starting to act like Mubarak,

the guy the Obama-haters wanted to keep in power.

You guys never miss a chance to look ridiculous.
Clearly what the Woeld needs is more fundamental islamic governments.

(rolling eyes)

Thats fine, but when they step on their dicks and attack us, we obliterate them through carpet bombing.
Obamination caused the chaos between Hamas and Israel because he kicked Mubarack out of office.

Mubarak used to regulate the arms flowing from Egypt to Hamas, now it's an open highway of more and bigger weapons ending up with Hamas.

Liberals are idiots that cause wars, then blame the US military, Israel, etc for the war.

I'll bet you can't prove any of that.
Dumbfuck....uh, what just happened this past year?

Obamination threw Mubarak under the bus allowing the Iranian chimp to take control of Egypt. The flow of weapons from Egypt into Gaza has increased with Mubarak gone.

It's as if you dumbfucks live in another reality. You must be on drugs or have a major brain defect.

Obamination caused the chaos between Hamas and Israel because he kicked Mubarack out of office.

Mubarak used to regulate the arms flowing from Egypt to Hamas, now it's an open highway of more and bigger weapons ending up with Hamas.

Liberals are idiots that cause wars, then blame the US military, Israel, etc for the war.

I'll bet you can't prove any of that.
Dumbfuck....uh, what just happened this past year?

Obamination threw Mubarak under the bus allowing the Iranian chimp to take control of Egypt. The flow of weapons from Egypt into Gaza has increased with Mubarak gone.

It's as if you dumbfucks live in another reality. You must be on drugs or have a major brain defect.

Obamination caused the chaos between Hamas and Israel because he kicked Mubarack out of office.

Mubarak used to regulate the arms flowing from Egypt to Hamas, now it's an open highway of more and bigger weapons ending up with Hamas.

Liberals are idiots that cause wars, then blame the US military, Israel, etc for the war.

I'll bet you can't prove any of that.

In other words...ya got nuthin' but hatred for Obama and that's enough...right?
Dumbfuck....uh, what just happened this past year?

Obamination threw Mubarak under the bus allowing the Iranian chimp to take control of Egypt. The flow of weapons from Egypt into Gaza has increased with Mubarak gone.

It's as if you dumbfucks live in another reality. You must be on drugs or have a major brain defect.

I'll bet you can't prove any of that.

In other words...ya got nuthin' but hatred for Obama and that's enough...right?

Nothing but the truth you mean.

Being against somebody like Obama doesn't equate automatically to hatred. I also am against the following:

High taxes
Ever increasing food prices
A massive increase in energy costs
Increasing health care costs
Massive unemployment
A lack of respect by our allies
An insane foreign policy
Islamic aggression
A huge drop in our standard of living
Fear of governmental power over our lives
No privacy
Taxes on the internet
New gun regulations

Forgive me if I forgot anything, but being against the above doesn't mean I hate Obama.
Every Time I hear there is a brokered cease fire in the ME I wonder how many billions it is going to cost the US. Seems like every time a country needs money they just start lobbing missiles into the ME and we come along give them a couple of billion and they quit until that money is gone. And then we wonder why the ME is worse now then ever. What I see is the Obamaites praising anything they can that even looks like it MIGHT turn out good. That is how far they have fallen not even hoping for success just trying to invent it.

I still wonder how many riots were started because the POTUS put a video that no one watched front and center. Which turned out to be nothing but a made up fairy tale.
Typical response of a simple minded shithead.

Uh, when Egypt is aligned with Iran....that is not good for the world, you stupid pile of shit.

Ever heard of the Suez Canal??? Let's see what happens when islamic radicals running Egypt decide to shut it down in a US conflict with Iran or just because they want Israel to give up more land to the Arabs.

Get back to licking your dog's ass, that is your highlight of the day.

Dumbfuck....uh, what just happened this past year?

Obamination threw Mubarak under the bus allowing the Iranian chimp to take control of Egypt. The flow of weapons from Egypt into Gaza has increased with Mubarak gone.

It's as if you dumbfucks live in another reality. You must be on drugs or have a major brain defect.

I'll bet you can't prove any of that.

In other words...ya got nuthin' but hatred for Obama and that's enough...right?

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