Did Herman Cain Ever Have A Shot At The Republican Nomination?

What say you? Yay? OR nay?

I never thought so, for I felt too many people were just looking for reasons to dismiss him. Now they feel justified, and probably rightfully, so. "Fast ripe, fast rotten?" :lol:
No. Putting aside his woman problems, the guy is dumber than a rock, maybe even dumber than Sarah Palin.

Wait ... that didn't stop Palin. Republicans like rocks. Maybe he did have a chance after all.
no, at best, all cains campaign was a $1 bet between the koch brothers to see how stupid republicans are.........
The answer is yes he did if he had been on top of his game in foreign policy, and if his policy on abortion had been coherrent, which it wasn't.

yes, if he had runa c ompletely different campaign strategy and had different stances on issues he might have had a shot.......

and if my aunt was a man, she would have been my uncle.......

Pre or post 9-9-9
Pre or post the Libya debacle
Pre or post the sexual charges
Pre or post anyone asking him ANYTHING about foreign policy

Was he ever serious or was this all about him and his book and or speaking fee's? What are the chances of him doing this for a spot on fox?
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He had a good shot as long as he stayed unvetted. In hindsight, he had no chance. The affair was going to come out sooner or later and end his support among bible thumpers and his settlements would have been spun so bad in the general he'd have lost all 50 states.

But until that all came out? Oh he had a chance. He had a good shot at it. Now he's toast.

That isn't a bad thing though. Part of the primary process is the vetting. Cain just didn't stand up to scrutiny.

Vetting? You mean like the total lack of it in 2008 of Obama?

Exactly who was it who DIDNT vet Obama for the presidency of the united states? I love when they throw this out, but who was it who didnt vet him?
He had a good shot as long as he stayed unvetted. In hindsight, he had no chance. The affair was going to come out sooner or later and end his support among bible thumpers and his settlements would have been spun so bad in the general he'd have lost all 50 states.

But until that all came out? Oh he had a chance. He had a good shot at it. Now he's toast.

That isn't a bad thing though. Part of the primary process is the vetting. Cain just didn't stand up to scrutiny.

Vetting? You mean like the total lack of it in 2008 of Obama?

Um...how long were you ASLEEP in 2008? Seriously.
I think he should use all the publicity he's gotten to land himself a tv show.

My recommendation, a latenight cable channel show called

'Herman Cain's All Girl Friday Night Pajama Party!'

(you'll only get that if you're O L D enough to remember SCTV in the John Candy era, lol)
He had a good shot as long as he stayed unvetted. In hindsight, he had no chance. The affair was going to come out sooner or later and end his support among bible thumpers and his settlements would have been spun so bad in the general he'd have lost all 50 states.

But until that all came out? Oh he had a chance. He had a good shot at it. Now he's toast.

That isn't a bad thing though. Part of the primary process is the vetting. Cain just didn't stand up to scrutiny.

Vetting? You mean like the total lack of it in 2008 of Obama?

Um...how long were you ASLEEP in 2008? Seriously.

He was properly vetted?

Ok...you were paying attention...so tell me....what was his explanation for having 3 conflicting answers in regard to his relationship with Ayers?

Now...I didnt care about his relationship with Ayers...but I did care about him lying about it...which means HE saw something wrong with his relationship with him..

But let me refresh your memory..

At first he said (paraphrased)
'I dont know him personally. He is a man in my neighborhood'

Then it was found that he knew him personally and actually had attended a political event in Ayers' home....so he said (paraphrased)
'I know him but I had no idea about his past affiliation with the weather underground'

Then it was found that he, in fact, WAS aware of his past so he said (paraphrased)
'I know of his past with the weather underground but I was under the impression that he has been rehabilitated'

Now...if he was properly vetted, he would have been asked by every media outlet..."Senator Obama, please explain why you have offered upo three conflicting answers as to your relationship with Mr. Ayers."

Megan Kelly of Fox asked Bill Burton (Obama spokesman) that question and he offered up an answwer that I will tell you AFTER you respond...

But what about the other media......what did the Obama team tell them when they asked?
I think he should use all the publicity he's gotten to land himself a tv show.

My recommendation, a latenight cable channel show called

'Herman Cain's All Girl Friday Night Pajama Party!'

(you'll only get that if you're O L D enough to remember SCTV in the John Candy era, lol)

that is pretty much what his future holds for him!
Vetting? You mean like the total lack of it in 2008 of Obama?

Um...how long were you ASLEEP in 2008? Seriously.

He was properly vetted?

Ok...you were paying attention...so tell me....what was his explanation for having 3 conflicting answers in regard to his relationship with Ayers?

Now...I didnt care about his relationship with Ayers...but I did care about him lying about it...which means HE saw something wrong with his relationship with him..

But let me refresh your memory..

At first he said (paraphrased)
'I dont know him personally. He is a man in my neighborhood'

Then it was found that he knew him personally and actually had attended a political event in Ayers' home....so he said (paraphrased)
'I know him but I had no idea about his past affiliation with the weather underground'

Then it was found that he, in fact, WAS aware of his past so he said (paraphrased)
'I know of his past with the weather underground but I was under the impression that he has been rehabilitated'

Now...if he was properly vetted, he would have been asked by every media outlet..."Senator Obama, please explain why you have offered upo three conflicting answers as to your relationship with Mr. Ayers."

Megan Kelly of Fox asked Bill Burton (Obama spokesman) that question and he offered up an answwer that I will tell you AFTER you respond...

But what about the other media......what did the Obama team tell them when they asked?
You DO realize ALL of this was hashed out again and again BEFORE November 2008, right?
Vetting? You mean like the total lack of it in 2008 of Obama?

Um...how long were you ASLEEP in 2008? Seriously.

He was properly vetted?

Ok...you were paying attention...so tell me....what was his explanation for having 3 conflicting answers in regard to his relationship with Ayers?

Now...I didnt care about his relationship with Ayers...but I did care about him lying about it...which means HE saw something wrong with his relationship with him..

But let me refresh your memory..

At first he said (paraphrased)
'I dont know him personally. He is a man in my neighborhood'

Then it was found that he knew him personally and actually had attended a political event in Ayers' home....so he said (paraphrased)
'I know him but I had no idea about his past affiliation with the weather underground'

Then it was found that he, in fact, WAS aware of his past so he said (paraphrased)
'I know of his past with the weather underground but I was under the impression that he has been rehabilitated'

Now...if he was properly vetted, he would have been asked by every media outlet..."Senator Obama, please explain why you have offered upo three conflicting answers as to your relationship with Mr. Ayers."

Megan Kelly of Fox asked Bill Burton (Obama spokesman) that question and he offered up an answwer that I will tell you AFTER you respond...

But what about the other media......what did the Obama team tell them when they asked?
Read the whole thing, it's very informative (the link below). But for those that are too lazy I'll post the pertinent information.

Obama never said Ayers was "just" a guy in the neighborhood. The quote is from a Democratic primary debate on April 16 in Philadelphia, and Obama actually was more forthcoming than McCain lets on. Obama specifically acknowledged working together with Ayers on a charitable board, and didn’t deny getting some early political support from him. Here’s the exchange:

ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, April 16: An early organizing meeting for your state senate campaign was held at his house, and your campaign has said you are friendly. Can you explain that relationship for the voters, and explain to Democrats why it won’t be a problem?

Obama: George, but this is an example of what I’m talking about.

This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who’s a professor of English in Chicago, who I know and who I have not received some official endorsement from. He’s not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis.

And the notion that somehow as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago when I was 8 years old, somehow reflects on me and my values, doesn’t make much sense, George.

FactCheck.org : ‘He Lied’ About Bill Ayers?
Um...how long were you ASLEEP in 2008? Seriously.

He was properly vetted?

Ok...you were paying attention...so tell me....what was his explanation for having 3 conflicting answers in regard to his relationship with Ayers?

Now...I didnt care about his relationship with Ayers...but I did care about him lying about it...which means HE saw something wrong with his relationship with him..

But let me refresh your memory..

At first he said (paraphrased)
'I dont know him personally. He is a man in my neighborhood'

Then it was found that he knew him personally and actually had attended a political event in Ayers' home....so he said (paraphrased)
'I know him but I had no idea about his past affiliation with the weather underground'

Then it was found that he, in fact, WAS aware of his past so he said (paraphrased)
'I know of his past with the weather underground but I was under the impression that he has been rehabilitated'

Now...if he was properly vetted, he would have been asked by every media outlet..."Senator Obama, please explain why you have offered upo three conflicting answers as to your relationship with Mr. Ayers."

Megan Kelly of Fox asked Bill Burton (Obama spokesman) that question and he offered up an answwer that I will tell you AFTER you respond...

But what about the other media......what did the Obama team tell them when they asked?
You DO realize ALL of this was hashed out again and again BEFORE November 2008, right?

So if it was hashed out.....answer my question..

Candidate Obama gave three conflicting answers to his relationship with Ayers. What was the reason he gave to the media when he was asked WHY he had three conflciting answers?
Um...how long were you ASLEEP in 2008? Seriously.

He was properly vetted?

Ok...you were paying attention...so tell me....what was his explanation for having 3 conflicting answers in regard to his relationship with Ayers?

Now...I didnt care about his relationship with Ayers...but I did care about him lying about it...which means HE saw something wrong with his relationship with him..

But let me refresh your memory..

At first he said (paraphrased)
'I dont know him personally. He is a man in my neighborhood'

Then it was found that he knew him personally and actually had attended a political event in Ayers' home....so he said (paraphrased)
'I know him but I had no idea about his past affiliation with the weather underground'

Then it was found that he, in fact, WAS aware of his past so he said (paraphrased)
'I know of his past with the weather underground but I was under the impression that he has been rehabilitated'

Now...if he was properly vetted, he would have been asked by every media outlet..."Senator Obama, please explain why you have offered upo three conflicting answers as to your relationship with Mr. Ayers."

Megan Kelly of Fox asked Bill Burton (Obama spokesman) that question and he offered up an answwer that I will tell you AFTER you respond...

But what about the other media......what did the Obama team tell them when they asked?
Read the whole thing, it's very informative (the link below). But for those that are too lazy I'll post the pertinent information.

Obama never said Ayers was "just" a guy in the neighborhood. The quote is from a Democratic primary debate on April 16 in Philadelphia, and Obama actually was more forthcoming than McCain lets on. Obama specifically acknowledged working together with Ayers on a charitable board, and didn’t deny getting some early political support from him. Here’s the exchange:

ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, April 16: An early organizing meeting for your state senate campaign was held at his house, and your campaign has said you are friendly. Can you explain that relationship for the voters, and explain to Democrats why it won’t be a problem?

Obama: George, but this is an example of what I’m talking about.

This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who’s a professor of English in Chicago, who I know and who I have not received some official endorsement from. He’s not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis.

And the notion that somehow as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago when I was 8 years old, somehow reflects on me and my values, doesn’t make much sense, George.

FactCheck.org : ‘He Lied’ About Bill Ayers?

Fox News can eat shit and die.


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