Did biden's controllers give the taliban a list of names of Americans and our allies?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This gets more insane by the minute....but the adults are in charge, right? Well....the adults may have given the taliban the names of Americans and our allies ....... just what they need when they round up those left behind by the people controlling biden.....

In a move no one can grasp, U.S. officials in Kabul gave the Taliban a list of names of American citizens, green card holders, and Afghan allies, believing the Taliban would allow them to enter the militant-controlled outer perimeter of the city’s airport. Lawmakers and military officials are outraged.

The insane move was designed to expedite the evacuation of tens of thousands of people from Kabul by the August 31 deadline. It also came as the Biden administration began relying on the Taliban for security outside the airport. ISIS-K has since set up forces around the soon-to-be-renamed Hamid Karzai International Airport.

Hey....biden voters....do you feel real stupid yet?
Naw, man, stupid is assuming we can complete this evacuation without assistance from the Taliban.

Hey, I'm not seeing what you are complaining about, Dick Tiny. Afghanistan is the Second Amendment Wet Dream. Every asshole has a gun, the government been overthrown by assholes with guns. You should be thrilled about all of this. Isn't this what you guys keep claiming you want for this country?
Naw, man, stupid is assuming we can complete this evacuation without assistance from the Taliban.

Hey, I'm not seeing what you are complaining about, Dick Tiny. Afghanistan is the Second Amendment Wet Dream. Every asshole has a gun, the government been overthrown by assholes with guns. You should be thrilled about all of this. Isn't this what you guys keep claiming you want for this country?
So much blood is on your vote. You thought you knew it all. Stick to being a time card puncher, what you do best
This gets more insane by the minute....but the adults are in charge, right? Well....the adults may have given the taliban the names of Americans and our allies ....... just what they need when they round up those left behind by the people controlling biden.....

In a move no one can grasp, U.S. officials in Kabul gave the Taliban a list of names of American citizens, green card holders, and Afghan allies, believing the Taliban would allow them to enter the militant-controlled outer perimeter of the city’s airport. Lawmakers and military officials are outraged.

The insane move was designed to expedite the evacuation of tens of thousands of people from Kabul by the August 31 deadline. It also came as the Biden administration began relying on the Taliban for security outside the airport. ISIS-K has since set up forces around the soon-to-be-renamed Hamid Karzai International Airport.

Hey....biden voters....do you feel real stupid yet?

Several Congressmen on Twitter saying this is Treason. Not like fake Trump treason cause he hurt some fee fees. Real treason
Naw, man, stupid is assuming we can complete this evacuation without assistance from the Taliban.

Hey, I'm not seeing what you are complaining about, Dick Tiny. Afghanistan is the Second Amendment Wet Dream. Every asshole has a gun, the government been overthrown by assholes with guns. You should be thrilled about all of this. Isn't this what you guys keep claiming you want for this country?

You just described Chicago. Is that what you want for this country?
I'm sure that's how you see Chicago or any other city when you leave Jesusland... did the scary black man make you wet yourself?

My guns don't discriminate. All they see are threats, whether they be black white, or fucking purple for that matter.
Naw, man, stupid is assuming we can complete this evacuation without assistance from the Taliban.

Hey, I'm not seeing what you are complaining about, Dick Tiny. Afghanistan is the Second Amendment Wet Dream. Every asshole has a gun, the government been overthrown by assholes with guns. You should be thrilled about all of this. Isn't this what you guys keep claiming you want for this country?
All of the Woke People said '''"We know better". Laughing and calling people names all the time. chuckling and demeaning and slandering. I remember Biden calling Trump a clown as he was out of line in a derogatory way. And now we see the truth. The truth about Biden. Watching our politicians is like forced Chinese Water Torture. And they demand that we must continue or we are traitors when they are the traitors. If Trump had their support we would have put a salve on some of our problems. Even so, Trump did a lot himself and Biden removed the cure.
All of the Woke People said '''"We know better". Laughing and calling people names all the time. chuckling and demeaning and slandering. I remember Biden calling Trump a clown as he was out of line in a derogatory way. And now we see the truth. The truth about Biden. Watching our politicians is like forced Chinese Water Torture. And they demand that we must continue or we are traitors when they are the traitors. If Trump had their support we would have put a salve on some of our problems. Even so, Trump did a lot himself and Biden removed the cure.

Does your doctor know you are off your medication.

Let's get real. Trump negotiated this deal with the Taliban, and everyone knew that this was going to be the result... once we pulled out, the Afghan government would fall. And everyone was fine with it, Republicans and Democrats alike

It's kind of like ordering a steak, and then being upset when someone shows you footage from the slaughterhouse halfway through your meal.
Does your doctor know you are off your medication.

Let's get real. Trump negotiated this deal with the Taliban, and everyone knew that this was going to be the result... once we pulled out, the Afghan government would fall. And everyone was fine with it, Republicans and Democrats alike

It's kind of like ordering a steak, and then being upset when someone shows you footage from the slaughterhouse halfway through your meal.
Blaming Trump is the issue or non issue. We shut down Bagram Air base which was fortified and used the airport in Kabul. I wanted this to end like a lot of people. There are questions on how it was done. I do not trust my government and have lost faith in it. We have enough experience in these long police actions to figure out an exit. Well Biden and the Boys figured it out wrong. One other thing. There are many people living in the middle east in nations who want to so much live the dream. It is just that the percentage of those within their realm are violent for customs that are centuries and longer old.
Does your doctor know you are off your medication.

Let's get real. Trump negotiated this deal with the Taliban, and everyone knew that this was going to be the result... once we pulled out, the Afghan government would fall. And everyone was fine with it, Republicans and Democrats alike

It's kind of like ordering a steak, and then being upset when someone shows you footage from the slaughterhouse halfway through your meal.

No.....they did not......Trump had a plan....based on conditions before each step was taken....

The people controlling biden cut off aid to the Afghani forces, shut down the most important air base for evacuating civilians, and pulled out the troops......

You can't hide that screw up......

The people controlling biden had no problem cancelling everything else Trump did, so don't try to sell us the bullshit that the people controlling biden had to honor Trump's plan....you moron...
Blaming Trump is the issue or non issue. We shut down Bagram Air base which was fortified and used the airport in Kabul.

Yes, that was the agreement Trump signed, that we would turn over all our bases to the Afghans.

I wanted this to end like a lot of people. There are questions on how it was done. I do not trust my government and have lost faith in it. We have enough experience in these long police actions to figure out an exit.
Actually, we haven't had enough experience to know, WE SHOULDN'T GET INTO THEM.

That would be enough experience, to realize that they are terrible ideas.

Well Biden and the Boys figured it out wrong. One other thing. There are many people living in the middle east in nations who want to so much live the dream. It is just that the percentage of those within their realm are violent for customs that are centuries and longer old.

Actually, no. The problem was, most Afghans were fine with living the way they were living. They fought the Soviets for 10 years for trying to modernize their country. They fought the British for decades. Why did we think we were going to be different somehow?
Blaming Trump is the issue or non issue. We shut down Bagram Air base which was fortified and used the airport in Kabul. I wanted this to end like a lot of people. There are questions on how it was done. I do not trust my government and have lost faith in it. We have enough experience in these long police actions to figure out an exit. Well Biden and the Boys figured it out wrong. One other thing. There are many people living in the middle east in nations who want to so much live the dream. It is just that the percentage of those within their realm are violent for customs that are centuries and longer old.

Yeah....the whole talking point that we wanted out of Afghanistan is simply an attempt to distract people from the screw up created by the people controlling biden.....

Yes...we wanted out of Afghanistan...but no one wanted this fuck up.......and they would have supported not leaving 10s of thousands of Americans, and our allies to the mercy of the muslim butchers...

Don't let them get away with that crap....
No.....they did not......Trump had a plan....based on conditions before each step was taken....

The people controlling biden cut off aid to the Afghani forces, shut down the most important air base for evacuating civilians, and pulled out the troops......

You can't hide that screw up......

Turning over Bagram and all the other bases was a condition of the Trump/Pompeo agreement. So was pulling out all the troops. We never cut off aid to the Afghan forces... They were continuing to steal money from the US Taxpayer up until the last day. .. they just forgot to do the whole "Fighting" part of it.

Not that I can blame them.

The Taliban violated all the provisions of the agreement before Trump left office. They didn't negotiate in good faith with the Afghan government and they didn't stop attacks on Afghan officials. They assassinated 500 of them in the year after the agreement, most on Trump's watch.

The people controlling biden had no problem cancelling everything else Trump did, so don't try to sell us the bullshit that the people controlling biden had to honor Trump's plan....you moron...

Uh, cancelling this agreement would have been a lot harder than cancelling an unneeded pipeline or stopping construction on a wall....

It would have required us to mobilize reserves, deploy tens of thousands of more troops, and effectively start the war all over again.

Nobody was in favor of that. Not Democrats and not Republicans.

Getting the fuck out of Afghanistan was one of the few things everyone agreed on, until it happened, and then all the whining starts because it turned out to be just as chaotic as everyone said it would be.
Turning over Bagram and all the other bases was a condition of the Trump/Pompeo agreement. So was pulling out all the troops. We never cut off aid to the Afghan forces... They were continuing to steal money from the US Taxpayer up until the last day. .. they just forgot to do the whole "Fighting" part of it.

Not that I can blame them.

The Taliban violated all the provisions of the agreement before Trump left office. They didn't negotiate in good faith with the Afghan government and they didn't stop attacks on Afghan officials. They assassinated 500 of them in the year after the agreement, most on Trump's watch.

Uh, cancelling this agreement would have been a lot harder than cancelling an unneeded pipeline or stopping construction on a wall....

It would have required us to mobilize reserves, deploy tens of thousands of more troops, and effectively start the war all over again.

Nobody was in favor of that. Not Democrats and not Republicans.

Getting the fuck out of Afghanistan was one of the few things everyone agreed on, until it happened, and then all the whining starts because it turned out to be just as chaotic as everyone said it would be.

Keep selling the Bullshit......only people who voted for biden are stupid enough to buy it...
Yeah....the whole talking point that we wanted out of Afghanistan is simply an attempt to distract people from the screw up created by the people controlling biden.....

Yes...we wanted out of Afghanistan...but no one wanted this fuck up.......and they would have supported not leaving 10s of thousands of Americans, and our allies to the mercy of the muslim butchers...

Don't let them get away with that crap....

Okay, let's look at that.

First, Biden told the Americans to get out in May of this year. he extended Trump's withdrawal deadline to August to give them more time to get out.

For the Afghan "Allies" (i.e. the pathetic quislings who took our money and produced very little results) let's not forget, it was Trump and his lizard brain Stephen Miller who made it harder for Afghans or anyone else to apply for asylum in this country.

Ahh, remember the good old days when Trump Cultists were against immigration? I do.

Now, here's the thing. Afghanistan has been a bi-partisan fuckup since day one. Sure you can blame Biden and Trump for this current fiasco, but let's also blame Bush and Obama for the conduct of the war up to that point, or Reagan and Carter who had the brilliant idea to arm Islamic Radicals because the Russians might teach girls how to read.

I notice the point DickTiny keeps avoiding is that Afghanistan is EXACTLY what he and his fellow gun nuts want for this country. You don't like the government, you get an angry mob with guns to overthrow it. This is about the fifth time an angry mob with guns toppled an Afghan Government, and nobody is better off for it.

I suspect the Taliban won't last long, either, given that the economy will collapse without foreign influxes of cash.
Keep selling the Bullshit......only people who voted for biden are stupid enough to buy it...

Only Trump supporters keep drinking the koolaid.

Let's not forget, we are losing more people in a week to Covid than we've lost in the entire Afghan War because Trump supporters refuse to get their shots... This is the level of stupid we have to deal with.

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